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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. So, here I am trying to download something on the Xbox 360. It's taking a hell of a long time, so I go to play Doom*. It seems that I can't play Doom and download something at the same time, so I go to view things from my computer. Download stops. Is there anything I CAN do on this freaking thing!? * Yes, Doom. My favorite game in teh universe is Chex Quest, and however bloody Doom may be, I kick ass at it, even though "First Person Shooter", "Scary", "Blood" and "Violence" are four things that contradict everything I play. Strange, yes, but it's fun when I kill everything in one hit, pinpoint accuracy with my shotgun, even killing two enemies with the same bullet.
  2. You two are disguisting X_X I don't eat any weird foods. Hell, I don't really eat anything at all.
  3. Is this thread called "Music"? No, it's not. They're off-topic now >:( ABANDONED!!!!
  4. God punishes gay people by not letting them have kids.
  5. European-originating languages are, but not native american, south american, chinese, and african ones.
  6. Umpahnadfugakulan intagusanafushadan intapoo gurapatinafanasu. We will never talk like that. We will continue to use the only good language in the world.
  7. Spanish can go, but English? Really? English is hands-down the best language in the world, and everyone should know it.
  8. How could someone younger than me try to rape me? I can own anyone who's shorter than I am. And I actually do have friends who are much younger than I am; they're just not as stupid as other people their age.
  9. Music vocab: High Low Hole Cover it Open it Octave, and those other things, just people trying to make music sound complicated.
  10. No, you're just acting like a complete retard, and I mean that very seriously. You must be high.
  11. No, but plenty of people know what shit smells like, and smelling is virtually the same thing as tasting.
  12. Stop giving me all those fucking messages.
  13. Stop PMing me, and stop adding to your friends list. I'm reporting everyone who wants to be an annoying shit.
  14. When you smell something, you can also taste it.
  15. That looks like it'd be from Boondocks. That show sucks.
  16. Take me off your friends list. You're just acting like a retard right now, and we even hate each other.

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