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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. Nintendo is nothing but a bunch of pennypinching Japs T_T
  2. Yep, I'm gonna go starve meself now. I'm at least 20 pounds underweight >:( Don't wanna be TLS >:(
  3. That's nasty. I just had half a can of pizza Pringles. I feel so fat, now ;_;
  4. Those words just went into my head and flew right out the other side.
  5. Nope, pizzza Pringles are MUCH better. Pizza Goldfish are meh. The snack that tastes like crap. Moldfish. Or.... The snack that ages back. Oldfish.
  6. The whole pirates vs ninjas thing is just idiotic and stupid. Pirates are bumfucking, scurvy-infected half-naked brutes. Ninjas could kill them any day. And pirates are lame. You sail across water? I walk across water. On Jesus.
  7. .................................. ...... .......... Even to me, that made no sense. Was this a play, a movie, reading the book?
  8. Eh, screw this thread. I have pizza Pringles now.
  9. English, por favor. There are 4 different sized holes, and you can cover up any amount of them, including all or none, then you can have the bottom hole open or closed. I worked out the math a couple nights ago when I was really bored.
  10. No, they're there because I THOUGHT chocolate and peanut butter were good together. Chocolate chips, no. Nah.
  11. I'm not smexy ;_; No, but when you smell something, you can also taste it.
  12. No, it justs tastes like poop. THE CULBERT REPORT!
  13. It's the freaking penis enlargement guy. Who gives a crap?
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