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Posts posted by S_Cero

  1. So after seeing how IS dealt with creating characters in the past two games, do you want the avatar to stay?

    Gameplay wise I am fine with the avatar staying since they are pretty much a guaranteed to be good unit.

    Now story wise I think the avatar should be completely absent from the story. The avatar is pretty much plot holes inconsistencies the character (FE13) or worsened/lessened the quality of scenes by being shoved into them (FE12).

  2. If you want the Templar to do some good damage then put the Knight's dual shield skill on that character. Equip him/her with two bloody shields. Now just spam Desperation.

    Also for Vampire genome abilities, Energy Burst from Chaugmar or DeRosso is pretty good. But one way to cheese with the Drain ability is to have a Monk with Natural Talent and Drain Up skills. You will drain a crap ton of HP.

  3. [spoiler=Chapter 8 spoilers]I swear to god that Ominas, Qada, Mephilia, Yulyana fight is cheap as hell. Seriously, on hard that one turn my entire team (unless I get lucky and Qada makes me weak to fire after Ominas and Mephilia attack). But I really do like the boss combinations in the boss rush, gave me more of a challenge then the final boss.

    So now I'm doing new game plus with all jobs maxed to screw around with party combinations.

  4. Postgame value? not really no, unless you get into the competitive scene. As for showing how EVs and IVs work, that's a no. The game just makes it easier to capitalize on them but you still have to go out of your way to learn how they work.

  5. So Sonic Boom was announced. Now after getting used to the re-designs of the characters (though I do really like Tails' one) I have to say this game actually looks promising. Like Ratchet and Clank mixed into Sonic.

    They are also making a TV show out of it. I like how it is keeping Colors' humor.

  6. but it looks like jigglypuff(my favorite ssb character) won't be there,

    I seriously doubt that they will replace Jigglypuff. Being in since the original game he's pretty much a staple of the series not to mention as bookofholsety said with Fairy type Jigglypuff is now relevant again.

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