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About CheatEnabled

  • Birthday 09/25/1992


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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late.

  2. would be cool if you could be on the evil side for one of them controling grima and the risen instead of just your units!
  3. maybe the DLC chars having a little personality would have been nice >_>
  4. funny how in one playthrough i'm on the chapter where you kill him, and the other we are eating cake like nothing happened. anyway thank's for the seed of trust
  5. yeah, i think it's a different timeline and your first meeting as well >_< would explain why no balloons and big search party :P
  6. pretty interesting. leave it to chrom to be renamed mus xD
  7. next thing we know nintendo will release info saying metaknights original design wasgoing to be yen'fay's
  8. some more free dlc would be pretty nice though ;d
  9. i don't really hate anyone but if i had to pick some i don't like it would deff be miriel, and vaike. miriel i dont know she just rubbed off the wrong way on me and vaike just seems annoying to me most of the time >_>
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