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Dr. Rudy Mjölnir

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Posts posted by Dr. Rudy Mjölnir

  1. Entirely off-topic, but I just had to make my amusement known. In Noire's support with Gregor as her father, we have this line from Gregor: "Oy! What a horrible night to have curse, yes?"

    Score another reference for the localization team. XD

    >_< Supports coming soon, promise!

    Oh my god.. Oh my GOD.. Simon's Quest reference... The localization team is the best!

  2. GregorxCordelia

    C support

    Cordelia: *Sigh* Oh, how can I ever make him love me?

    Gregor: The sound of lovelorn sigh sends shivers down spine of Gregor!

    Cordelia: Eek! G-Gregor? What are you doing lurking in the shadows?

    Gregor: To be prepared is big part of battle. Is true in war. And love! If we were love-fighting, this first skirmish go to Gregor.

    Cordelia: A brazen statement for one you have barely even met! And what does sneaking up on people have to do with love?

    Gregor: Is good that Cordelia want to learn! Gregor will enlighten. On battlefield of love, to be adored is to have high ground. Surprise attack can lay groundwork for great success.

    Cordelia: Aren't you taking this "love is war" metaphor a little far?

    Gregor: Surprise attack leaves heart's fortress unmanned, yes? Then gates can be knocked over with battering ram of charm! Heart is then defenseless for final assault.

    Cordelia: ...I see. You've clearly given this a great deal of thought.

    Gregor: Gregor more clever than he looks. Now you can also be victor in love!

    Cordelia: Yes, sir!

    Gregor: Hmm... Gregor hope he not just bite off more than he can be chewing...

    B support

    Cordelia: Gregor? Hello? Are you there, Gregor?

    Gregor: Oy, why you having long face like horsey just died? Did surprise assault on fortress of love meet with horrible failure?

    Cordelia: H-how did you know?

    Gregor: Gregor is already telling you! He is very wise in matters of love.

    Cordelia: So what am I doing wrong?

    Gregor: To make other people love you is easier saying than doing, yes?

    Cordelia: Especially if you're a boring stick-in-the-mud like me.

    Gregor: No, no, love is coming to everyone sooner or later. Just need practice, yes?

    Cordelia: Yeah, and I apparently need a lot of practice. I tried the surprise attack you talked about earlier, and he just got mad. I probably shouldn't have leapt out of the bushes in a Risen mask...

    Gregor: Is not concern! Even best plan is failing if pieces on board are wrong type, no?

    Cordelia: Oh, forget it. I'm going to go curl up with a pint of figgy pudding...

    Gregor: Never surrender! Cordelia can win battle! This is Gregor's guarantee. You are beautiful and charming, yes? Maybe attack was overwhelming. Is like sending armored knight to smoosh fly buzzing in kitchen. Instead of smooshy fly, you are getting only pile of broken crockery.

    Cordelia: Oh, this is all so confusing. You have to help me! Please!

    Gregor: Ho ho! Gregot shows how to navigate stormy seas of love to safe harbor.

    Cordelia: Thank you, Gregor. I don't know what I'd do without you.

    A support

    Gregor: There! Gregot outdo himself, no? Cordelia is looking like perfection!

    Cordelia: Er, look, Gregor. I appreciate all your help with this. I really do... I mean, who even kew you could sew or apply makeup? But, um, I'm not sure any of this is going to strike at the real problem...

    Gregor: Eh?

    Cordelia: Shouldn't we have just found out more about the man and what he likes?

    Gregor: No, is crazy talk! You are like tulip bulb in flower patch, yes? Tulip is only needing water and manure to grow into lovely flower. Tulip does not ask gardener what color she should be, yes? Tulip just grows!

    Cordelia: I'm really starting to lose my grip on your analogies, Gregor.

    Gregor: Gregor knows his way can be very confusing sometimes. But Cordelia have passion and beauty! He knows she can succeed.

    Cordelia: ...Wow. You're quite skilled at pep talks, I'll grant you that. Just be careful you don't get my head too big, or I might just float off!

    Gregor: Woman so charming as you should for sure have huge swollen head! Gregor says you are perfection, and he never wrong about such things. Now go claim victory, yes? Do this for Gregor.

    Cordelia: Y-yes, sir! I won't let you down.

    Gregor: Ah, Gregor... You have let fair woman take your heart while you not looking. ..... *Sigh* Ah, well. Gregor must soldier on...

    S support

    Cordelia: Oh, Gregor!

    Gregor: Cordelia! You must tell Gregor: how did his soldier do on love's battlefield?

    Cordelia: A-actually, there's nothing to report. I haven't done anything yet.

    Gregor: Did Gregot not give you enormous confidence boost?

    Cordelia: *Sigh* I know. You've done everything you can, and now it's up to me.

    Gregor: That is spirit!

    Cordelia: Well, anyway. Here goes nothing...

    Gregor: I am wishing much luck to you!

    Cordelia: Thank you. Now... Erm... *Cough* I...think I've fallen in love with you...

    Gregor: Ho ho! Is very good! Is exactly how you do it! Not even Gregot can resist charm!

    Cordelia: I was hoping we might see more of each other...and perhaps even get married?

    Gregor: Oy! Is so cruel to practice this on Gregor! Cordelia must save proposal for real deal!

    Cordelia: I have been. That was it.

    Gregor: ..... ...Oy, THIS is real deal? You propose to Gregor?!

    Cordelia: I propose to Gregor.

    Gregor: Then man you chase like lovesick puppy all this time was Gregor?

    Cordelia: Not at first, no. But the more time I spent with you, the more I knew I'd been wrong.

    Gregor: Gregor is confused, yes? All this...very not expected.

    Cordelia: You think I'm charming, right?

    Gregor: Like newborn baby napping in litter of tiny kittens!

    Cordelia: And you think I'm pretty, right?

    Gregor: Like sun over field of flowers on a cloudy-less spring day!

    Cordelia: And you like me. Right?

    Gregor: Oh yes. Gregor likes Cordelia very much.

    Cordelia: Then I think you have your answer.

    Gregor: Yes, is right! Gregor and Cordelia should make with the hitching!

    Cordelia: Oh, good! Then I think you owe me a ring.

    Gregor: Gregor have old sock of coins under bed. He buys Cordelia finest ring in land!

    Cordelia: Then Cordelia and Gregot become so much very happy, yes? Hee hee.

    Here you go, GregorxCordelia, everyone! Man, I have to say that I ended up liking their support conversation a whole lot, the only reason I paired them was because it was hard for me to pair Gregor with someone and Cordelia was the only free girl I had left.

  3. C support


    Miriel: Would you be so kind as to put an end to your caterwauling? I'm trying to read, but I can't hear myself think over your incessant grunting.

    Vaike: Har har! You gotta give it your all when ya train, or it's just a waste of time.

    Miriel: ...Hmm. Yes, I suppose that makes sense. The explosive release of air from the lungs generates power in peripheral muscles.

    Vaike: Who's got periwinkle mussels now?

    Miriel: And rapid spin attacks create centripetal force that increases overall speed. Fascinating! I Imagine you used complex calculus to optimize your methods?

    Vaike: Lady? From what you just said I understood "fascinating," and that's about it...

    Miriel: Surely you developed these skills of yours by calculating the forces involved?

    Vaike: I don't need a buncha math mumbo jumbo. I do it all by instinct!

    Miriel: Irrational means have yet taken you to a rational technique.... Fascinating. Perhaps this "instinct" of which you speak bears further investigation.

    Vaike: Fightin' a war ain't rational, lady. Just watch me in the next battle.

    Miriel: Very well. I shall do just that.

    B support

    Miriel: Ah, Vaike.

    Vaike: Heya, Miriel! So did you watch me fight or what?

    Miriel: Indeed. I observed that your battle shouts enhanced the effectiveness of your blows. Often the foe would briefly let down his guard, granting you a momentary opening. I had not realized the impact war cries could have on the psychology of an enemy.

    Vaike: Yeah, yeah. But what about me? What about the Vaike?!

    Miriel: I observed the details of your moves, but not from the perspective of the foe. Perhaps an analogy would be helpful here... So if we were to assume that you are a planet and the enemy is the sun---

    Vaike: Hey, wait. I wanna be the sun!

    Miriel: But the sun does not travel around planets. Rather, planets spin around the sun. Or so it was postulated in my mother's book. It has yet to be proven...

    Vaike: You sure it's not your head spinnin'? I don't see this ground going anyplace.

    Miriel: Alas, we cannot sense this motion, making the theory intuitively difficult.

    Vaike: All right, sure. The ground's spinnin'. Just like when I swing my weapon. yeah?

    Miriel: Yes. This generates the centripetal force we discussed the other day. I'm glad we had this conversation. It has helped clarify my thoughts on the subject. Would you mind terribly if we continued our discussions For research purposes?

    Vaike: You mean chat as friends? Er, well, sure. After all, we have so much in...uh, common?

    A support

    Vaike: Face it, lady---you've got more brains in your big toe than I have in my whole noggin. So why me? You must have egghead pals who are into this century-petal-force stuff.

    Miriel:Yes, but you possess in abundance something that I do not have---instinct. I learn a great deal from our conversations. They are most rewarding.

    Vaike: Well, I suppose I like talkin' to you, too. Not that I understand half of whatcha say... Speakin' of which, what's that giant brain of yours thinkin' about today?

    Miriel: Bonds.

    Vaike: ...Bonds?

    Miriel: There is nothing so complex and deserving of study as the human heart. And additionally, the bonds of friendship that arise unbidden between acquaintances Whence do these bonds of friendship occur? How do they change us? Mold us?

    Vaike: Are ya askin' me? 'Cause I'd say stuff like that just...happens. It's like...when you fight alongside someone you start to trust 'em and like 'em better. Take us, for example. You and I are startin' to like each other more. Right? I think of you as a friend, and you think of me the same way. ...Er, right?

    Miriel: I certainly find you an interesting subject for observation.

    Vaike: Er, yeah... That's not really what I meant. *Sigh* For someone so smart, you sure can be pretty slow sometimes... Okay, how about this: Why don't you and I go out together?

    Miriel: Go out? Where? And to what end?

    Vaike: We could walk around town, maybe drop by the alehouse for a pint and some chat? It's how folks strengthen their bonds. That's what you're interested in, right?

    Miriel: I fail to see how meandering about town will impact our relationship. But I am ever willing to experiment. Perhaps your instinct will teach me something new.

    Vaike: So... that's a yes, right? You'll go with me?

    Miriel: Yes, by all means---take me to this alehouse of yours.

    S support

    Vaike: Hello, Miriel

    Miriel: Ah, Vaike! My friend! Hello, friend.

    Vaike: Er, you don't have to call me "friend" all the time. We can just take it as a given. The best thing about friends is bein' comfortable around each other.

    Miriel: Ah, I see. I must confess, informality does not come...naturally to me.

    Vaike: Aw, Miriel. Is that a blush?! Don't tell me you're gettin' shy on me now!

    Miriel: Shy? Of course not. I have never--- That is to say...I... Perhaps. Only a little.

    Vaike: Heh, you sure you're feelin' all right? I've never seen ya be tongue-tied before.

    Miriel: N-no, it's just... Ever since we visited the alehouse, I haven't eaten well. I assumed the fault lied with the buzzard-and-kidney pie, but...it's something else. When I think of you, I feel a tightness. Here, in my chest. Is this friendship?

    Vaike: Um... Actually, what you're feelin' is a lot more serious than friendship.

    Miriel: Blast! It IS a malady. I knew it! Is it fatal? Is there a cure? Oh, I must be ill if I'm asking you of all people for advice...

    Vaike: *ahem* Prooobably could have phrased that better. ...But never mind. I think what you're feelin' ...is love! You've fallen in love with me!

    Miriel: What?! Gracious... How...fascinating. I'd intended to research friendship, but now I can observe love in it's natural state. I must not let this opportunity pass! You will help me in my research, yes?

    Vaike: Er, look, Miriel. If I'm bein' honest here, I have feelings for you, too. Real feelings... So yeah, I'm on board for your research, but not just that... I want to make you my wife! Let's get hitched!

    Miriel: Do you speak of a connubial relationship? A blessed sacrament? Marriage? Well, yes. I suppose that would be an enthralling, zesty experience.

    Vaike: ...You know what?! I'm just gonna assume that means, yes! So what do ya say? Let's blow this place and go find a ring!

    Miriel: Ah, the ring. Is it a talisman that evokes the bonds of love? Or merely a symbol of the husband's right to his wife's person and property?

    Vaike: ...It's just a bloomin' ring! It means I promise to be your husband and honor you and blah blah blah. It just makes it all official-like.

    Miriel: Wouldn't a sealed and witnessed contract be more appropriate?

    Vaike: Hah! It's just that you gotta do, all right? If ya get married, you gotta have a ring!

    Miriel: ...Facinating.

    Here is MirielxVaike, enjoy everyone! Being a bit of a perfectionist, I pride myself into trying to make things as accurate as possible, but I am sure there are still a few mistakes there. Unfortunately, I don't have any time to do CordeliaxGregor right now, but I will get to it soon.

  4. I also noticed a few Naruto voice actors listed for instance, Sakura Haruno, Kushina Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, Guren(the crystal style user), Kiba , Hinata and Gaara.

    I'm gonna enjoy playing this game, the voice actors sound awesome already^^.

    Especially Chrom's VA^^

    I wish Itachi's voice actor(Crispin Freeman) who also does Alucard from Hellsing was in this.

  5. ChromxSumia(I don't really like the word "canon" too much here, so I will use "default" and also I like them as a pairing)



    StahlxSully- The Cain and Abel archetypes

    VaikexMiriel- I like this support couple and Miriel can help Vaike not misplace his things. :U

    VirionxCherche- They have history together and I think they make a cute couple

    GaiusxMaribelle- Same as VirionxCherche

    KellamxPanne- I believe I read that those with animal-like senses like Taguels and Manaketes can detect Kellam. Let's give the poor guy a wife and son that will easily be able to detect him

    Lon'quxTharja- I like their support conversation

    HenryxOlivia- Their support conversation was really awesome. Olivia can really fill in the emptiness that lies in Henry's heart.

    DonnelxNowi- Well, I want to get all the children in my first playthrough, so someone has to take the fall.

    GregorxCordelia- Honestly, It was hard for me to pair Gregor with any girls(Maybe because of his age) but fortunately, Cordelia was available.

    Libera and Ricken are forever alone.

    WoodxSerena- I really want to see how their personalities class

    JeromexCynthia- Same as WoodxSerena

    ChambrayxNn- Rabbit + Dragon = awesome

    AzurexNoire- I think they look cute together

  6. Note: the following rant isn't directed toward you; the quote is simply a starting point for it...


    What's the point of changing ANY of the names? In ANYTHING, EVER? Names are names, they usually don't make sense anyway. Most "names" aren't real words; they are NAMES. But then you've got stupid "names" like Destiny, Cherish, Skye...Why the hell. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif April/May/June/July... At least May isn't only a month, but: "May I?" "Yes, May, you may."

    Then "names" that are "words" in a different language. [sarcasm]Sure, NoA, "Cherche" is a really clever name. Why don't you just name someone Sock while you're at it.[/sarcasm]


    I know, I know, differing opinions. ._. About names. It'll never end. Thus why that was labeled as a rant; pay it no mind. And not to mention, even I can make a rebuttal for many of the 'points'... Hurray contradictions.


    I figured out why they changed Velvet. They thought they were being clever. Velvet is a 'foreign' word in Japan, so NoA was like "Hey, let's also use a foreign word for this person's name!" This makes me think they'll definitely leave Tiamo. Then again, they changed Soiree... (Oh and "Velvet" is more a pet's name than a person's name; racism against Taguels, calling them by pet's names!)

    Oh, so, if you think Soiree was a dumb name, being "evening reception", then what logic are you using for Cherche, "looking for"? I am genuinely confused and curious, and would like opinions. Of course, maybe the people that don't like Soiree also don't like Cherche....

    Hmm, I would say they've been changing obvious English names/words, but now we have Miriel. Still, though. Donny/Denis was changed to Donnel, Liz to Lissa, Velvet to Panne. I could have sworn "Serge" (regardless that it's masculine) was the English variant but apparently it's the French variant, so that point is moot. As such, I do fear for Olivia's name. Hopefully it will survive like Miriel has. For Rey's sake, don't change it NoA!

    I would totally legitimately name a character in a proper storyline "Sock" just to screw with English speaking people. In a North American piece of fiction, obviously, or it'll just be changed when localized HARHAR.

    Keep in mind that the people translating this game are PROFESSIONALS, they always have a reason for every name change that they do, even if it doesn't make any sense to you. If you knew a second language, you would understand that some things do not work out too well in another language and culture.

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