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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. Nope. I don't hate myself enough to do it. I enjoy living, and I'd like to do so for a bit longer.
  2. Even a million of me would never be perverted enough to do that. It's Eeaston if you're my Pen Pal ;D
  3. Chex Quest kicks the shizzle out of Doom. I made it to L3 easy (on the easiest difficulty, mind you), and rushed through most of it with my mouse and decided to quit because it was boring. Chex Quest is quite an epic game.
  4. Leave me some interesting things to read about in my threads once I'm back from beating the third level, because I'm too smexy for the fourth.
  5. No, I'd be Mandy because I'm smart, not happy, and I set everyone else straight by being the only normal person in the show. Like Beauty or Meg.
  6. I'd be Mandy with a penis. Who's Grim?
  7. I get that reference, too, if you're making one >____> I did not hit puberty right before I made this thread, FYI, it was a long time ago X_X
  8. It was a red X, but by the time the reply was loaded and I could see the link, I already knew it was going to be Billy and Mandy, and yes, I get the reference.
  9. That doesn't even make sense @_@ It's possible to have a friend who is a girl without her being a girlfriend.
  10. A boy listening to Blink 182, Fallout Boy, and the Jonas Brothers, all in the same day. Just try to call that straight.
  11. There are two girls in this thread: 1. Mandy my Pen Pal 2. Courtny from my school Courtny's the Jonas Brothers(...?) one, and no, she's not my girlfriend, just my girl friend.
  12. No, the handwriting's too girly. I've made up my mind. Because you guys said so, I'm going to listen to those 3 bands tomorrow. I'll have soap nearby incase I need to purify myself of the gayness I'll be infected with by listening to them.
  13. Nah. Woah, snap! She's an idiot! She spelled the name of my town wrong on the envelope >_> It says "Eeaston" even though she spelled it correctly right above that. I need to use small words.
  14. So I have to talk to her with small words like this so she can know what I say? What is that going to accomplish, though? She's just in denial of whether or not she likes the Jonas Brothers. Are you saying that if I listen to that band, she'll stop being in denial? What what @_@
  15. 1. You're saying I should listen to the Jonas Brothers? This is a different girl I'm talking about. 2. Well, the last three letters of her last name ARE "man"....
  16. So, you're saying I should risk my life listening to those bands? *puts on radiation suit*
  17. My friend also said those were boybands like the Jonas Brothers. One of my friends seemed addicted to the Jonas Brothers and even had a wall of pictures of them she sent pictures of (the wall) to me, but whenever I talk to her in school, she says she HATES them. What what? @_@ She sounds like a man on the Wii.
  18. I blame the next posting for posting.
  19. We got pen pals in school from New Hampshire. Mine is Mandy and she's like a total opposite of me. Her life is pretty much music and friends, and mine is the complete other way around. She says I should listen to Blink 182 and Fallout Boy, which my friend said "NO." about. She also has lazy typing, so she probably goes on those silly online chatsicles and text messagin' that seem to be poisoning the lives of little girls everywhere. So, what do peppy girls like?
  20. F-Man. He was cool, and I was sick of having to stick bodyguards around Eirika and the extra i that doesn't belong.
  21. Ephraim, because he can take out one enemy without getting crippled.
  22. That is just funny. And nice misuse of the word "irony".
  23. 2 ways. Either in my sleep of old age (and knowing I'm about to die, hopefully) or martyrdom in the hopes that our government will stop being a bunch of pussies.
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