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Everything posted by Robert

  1. It should go to some one in higher middle tier, eg dalsin, homer, eyrios, dean. Fin would be ok.
  2. When in the rare event that that outlandish circumstance is specified, and highly unlikely you are right. I mean in a general sense. For example, a averages set may say that so and so only gets to 16 speed, but you know that every time you used so and so, he got to 19 or greater, which is enough to double. It may not count for alot, but certainly something. see above that can be the difference between doubling, or a kill or a dodge, or critical.
  3. Lance's speed is only 5% growth better plus a small starting lead. By promotion or just after, their speed maxes at or comes close (20) not 25 assuming 20/1. According to FEA AVERAGES, lance has a 3 speed advantage. lance has a small skill advantage as well. However, Alan has hp, str, luck, def. Alan is still at a small disadvantage, but does that really make Lance FAR superior. It is a slight lead, not a complete better unit lead.
  4. I do not know... it could go either way, but when I use unit like othin or my wrath'd carrion, they have always hit.
  5. Karla can be a decent replace for Guy if you have not used him for some reason. She easily beats Karel stat wise. She is Fir's mother.
  6. restart? or use another unit.
  7. What is so good about lance? he a simple paladin with bad caps. he is not far off from alan and has similar supports.
  8. Eyrios could be a good canidate. Come to think of it Dalsin could be good with Wrath. He tends to double a lot, but he get countered more as a defender, and will finish units. (dont bash me please) r
  9. Skill. Without it, your str and spd are useless. that does not go every way. Str and skl (armor for example) can be effective for holding off enemies, and are not intent to kill, but to defend, and slowly stop enemies. Killing them too fast allows them to hit you too many times. Spd/skl- swordmaster/heroes- no explainion needed. completly offensive WITHOUT- Spd, str- usually an ax user like gonzales. good luck getting reliable hits in. EDIT: I agree, it really depends on the game. BUT I find str least important out of the offensive three. SKL DEF SPD MAG/STR (magic user or physical, if a magic user, str goes to bottom in games where they coexist) LCK HP CON/BLD RES
  10. Personal experience counts for SOMETHING. In theory, averages, and favortism arguments make sense, but in real playthoughs for something calles fun it is ok to abuse to make up for level leads, and the fact that the averages never come close (except fe4 sometimes) bother me! Your basing your argument on something that dosent even happen most of the time! Also, if you are debating for two really good units, if you can get them both WHAT IS THE POINT? you will end up using them both! Debating can be fun, that I can see.
  11. fe2 paladin prepremote I think. Thats me. See above.
  12. Thats true, but training both pegs is a pain. And she is so bad at attacking, it dosent make a difference.
  13. Yuno is outclassed by all of the units you have when she is recruited. She is a prepremote that dosent even have any benefits..
  14. They can be useful for bait, but really they are nothing special for fighting (luring druid staves and boltings) There is no loss for having them killed, and can be used for abuse (the caster gets 10 EXP for each one summoned) But you can only summon one at a time.
  15. IMO Jeigan= completely useless, no gains whatsoever, no point, only superior for a few chapter at best, a complete trap. Karla= a good replacement, not as good as guy, but useable and killer with the wo dao with she starts with. Renault=kinda bad, but can have utility and some fight to him. Fortify use a plus. So no, they certainly arent Jeigans.
  16. Renault can heal and a some use with a tome if you have no other bishop. Karla can be a worthy replacement for guy (if you did not use him for some reason) and is better than her brother.
  17. Celice gets premotes soon if you know what right for you. Then it becomes useless, and you lose 40,000 $ He dosent have that much movement to begin with, so you usually will not be getting much remove.
  18. A controlable ghost summoned by knoll or ewan as summoners. You can use them, and no penalty for dying, but they waste EXP and die in one hit.
  19. he already has canto, give it to a non mounted unit like brigid, or levin, or Ira, or Holyn. Tip- give the person you gave the leg ring to, the knight ring. They will get more canto that way. (nonmounted) If Faval get the leg ring, he can be recruited way before Ishtar catches up, so you will have time to recruit and kill with Ichaival (you have that right?) Fee with berserk sword to get bandits to go suicidal.
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