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Posts posted by S_Cero

  1. Aster was appalled by the smell of the room, but it seems Aster got used to it quickly which freaked Aster out a tiny bit on the inside. Looking around, Aster quickly spotted the glowing stone in one of the corpses hand. Hmmm, what is this? Well, it could come in handy later. Prying it from the corpse's hand, Aster looked at the prize he had just claimed. This seems like aura I felt before, maybe this could be more helpful than I thought. And it looks so brittle too, I better be careful with it. Wanting to leave this overwhelming stench of death behind, Aster quickly left the room and returned to the rest of the group where everyone seemed to be. Looking over everyone, Aster spotted the revived Phaedrus.

    "What the hell?" Aster said as he gazed upon something that broke the laws of nature. Deciding that ti would be better for him not to dwell on this, Aster quickly dropped it and responded the Calypso, "Alright then, I'm going to assume those grand doors are going to lead us up."

  2. My Link is like 85 or something. I boosted my Zelda up to 50 and Ganon is around 40. Everyone else is around 30 (except for Darunia and Lana which are 18).

    And the boss enemies can be pretty annoying. I always just run and use Master Sword Link on those missions because the sword beams he gets just mows down enemies.

  3. Okay, fuck Zelda's tier 2 baton mission. Does anyone know how to easily grind up redead bandages? I really need to buff her lightning level resistance.

    On another note, got Link up to level 80 with some crazy strong weapons. The time I spent getting those skulltulas actually payed off.

  4. You need to use a compass to show where the secret is then use the appropriate item to unlock the A rank reward/Battle reward. Link's ball and chain is pretty early in the mode I think you need to do 4 challenges if you know where it is. If you check the tiles to see which has a battle reward hidden then that will be where it is.

  5. Aster had a confused look on his face becuase of what Cyril had done. First you go, 'I won't heal anyone without you submitting to me' and then you go heal her without accepting your deal? You're acting like an indecisive teenager Cyril. Returning to his usual demeanor, the pain from Aster's wounds managed to get them his attention again. It's not deep, but damn this pain is irritating. Aster grunted as he removed his armor to get a good look at his shoulder wound. The top of his shirt was cut and the sleeve had absorbed quite a bit of blood. Aster ripped of the bloodied sleeve from his shirt, and then took the rest of his shirt off. Qiving the wound a quick poke to see how much the pain had dulled, Aster wrapped his shirt around his shoulder and secured it there. "There, that should do for now." Standing up again, ASter pondered on what he should do. Aster concluded that going into the rooms Wick and Calypso had gone into would be of little help and he saw how Teala was helping Liss so he didn't feel a need to bother. Aster walked up to another door that was close to the one Calypso went into. Readying his mace in case he encountered something unexpected, Aster slowly opened the door letting the light from the hall fill the room before looking inside.

  6. Adventure mode is getting pretty damn hard now that I'm pretty far into it. I can normally cheese most of the missions with Master Sword Link but those weapon challenges can just be brutal, and even more so when trying to get that damn A rank.

    I still need to find some way to efficiently level up my other characters since they are still level 24.

    Oh yeah, what's even worse is how to get to the tile with Link's last weapon you need to get an A rank on Zelda's mission before, which is hard.

  7. Jeez, getting to Zant's challenge is annoying. You have to do like 10 challenges to get to him, while getting to Girahim's is around 4.

    Currently cheesing adventure mode with Master Sword Link. Those sword beams man, they just wreck everything so well. And then I'm goona get rekt when I have to use another character because they are level 20-30 while my Link is 50.

  8. Aster stood above the corpse of one of the guards, panting from his injuries. Placing one of his hands over his chest, Aster reverently said, "May their souls be purified in the afterlife." Turning back to the rest of his comrade, Aster spotted the corpse of Phaedrus. "And may your soul rest in peace." Walking back to Calypso to discuss with her about the other members and what they should do, Aster overheard Cyril's deal to heal everyone. Second in command? What would that even do? It's not like we will follow the witch indefinitely. Even then we wouldn't need to listen to you. Though Aster did not voice his opinions on Cyril's logic; instead he saw a chance to get him to heal everyone. Walking past Calypso, Aster said under his breath so only she could hear, "Humor him for now, he doesn't seem to realize the flaw in his plan."

  9. "Tch, you're still alive?" Aster raised his mace again and slammed it down again on the guard's body. Aster grimaced as the pain form his wound began to become more prevalent, though Aster was able to shrug it off. Damn bastard was lucky. Turing his attention to another guard with a halberd; this one looking to be in much better shape. Aster charged at him using the same strategy again. He rammed the guard with his shield then slammed his mace into his head. Alright, that should kill this monster.

  10. Aster had expected the group to be ambushed at some point. Teala's actions confirmed that some threat was coming, though he had not been prepared for the enemy to get the initiative. "Look alive! Calypso, get behind me!" Aster yelled as he readied his mace and shield. There looks to be a few of them. They don't seem to be that smart or strong either. They're nothing compared to my shield! "HRUAAAAAAAGH!" Aster yelled as he charged at one of the monsters, ramming his shield straight into him. Immediately, Aster readied his mace and slammed it downward across the guard's helm slamming into the floor.

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