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About DarkBladeSeth

  • Birthday 08/26/1989


  • Member Title
    A random Italian guy

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. - (Really) Fast support with the main character, Fire + Light affinity both give strong attack bonus. - 75% Mag growth, with plenty of room to grow. - Accurate weapon type that targets Res (Extra: you get Aircalibur to One shot all the pesky Wyvern riders you have to deal with). I used her in my SS Ranked run and she "roflstomped" hard.
  2. I ended up with 50 tactician stars for LHM, but I just wanted to S-Rank it with a level 7 Nils, so I'm fine :p Good luck with your run!
  3. Chapter 6 in 3 turns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdykU1i9yuY This video is part of my LHM/HHM S-Rank run: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv7giLGpGMginQjVcDPz20ayivD3iuF7L
  4. Hello everyone! After completing my HHM S-Rank run, I'd like trying to S-Rank this game as well. I already completed this game on HM, so I'm aware of the (sometimes) unfair difficult. But I still need some tips. A link to the most updated tier list would be good, and some generic suggestion on how the ranks work in this game would be highly appreciated as well :-)
  5. Thanks :-) Well, as many suggested, I tried to use everyone evenly; but I had a lot of problems with Lowen Yeah, he has good defense, but sucks at everything else... He was benched after Ch 22 (IIRC) I would have benched Bartre earlier if he wasn't required to recruit Karla (Which has never been used xD) Rebecca, Canas, Raven, Sain & Erk were all at level 12 by the end of the run, so they weren't used much
  6. Posting just to let you know that I did it guys :-) Played all the chapters and recruited all the characters If you are interested, you can find the videos of me playing all the chapters here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv7giLGpGMginQjVcDPz20ayivD3iuF7L P.s: Is this the first FULLY RECORDED ranked run uploaded to Youtube? I've seen many S-Rank videos, but no full run so far...
  7. Quick update (In case someone is interested) - I reached Ch31 with a 6 turn lead on the 5-star tactics rank and ~ 350 levels worth of exp - Every rank is 5 stars except Funds (Dropped to 4 when I gave the boots to Hector >_<), but it should be fine since I don't plan to promote anyone else (Promoted units so far: Kent - Serra - Bartre - Priscilla - Heath) and Ch 31x is a gold mine Now, a question: Selling items with less than 100% uses and buying brand-new weapons with the Silver card does not damage my funds rank, right? 'cause I plan to sell almost every "normal" weapon in ch31x P.s: I know it's OT, but Fire Emblem awakening is awesome ;-)
  8. My own rules for a "fair" playthrough - Don't Arena abuse - Don't boss abuse - Play on hard (No stuff like Lunatic)
  9. I had a FE7 cartridge Then I took an arrow in the knee
  10. Some quick questions: I'm at Battle Before Dawn (Ch 28) 1) I'd like to promote both Kent & Heath, even if they are level 18...It would somehow damage my run? 2) Aside from the Earth seal from the druid, is there something else that I should steal? 3) When does Ursula start moving?
  11. Wow, a lot of promoted units! My only promoted units are the healers...and I'm in chapter 27 xD Do you already know which version of PfoD are you going to play?
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