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Ace Tactician

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About Ace Tactician

  • Birthday 05/01/1991


  • Member Title
    Robert Downey Jr fan

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    Walleye hockey, Attack on Titan, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Impractical Jokers and Cats.
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    Huntington Center watching a Walleye Hockey Game.

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  1. I finally recruited Morgan today, and...he came with maxed out skill. I guess all that leveling up was not in vain.

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    2. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      Morgan: All right, thank you. And don't worry--I can defend myself, you just lead the way.

      The funny thing was, I had Lucina doubled with Chrom, so she heard the whole conversation, lol^^

    3. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Haha, that must of been a rude awakening for him. Poor Morgan, stuck in a strange time with strange people...at least he found his family though! I guess they ruled out the illegitimate child theory with his blue hair...but then Priam has blue hair too....then again, he inherits Rightful King which only Chrom has so that proves it!

    4. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      Yeah, I really liked the whole conversation Chrom had with recruiting him. I noticed that Priam gives Morgan a brighter shade of blue whereas Chrom gives him a more dusty sort of blue. I still like the color on him though.

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