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Tessie Spoon

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Everything posted by Tessie Spoon

  1. Those all look real nice! You certainly know your way around color. What mostly led you to go by your current stylistic choices, btw?
  2. It all looks real nice, imo! I'm impressed you can get that quality from a variety of mediums; I'm kinda jealous. Impressed most by the pole fighter frames you drew; did you record someone doing that, using it as reference for drawing? I don't have any feedback to give, sadly. ^^;
  3. This theory on why they hardly make good video game movies is fairly interesting. Apparently, it's hard to make a good video game movie since most of what game games good is the interactivity, which movies lack. Though I think that more narrative-driven games have less of an excuse; it shouldn't be hard for a good writer to alter the plot yet keep it faithful. I always thought it'd be better to do animated or live action series of video games, but even those have their constructs that keep them from being as good as they can :/
  4. I regret the computer programming classes I took, since they never taight any actual programming. On my first and second years, they taught photoshop! Photoshop. Despite the class being called Java Programming. I regret not keeping in touch with my high school friends. I got the Skype of one of them, but he hardly ever replied. ...and a bunch of things that worsened my emotional issues.
  5. I apologize for hardly ever replying to this topic; I didn't realize you were open for feedback, Melodic ^^; I'll check in more often to see what I have to offer. So, for the stuff in this post... The anime club promo pic looks pretty good to me, overall! I like how you managed to structure her facial features realistically while still keeping her clearly feminine; some other artists (me included) end up making anime women look more like men when we try to structure their faces realistically. Especially impressed at the accuracy of that ear, too. : > As far as technical issues go... - The shoulders should be a bit slopier, so they look more feminine. - Related to the above point, the muscles between the neck and shoulder should be more visible. - The part of the top that goes from the neck to the top of the breasts (dunno the right term) seems unevenly placed relative to the neck; the part on the viewer's right seems directly touching the neck, whereas the one on the viewer's left seems more distant from the neck. This post has gotten a bit long, so I'll end it here for now. If you want more feedback, feel free to message me and/or check out this dA group all about helping people like us improve. I got a good about of quality feedback from there, so I'd say it's worth a look! :)
  6. Looks very nice! I like your use of bright colors, and I can see you know a good amount of anatomy :> Btw, what are your primary goals for your future drawings?
  7. >Muthafuckas often tell me how tha fuck dope mah afro is. >Ah?! Is mah afro disorderly?! Thanks fo' dat menstrual image, Charlotte n' Felicia! xD
  8. Jumping on the "most memes" train. A few I like, but it's more of a "oh this is amusing" kind of way, rather than frequently using or obsessing over them. ...except one :v
  9. Finished a couple new pics! One to go before I refocus on technical skills.

  10. It looks a lot better than your previous attempt! The masses of the body (such as the nose and forehead) are noticeable, whereas before they looked rather flat. The biggest issue I see is the eyes not having enough shadow around them; a little more would make it more accurate, since the underlying skull has the eye sockets within their own little caverns. Plus, you forgot to shade in the lower lip. The ear should also be slightly bigger. I hope this feedback helps! Overall, I'd say this is a decent result!
  11. Finally finished that pic! Took over 50 hours, though admittedly it's because several of those hours went into making alternative versions xD Anyway, the pic's attached to this post. Based on feedback I got from others and issues i noticed myself... Feel free to give your own opinions and feedback :)
  12. They both look really nice to me! Will you get around to coloring them? :> I'd give feedback, but I sadly have none ^^;
  13. No problem. Also, thanks for the feedback! I get what you mean about the lines and aliasing (my method of using sai is a bit messy), though could you elaborate on what you meant by "defined"? ...hm, it's been a while since I last uploaded something to this thread. Despite all the time that passed, I've been practicing art all the same, don't worry; I just haven't been making actual pics as much. Though you can expect me to upload a picture of Tiki I've been working on for 25+ hours sometime soon. I'm getting kinda fatigued on that one, so I feel obligated to get it out as much as my will will allow me. xD
  14. What do you think of "Butz" as a last name?
  15. The most SEXUALLY GRATIFYING of topics I rather like the Dark Mage outfit seen here at 5:21.
  16. So, I managed to finally finish it! Took me a little over 16 hours to make it. What do you think?
  17. Feels to me like you're making improvements in terms of anatomical accuracy. :)
  18. Oh, I see. I should have kept that in mind instead of just copying the shadow in the reference...thanks! Been working on a digital picture for a while, and here's a (admittedly outdated) lineart of it. I've gone pretty far in applying colors, but when I finish it entirely, I'll post it here.
  19. Personally, I don't mind so long as you get your money's worth from each game individually. I just hate games that charge so much for what little they offer (*coughcoughArTonelico3coughcough*); if any version of the game is good enough to warrant their initial price tags, that's enough for me. Though it'll still be disappointing if the Nohr storyline isn't as good as advertised...
  20. Looks nice to me! The only really noticeable plant life is that weed in the bottom right, but I'm sure coloring (as you said you'd do) will fix that. :)
  21. Hitler wore shoes. Therefore, shoes are evil! But yeah... the aforementioned fanservice makes sense, considering how well it goes with this being Waifu Emblem 2.0.
  22. For what it's worth, ProJared thought the story was great (and he tends to be a harsh critic on what he dislikes). : p That aside, I enjoyed it enough, despite how much potential it wasted. Aforementioned worldbuilding, plus the generic parent-child supports.
  23. Perhaps it is a bit roundabout, but none of the other methods I've found (such as Loomis') fit me better. Perhaps its because I never had anyone to often keep me on the right track when I was learning those (not even books were enough), but yeah. Though, the method he was describing wasn't so much about figure drawing as it was about drawing subjects in general. Birds, people, still lives... same Iteration method applies. Also, I finished the Ike drawing! Clocked in at just 7 hours on this one. Other than the self-crit I gave myself earlier in this topic, I don't see what to improve besides the lack of shine on the whole drawing. I completely forgot that applying highlights was a thing in traditional drawing, so I think I can try that the next time I make an actual shaded drawing on paper. edit: I just noticed that the shadow on the ground should have reflected some of Ike's cape. Can't believe I missed that when scanning where to put drop shadows xD
  24. That's actually a pretty solid crit! Thanks ^^ I'll keep that crit in mind when I try to draw a similar pose. Also, I edited my previous post to hyperlink the stock photo resource I used; apparently I forgot to do that xD The next pic I pose will be a finished version of the Ike WIP I posted earlier, so I hope you'll like it ^^
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