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Posts posted by S_Cero

  1. It's definitely because of the shifting teams. Imagine getting Ilyana a B support with someone on the DB but she wouldn't be able to use it past part 1 until part 4. Supporting with everyone was pretty much necessary.

    Anyways, I love this game mostly for the DB chapters. I find the difficulty in them so amazn. Seriously, Ike's chapters are easy even on freaking hard mode. 3-13 is the best chapter in the game.

  2. Aster scoffed at Calypso's scorn to being proper. "While this isn't exactly an ideal situation, it is best that we maintain ourselves in the worst situations and stay civilized. Being proper with other people can get you far." He said to Calypso, but after saying that Aster let gave a smirk and continued, "I agree though, our cooperation is imperative for our survival. Nice move." Aster turned his back towards and started walking away when he said, "I'm Aster by the way. I'm a knight so I can take a couple hits." So she's actually a witch huh? Interesting.

  3. The dizziness Aster had felt form the fog had seemed to be fading; using this opportunity wisely he looked around the bunch to see if they would be of use to him. One looked to use a fighting style that felt familiar to him be couldn't recall what it was. Before Aster could finish his evaluation the woman in robes ordered them to introduce themselves. Aster was insulted by how the witch thought she could be ordering him around but he stayed quiet while two other people introduced themselves.

    Hmm, that one named Liss seems to be polite, but she didn't answer the entire question. Is she trying to hide something? And that spear man seems to trust in his own power to an arrogant degree. But, that witch seems to be the most suspicious. She's definitely planning something.

    Aster walked up to Calypso, "Isn't proper for someone to state their own name before asking one of another?" he asked in his usual commanding voice. "But even if you did I wouldn't state mine back. You see, I have no reason to trust you. You are taking leadership, which is needed for a group of misfits to survive, but what makes you capable of being the leader? In fact, your immediate action makes me suspect you of wanting our trust so you can exploit it for later."

    Now, what move will you make next, witch?

  4. Wandering around the map and discovering areas is another great way to get some free EXP. There are two "secret" areas on the Bionis Leg called "Observation Platform" and "Believer's Paradise" that give you a good amount of EXP when you find them (and become landmarks you can fast travel to in case you have to go there again. But I highly advise against ever fast travelling to the Observation Platform because a Level 78 Unique Monster hangs out right at that location during certain times of the day), but both require you to go through areas patrolled by incredibly high-leveled monsters (as in, above Level 70) that attack on sight in order to find them (well, to get to the Believer's Paradise, the high-leveled monsters are only there during the day if I recall correctly, but some average-leveled hostile enemies are nearby and might stall you until the ultra-deadly monsters return), so good timing and stealth is required.

    Or just fuqin run for your life. But yeah, finding all landmarks in an area really help.

  5. The DLC looks nice. Looking forward to wrecking shit as Valga. For the other DLC I think it will be Skull Kid, Fierce Deity Link (Really big stretch, but I feel he fits HR best. And it would just be amazing to have him in), and that big bokoblin that you fought multiple times in TP (think this would be pretty interesting and it makes another race playable)

  6. Which skill system do you guys think was the best?

    I found Radiant Dawn to be the best. I didn't like how Awakening's was based on grinding and Path of Radiance losing the skill after removing required way too much foresight and didn't allow flexibility. I really love how you were able to change skills in between characters and I found the limits weren't too low as to restrict customization too much. My main problems with this system was Shove taking up 5 capacity (I found Canto having 10 was good though) and how mastery skills couldn't be removed (since this essentially made so you only had 25 capacity to screw around with). If the shove thing was fixed I wouldn't have a problem with the mastery skills being locked. I found this system the best balance between flexibility and limitation.

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