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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. I like to think that Ephraim becomes the Restoration King of Renais, and Eirika the Restoration Queen of Grado (knowing that's what Lyon would've wanted), and the two countries become so close that they're practically the same entity in all but name and government. If that doesn't work for y'all, though, then my second-choice future is "assimilated into Renais."
  2. It's actually fairly ambiguous. Maybe Miriel was dreaming, or maybe Sumia really is the devil. Who knows? The only person who could answer that just so happened to pass out. Personally, I think that it's real - it makes Sumia more interesting. If it's a dream, though, wouldn't it technically be Miriel making the reference... just, uh, projected onto a mirage of Sumia? head hurts i might pass out too hnnnng this must be sumia's doing
  3. as a texan get me out of here and i will agree with you completely
  4. I like to believe that Emmeryn's revival was caused with the Aum/Valkyrie staff which is why neither appears in this game. I mean, honestly, if someone from that era was going to revive someone else, she'd be pretty much the first choice for anyone from the east continent and probably half of Valm. Zero HP doesn't always mean death, so I'll just assume Gangrel and Aversa were playing on casual mode. Gangrel looks like he'd rather be dead so I'm able to forgive his survival pretty easily, although Aversa doesn't work too much beyond the parity of Validar also being revived a few times. And Walhart's just too POWERFUL to let this game end without him being alive. If he were to just disappear, then between the loss of him and Cervantes' mustache the world would forever become prettyboy utopia because, aside from Gregor's genes, there would be no remaining sources of MANLY on the continent.
  5. cutest couple ever look how happy stahl is <3 - Aside from Donna, though, I like him with Avatar, because he's too adorable to let anyone else have him. :c
  6. Ah, but one thing. Say we've got ice cream. Since I'm Texan, we'll assume this is delicious Bluebell Homemade-in-the-Shade ice cream, but you can replace that with whatever you want. So we've got ice cream. Oh, but here's the problem - ice cream is constitutionally banned. It's addictive, it's a drug, I don't know, the point is it's banned. You're not allowed to have it, ever. If we repeal that law, does that mean that every parent in the world needs to give their child ice cream for every meal? Not at all! Most meals probably won't even be ice cream, and doubtless there will be some people who swear off the stuff entirely. But some people will want to have ice cream, and now they will be able to. People who don't like ice cream will still see it in the grocery store, but ice cream has always been there - it's just been previously delegated to shady black-market ice cream parlors. But that's the extent of the effect the law will have on them - they won't be forced to buy it if they don't want to, and it acts as naught more than another option freeing those who love ice cream so that they can have it. The goal here is a very similar one. Marriage is not a Christian institution. It has been around for a long time, and over time it has been applied to many different faiths - even Atheists can get married, if they so choose to do so. Hell, even if you're the sort of person who sacrifices goats to a primeval dread god, you could probably get married assuming you found someone who was cool with ritual sacrifice. By implementing these laws, we're not forcing Christianity to change its tenets (which are themselves arguable) to account for something like this. If you're Christian, then sure, you have every right to not marry someone of your gender if you don't want to. But the fact of the matter is, not everyone is Christian. Just as the entire populace should not be deprived of delectable dairy due to the desire of despondent dieters, why should the entire populace be bound by a single tenet that doesn't constitute the entirety of the population but rather only the mistaken beliefs (e.g. that marriage belongs to them alone) of a single party. Another, equally delicious analogy - should we ban pork because Islam (a belief in a deity that created many things, pigs being among them) forbids consumption of them? This is my favorite point ever. Considering that I've spent the last decade continuously descending into madness due the the behaviors of my bigoted, straight family... I find it sincerely hard to believe that I could do worse as someone who'd actually give a damn about the mental health of my kids.
  7. Am I Olivier or Schera? Not like I care much, since either of them lives lives that are both more interesting and more attractive than my own.
  8. Landscknecht. You can also call them landsharks and people will know what you mean.
  9. It's also called "how the game is technically supposed to be played, but usually isn't because most players ended up having souls".
  10. well i mean the empire was trying to break them it's perfectly understandable those poor little rocks would be frightened
  11. maribelle as main lord lissa as love interest - i am sad now because i really really want this and i know it will never be
  12. Oh, wow. Not only am I wrong but it seems I've picked up a new ship in the process.
  13. Chrom, Lissa, and Emmeryn are all tagged as family members and have unique conversations with each other as a result, which also affects Hubba's testing if you're curious. Potentially amusingly, Say'ri and Yen'fay are as well. Nobody else should have anything odd, aside from mother/child, father/child, husband/wife, and (possibly?) sibling conversations.
  14. If they keep the avatar for a long time, yeah. For what it's worth, I have absolutely no problem with anyone connecting me to Olivier.
  15. Two actually explains 1. If you don't change out of your classes, then your characters won't have many skills, which makes fighting large armies like Walhart's harder but fighting yourself easier.
  16. Can't they just inject lesbian blood to counter it, though? I thought we had science for a reason. I mean, sure, they'd probably be more active on tumblr afterward, but otherwise...
  17. I signed up for a school blood drive once. They wouldn't let me participate because I'd done another man since 1977. So yeah, I don't give blood. Pity, too, since as a type O anyone (RH positive, at least) would be able to use it. I suppose at least I don't need to worry about anyone catching a virus I don't have after blood that doesn't contain it is run through a machine that checks for it anyway.
  18. So he's dead? Ah, well, I suppose that's the price I pay for not having actually played the hack itself until now, isn't it? I suppose next time I should probably do a little more research than "is he alive on FE wiki, does the TVtropes page mention his death, GOOD TO GO." Ah, but yeah, I knew I'd lost when they'd said Natalie. She completely slipped my mind and it's just too perfect an inclusion. since i've played my hand and it's obvious i'm just doing this for the hell of it at this point, how about summoner y;
  19. Hm... well, then continuing my logic from there (ah! why did it have to be my first leap?) Amazing how one little thing can change so much. If both of these are 4/8 with common characters, then that confirms that Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, and Sain are absent. It also confirms that, aside from Kent and Florina, two of Lyn, Wallace, and Wil appear. Confirmed: Kent, Florina Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain Suspect: (Lyn/Wallace/Wil) Examining this with the results of my 4/8, we find: Meaning Confirmed: Kent, Florina Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain Suspect: (Lyn/Wallace/Wil) (2 of Lyn, Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) Confirmed: Kent, Florina Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain Suspect: (2 of Lyn/Wallace/Wil) (2 of Lyn, Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra) Confirmed: Kent, Florina Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain Suspect: (2 of Lyn/Wallace/Wil) (2 of Lyn, Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra) (3 of Lyn, Wallace, Matthew, and Dorcas) No Lyn out of those four, so Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart Suspect: (1 of Wallace/Wil) (1 of Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra) (2 of Wallace, Matthew, and Dorcas) Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart Suspect: (1 of Wallace/Wil) (1 of Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra) (2 of Wallace, Matthew, and Dorcas) (1 of Wallace, Dorcas, Serra, and Erk) This means we've got two of Wllace, Wil, Lucius, and Dorcas, which combined with the first suspect point, simplifies to 1 of Lucius and Dorcas. Remembering that same point, one of Wallace and Will must be in, and both Wallace and Wil are exclusive with Serra, so she's out. Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart Suspect: (1 of Wallace/Wil) (1 of Eliwood, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra) (1 of Wil/Serra) (2 of Wallace, Matthew, and Dorcas) (1 of Wallace, Dorcas, Serra, and Erk) (2 of Wil/Wallace/Lucius/Dorcas -> 1 of Lucius/Dorcas) Considering that, we've got one Suspect point completely reduced! Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart, Nino, Jaffar, Wallace Suspect: (1 of Eliwood, Matthew)(2 of Matthew and Dorcas) (1 of Dorcas, Serra, and Erk) (1 of Lucius/Dorcas) Oh... hey, and with Wil confirmed, we can get rid of all of these statements; both Matthew and Dorcas must be in, eliminating Lucius, Erk, and Eliwood. I've also eliminated Nino and Jaffar in a proof that I erased, but whatever. Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Matthew, Dorcas Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart, Nino, Jaffar, Wallace, Lucius, Erk, Eliwood Suspect: Eliminates Guy Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Matthew, Dorcas Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart, Nino, Jaffar, Wallace, Lucius, Erk, Eliwood, Guy Suspect: Eliminates Karla. Confirmed: Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Matthew, Dorcas Out: Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, Sain, Dart, Nino, Jaffar, Wallace, Lucius, Erk, Eliwood, Guy, Karla Suspect: And now there's nothing left for me to mooch off of, so I'll go by important characters from Caelin that weren't playable since at least one was alluded to and all of the current ones were. Since you seem to be really emphasizing the 'Caelin' part, logic immediately goes to Hausen, who isn't dead yet (but soon dies, thus, story!). So: Kent, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Matthew, Dorcas, Hausen, and the eight one, if not a Dark Druid, is... a Druid?
  20. If both of these are 4/8 with common characters, then that confirms that Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, and Sain are absent. It also confirms that, aside from Kent and Florina, two of Lyn, Wallace, and Wil appear. Combined with this being 4/8, that also eliminates Lucius and Dorcas, because of the five bolded characters four need to be correct. And since we know Dorcas is out, that also confirms that one of Eliwood or Dart is in. Except for the fact that this is 3/8 with four of the mystery five and Dart, confirming both Lyn and Eliwood. Which, as 3/8, eliminates Karla and Guy. This is 4/8, without Lyn, which means one of the outliers are confirmed. To recap: this leaves us, for sure, with Lyn, Eliwood, Kent, Florina, Matthew, and one of either Wil or Wallace. Thus far, Karla, Guy, Dart, Lucius, Dorcas, Rebecca, Bartre, Rath, and Sain are for sure out. This being 3/8 with Kent and Florina, eliminating Chrom, Marth, and Bartre, means that either Wil or Serra is in as the sixth person. And this as 5/7 means just kidding, it's Wallace, which means Wil was out the whole time. Which means that the non-OC 7 need to be Lyn, Eliwood, Kent, Florina, Matthew, Wallace, and Serra. New unit is not a Paladin, Hero, Bishop, or Magic Seal, with the last potentially being the closest. Since Seal's a special class, I'll just guess blindly that it's somehow Dark Druid. Edit 453453453: Oh, wait, no, it was fine. I think.
  21. Olivia x Inigo is one of the best ships in the game. So yeah.
  22. No. Unless you literally name another avatar Morgan, but that's not the same.
  23. I am the worst person at languages ever. In spite of that, I have seriously considered learning Japanese solely to play the rest of the series. Technically speaking, I also joined this place because I saw the series mentioned on the FE12 translation page... and because I made a Nayuta sig and then one of my friends (who goes (went?) here) asked me if I knew Vincent because he had almost the same sig. :L FORUM FASHION FAUX-PAS AVERTED So yes, I rather liked FC. I still have confidence XSEED will find a way to release SC... but beyond that, 3rd basically depends on how well the series catches on on Steam, and Zero/Azure/Flash are never getting localized, period. this has not stopped me from making avatars/sigs based on 3rd/azure/flash just because pretty arts I won't fault them if they can't finish it. They're a small company who bit off more than they could chew, and it's amazing they managed to do what they did. But nonetheless, if that cliffhanger ain't ever resolved in English I'll be pretty disappointed. And... yeah. Oh, I suppose I could mention the music, but again, this is Falcom, so that really goes without saying.
  24. >all 11. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, the last game in the Professor Layton series, was announced for a late 2013 release in Europe and a 2014 release in North America. The crossover was not mentioned at all, although one might hope it's only so they can get the spoilertastic game out of the way first.
  25. My Streetpass team is 'Knights of Iris'. This almost makes it seem like I'm bitter about the localization until you realize that it's a play on my screen name and is also my guild name in Etrian Odyssey titles. Just a happy coincidence~
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