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Posts posted by Cerbuirus

  1. Beat undertale a few days ago, definitely one of the best games I've played this year. This game is redonkulously amazing, has anyone else on the forums been playing it? I'd love to know your thoughts!

  2. thanks cerbuirus!!

    Did you have a favorite chapter? and yeah, im gonna have to cook up a looot of animations for part 2 :P

    Probably a tie between the last chapter of part 1 and 2-1 because the final chapter of part 1 had that final twist battle I didn't see coming and definitely felt like the end of an act. 2-1 because I love character interaction and there was plenty of it here!

  3. Awh What a cliffhanger! They went the way of the Pamela...
    Overall I really enjoyed the hack! The scope and ambition of the hack really shows and the new animations are pretty awesome.
    It's too bad I didn't get to use Gillian, the pig or the cat but i'm eagerly awaiting the next update.

  4. how many chapters is green patch?

    and is fegirls/ green patch finished or dead?

    The green patch is definitely finished and has every chapter that sacred stones has with no route split, as both routes are now the one. (27 chapters plus the one gaiden)

  5. I beat this hack a week and a bit ago

    Just wanna warn you that at some point in Ephraims story

    ur dudes won't be able to hit ANYTHING because of some secret leadership star system that just suddenly hits you out of nowhere

    My end team was Eirika, Ephraim, L'arachel, Sothe, Nino, Lugh, Raigh, Nephenee, Lyn, Gerik, Vanessa and Safy

    Also if you want to extend this LP to the creature campaign, I don't think you can since after 4 maps of the tower the game crashes on me on any map I try to play. (Not enough people have finished this to make me think its just on my one)

  6. So there is a glitch (or intended? unlikely though) in Limstella's chapter where she infinitely respawns after dying, basically it happened after she moved off her shrine and was then got rekt by Lyn, but she comes back afterwards and just refuses to die, making the chapter a lot more difficult when trying to evade her. This also happens in the last last chapter with the dark druid in front of the dragon.

  7. i tried it out, i think ill just wait for the fix patch. it was extremely hard and i got owned a lot which is something i never say about sacred stones.If palettes cannot be implemented thats a little disappointing but it did work sometimes like forde being a pink knight.

  8. This tool actually brought a lot of fun to fe7, some stray observations based on my run (eliwood's story):
    - in general the pre-promote npcs are way too weak with pent and jaffar being huge headaches due to having 18hp and 13hp respectively. also i didnt have any flying units on pent's chapter, although pent became a flying unit just to taunt me
    - is there a fell contract in this game? i saw the ultimate contract which was redundant because eliwood was gonna promote on his own anyway
    - the first few chapters were pretty painful because i had 5 pirates and 4 hectors, which was pretty hilarious. on the plus side i had a bunch of wolf beils

    so yeah, keep up the good work

    EDIT: Nevermind I read the description for ocean seal, my bad

  9. I'm sorry. I literally just tested the unlock feature (the second time, I tested before putting the patch out too); it works on my end, so I'm unsure what's happening here. I tested a variety of orders, too, and they all worked.

    It's pretty confusing to have people saying that they can't unlock the next two tales, and then having other people giving me screenshots of those exact tales that are supposedly impossible to get. Here's a save, I guess.

    Thanks for the save. two things:

    Does Efta mean anything other than an achievement and a bit of lore?

    I cant go to Pent's side quest from Pent's tale, not too big but i like my uber archsage

  10. I can't unlock Pent's tale. I downloaded the newest patch on the last page and played through each tale again and it still didnt work? Do I have to make a new save or can someone throw me one?

  11. You could have told Athos' tale from Fae's perspective or maybe Sophia's.

    The tale could have taken place after Sophia returned from the Dread Isle looking for Athos, and having discovered that he passed away, asks Fae (since she is several centuries old) how Athos arrived in Arcadia in the first place. Then Fae narrates the story talking in a 3rd person, childish way and tells Sophia about how he met Nergal.

    But its only a concept so it not really worth putting much thought into :)

    Sounds a lot like citizen kane, actually.

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