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Everything posted by gringe

  1. Are you FREAKING serious. It's how Intelligent Systems spells the name. It's a name from literature. You yourself argued for it before. How can you even say Milady ISN'T the intended name? This isn't up for debate anymore. I'm tired of brain dead name discussions and hearing ridiculous accusations that altering FireLizard's spellings somehow changes the game significantly.
  2. I've implemented nearly all of bookofholsety's graphic edits now, but does anyone know the offsets for the "Caledonia" and "League of Lycia" graphics?
  3. All right, title screen graphics successfully implemented! Thanks to Arch for the tutorial. I can't thank you enough for your graphic work, bookofholsety. It all looks fantastic. I'll get to burning implementing the rest when I have time, hopefully this evening.
  4. All right, I'm back. Still in recovery mode from the travel, but will try to release a new version in the next week or so.
  5. DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER Seriously, though, the contents are awesome. Official art of all characters, recruitment info, profiles, relationship charts, an index listing all characters appearing in-game (and even those only mentioned in conversation), etc. etc. etc. Even not using it as a reference, it's just a fun book to flip through really. Have never regretted buying this.
  6. There's a reason for the blood type thing though. That's because in Japan your blood type is basically your Zodiac sign. People think it influences your personality and how well you get along with people, so everyone knows their own blood type. Not so outside Japan. Standard localization stuff.
  7. Clearly. Like I said before, just offering my opinion.
  8. Yeah, it's gonna be unofficial no matter what, but making a class playable that was intended to be enemy-only in this era of FEs (not to mention giving it a promotion) is surely not "as official as possible."
  9. I'm just going to throw out a comment here: if you really want to try to make this game seem as "official" as possible, then I feel that adding Rogues and playable Soldiers and new promotions ruins the illusion a bit. You can do do things like that to try to improve the game, but if anything, they make it feel less "official." (In other words, with the current changes you're making, I feel the new title of the thread is unfitting. This is my opinion and I mean no offense of course.)
  10. The game already does that occasionally. I think that would be a good work-around to make some of the reinforcements feel less cheap, but that would require me adding events and would also kind of go against the philosophy here of simply making this a text translation (er, and graphic, I guess, but in practical terms for the player it's just text). If we add events like that, we might as well tweak the game a little overall, because there are certainly a lot of other things that could be tuned up a little bit. There are other hacks in the works to "improve" the game (even by me derp) and I think something like this would be more appropriate for a hack like that.
  11. That's awesome! I'll try to start inserting graphics once I get back home. also >implying I'm a competent hacker
  12. 1. It was maybe 30 dollars? But I got it like 8 years ago maybe. Don't think you can find it typically now. Maybe used on Amazon Japan or something. 2. About 300 pages. About half of it is the official color illustrations and profiles for the characters and the other half is support conversations. 3. It was published under the V Jump label, a manga magazine with a lot of game information and manga adaptations of games. It's definitely official.
  13. I have found the item I was looking for. It is the official Fire Emblem 6/7 character guide. Which also happens to have the most boring cover ever conceived by man. Why is this helpful, you ask? Half of the book is dedicated to transcriptions of the Japanese support conversations. It contains ALL of the conversations in FE6 (and FE7, not that that really matters for this but hey) This means I can easily refer to any conversation at any time. Hurrah for me. ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
  14. All right, so, for the next two days I'll be quite busy and after that I'll be in the US for a week! As such, I probably won't be able to make progress reports or participate in this thread very often. I'll most likely be working on the patch when I can however, though it may be at a slower pace. I have a certain something in storage in the US that I'll take back with me to Japan. It should help greatly with rewriting the support conversations. What is it? I'll tell ya later.
  15. Oh, I agree, for sure. It's just it's difficult to predict exactly how long a line of text will be when writing it due to the variable width of letters and characters so sometimes it's simpler just to even them out to ensure it doesn't overfill. I can work on formatting a little more later.
  16. "Nuke" comes from the radiation in microwaves and comparing it to a nuclear detonation. I don't think I'll be using words like "nuke" in the script. Empty space on the right side occurs when different lengths of text are in the same set of dialogue. I could potentially format it a little better, but it doesn't seem worth it. I don't want to add lines just to fill in space.
  17. Possibly the most feasible options to make him more usable would be to increase his base stats a bit and give him godly growths to reward players for having him dodge 100 times. Godly as in 200+% in everything. Sure, to get him to level 20 would require dodging 1900 times, but if you do he'll be an unhittable, unkillable tank!
  18. "Finished" (IE written and tested once) up to chapter 13! Given that gaiden chapters have so little dialogue, I may have passed the halfway point in main story text. I'm not really sure, though. In any case, screenies!
  19. After thinking about it, yeah, for now, I think I'll stick with "unhuman." It's always flexible if someone comes up with an amazing idea though.
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