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Red Dingo

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Posts posted by Red Dingo

  1. On 2/27/2022 at 9:42 PM, ♠Soul♠ said:

    How is that bad, in any capacity?

    It means that you're not looking for someone who is their own person but rather someone who needs you to feel validated, perpetuating a negative stereotype about women and toxic masculinity?

    Just a shot in the dark.

  2. Amended Cast and Plot



    Plot: Instead of beginning in Aytolis, it begins in Elibe where an amnesiac Darios awakes in a tent to meet Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Ninian, and Nils. Just as they are introduced, portal is opened and strange creatures poor through along with morphs from Nergal's army. Just as hope seems lost, another portal opens and Lucina, Roy, Lilina, and Ephraim come to the aide of the heroes. At first hostile towards Darios, Lucina eventually relays that someone has been crossing to the respective worlds of her group and have been building an army. Unaware of his true identity other than his name, Darios comes to understand that he is from a different world and feels that he is somehow responsible for the mess. Instead of one world being invaded by villains of different worlds. A single original villain has gained an army of morphs, monsters, war dragons, and feral laguz and constantly hops with various lieutenants under his employ. The main cast chases this mysterious masked villain while clashing with the likes of Zephiel, Ashnard, the Agarthans, and the Demon King.

    Story Cast:


    Darios - He has no memory of the first game other than his name and the lingering feeling that the events of this game are his fault. His play style is Rowan and Lianna. Prf Weapon is Risyl


    Elibe - the story starts in Elibe mid-Blazing Sword.

    Lyn - Myrmidon. Prf Weapon is Sol Katti

    Eliwood - Unaware that Roy is his son. Class is Sword Paladin. Prf Weapon is Durandal

    Hector - Unaware that Lilina is his daughter. Class is Axe Lord (Armored Axe Unmounted). Prf Weapon is Armads

    Roy - Transported from Elibe's Future. Originally part of Lucina's worldhopping group. Style is Sword Lord like Owain and Ryoma. Prf Weapon is the Sword of Seals.

    Lilina - Transported from Elibe's Future. Originally part of Lucina's worldhopping group. Fire Mage. Prf Weapon is Foreblaze.

    Florina - Pegasus Knight. Prf Weapon is Maltet

    Sue - Mounted Archer Class. Prf Weapon is Mulagir

    Ninian - Dancer/ Ice Dragon Class



    Ephraim - Spear lord. Initially part of Lucina's group. Prf Weapon is Siegmund

    Erika - Sword lord (Fencer). Prf Weapon is Sieglinde

    Innes - Archer. Prf Weapon is Nidhogg

    Tana - Pegasus Knight. Prf Weapon is Vidofnir

    Seth - Mounted Lance User, Storyline NPC

    Saleh - Sage, Storyline NPC



    Ike - Vanguard. Prf Weapon is Ragnell

    Titania - Axe Paladin. Prf Weapon is Urvan

    Mia - Myrmidon. Prf Weapon is Vague Katti

    Soren - Wind Mage. Prf Weapon is Rexcalibur

    Nephenee - Soldier. Prf Weapon is Wishblade

    Micaiah - Light Mage. Prf Weapon is Rexlight

    Sothe - Thief Class. Prf Weapon is Baselard

    Caineghis - Lion King. Stone*

    Tibarn - Hawk King. Stone*

    Naesala - Raven King. Stone*

    Nailah - Wolf Queen. Stone*

    * It would be easier just for Laguz units to use Stones like Manaketes, but they aren't susceptible to dragonslaying weapons.


    Fódlan - The plot takes the cast to Garreg Mach mid academy phase. Circumstance forces the Black Eagles, the Blue Lions, the Golden Deers, and the Ashen Wolves to cooperate against the Seeker. Basically the Scenario is one in which the truth of the Tragedy of Duscur are revealed earlier and the circumstances initially setting Dimitri against Edelgard see them allied.

    Byleth - Male/Female. Sword of the Creator


    Black Eagles

    Edelgard - Axe Lord, has an unlockable Flame Emperor Costume.

    Hubert - Dark Mage

    Dorothea - Sword Dancer

    Petra -  Wyvern Rider


    Blue Lions

    Dimitri - Lance Lord

    Felix - Myrmidon

    Dedue - Axe Armor

    Ingrid - Pegasus Knight


    Golden Deer

    Claude - Bow Lord

    Lysithea - Dark Mage

    Hilda - Axe Fighter

    Leonie - Lance Paladin


    Ashen Wolves

    Yuri - Trickster

    Balthus - Brawler

    Hapi - Valkyrie

    Constance - Darkflier (Magic Flier)



    Lucina - Other than her, every playable character from the story of FEW1 takes a backseat to the plot though they do get playability and supports. Lucina was first recruited by a mysterious force opposing the BBEG. She followed him through various worlds and time periods, recruiting Roy, Lilina, and Ephraim. When she first encounters Darios, she's initially hostile. Upon learning that he had no memory of the past though, she softens up.



    The Seeker - the BBEG. A masked, armored, lance wielder who can travel between worlds at will. He has a vast army at his beck and call, having bolstered various others with armies from different worlds. For instance, he has given Zephiel the use of Izuka's Feral Ones and Monsters from the continent of Magvel and Valentia.

    Izuka - Dark Mage. Recruited by the Seeker from Post-Mad King War Tellius. In exchange for new experiment subjects and facilities, he has pledged loyalty to the Seeker.

    Ashnard - Sword Wyvern. Recruited by the Seeker from mid-Path of Radience Tellius. Pledged loyalty after he was bested in combat and promised new worlds to conquer. Plans on a rematch. Prf Weapon Gurgurant

    Zephiel - Armored Sword. Tentatively allied with the Seeker in exchange for reinforcement from other worlds. Prf Weapon Eckesachs

    Nergal - Dark Druid. Recruited for his ability to create Morphs. Promised an inexhaustible source of quintessence. The Agarthan techniques of preserving and resurrecting bodies becomes of particular interest to him Prf Weapon Ereshkigal

    Valter - Lance Wyvern. Was promised a bloody good time.

    Agarthans - Those Who Slither in the Dark aligned with the Seeker after he promised them an army of Morphs, Monsters, and Feral Ones to reap vengeance on Fódlan without the need of Politick routine.


    Alignment = ???

    Black Knight - Sword Knight. He's more of a wildcard in the storyline. He's not working for the Seeker because I couldn't imagine a scenario where Lehran's goals would align with a world hopping big bad. It would be more like he initially seems like he's on the villainous team up until he mysteriously assists the Players at a turning point in the story. His personal interest is keeping Ike alive to master Greil's Sword Style for their final match. Eventually, you can unlock him in his playable form after a couple of hoops along with his Zelgius form as an alternate costume. Prf Weapon is Alondite.





  3. Plot: Instead of beginning in Aytolis, it begins in Elibe where an amnesiac Darios awakes in a tent to meet Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Ninian, and Nils. Just as they are introduced, portal is opened and strange creatures poor through along with morphs from Nergal's army. Just as hope seems lost, another portal opens and Lucina, Roy, Lilina, and Ephraim come to the aide of the heroes. At first hostile towards Darios, Lucina eventually relays that someone has been crossing to the respective worlds of her group and have been building an army. Unaware of his true identity other than his name, Darios comes to understand that he is from a different world and feels that he is somehow responsible for the mess. Instead of one world being invaded by villains of different worlds. A single original villain has gained an army of morphs, monsters, war dragons, and feral laguz and constantly hops with various lieutenants under his employ. The main cast chases this mysterious masked villain while clashing with the likes of Zephiel, Ashnard, the Agarthans, and the Demon King.

    Story Cast:


    Darios - He has no memory of the first game other than his name and the lingering feeling that the events of this game are his fault. His play style is Rowan and Lianna. Prf Weapon is Risyl



    Lyn - Myrmidon. Prf Weapon is Sol Katti

    Eliwood - Unaware that Roy is his son. Class is Sword Paladin. Prf Weapon is Durandal

    Hector - Unaware that Lilina is his daughter. Class is Axe Lord (Armored Axe Unmounted). Prf Weapon is Armads

    Roy - Transported from Elibe's Future. Originally part of Lucina's worldhopping group. Style is Sword Lord like Owain and Ryoma. Prf Weapon is the Sword of Seals.

    Lilina - Transported from Elibe's Future. Originally part of Lucina's worldhopping group. Fire Mage. Prf Weapon is Foreblaze.

    Florina - Pegasus Knight. Prf Weapon is Maltet

    Sue - Mounted Archer Class. Prf Weapon is Mulagir

    Ninian - Dancer/ Ice Dragon Class



    Ephraim - Spear lord. Initially part of Lucina's group. Prf Weapon is Siegmund

    Erika - Sword lord (Fencer). Prf Weapon is Sieglinde

    Innes - Archer. Prf Weapon is Nidhogg

    Tana - Pegasus Knight. Prf Weapon is Vidofnir

    Seth - Mounted Lance User, Storyline NPC

    Saleh - Sage, Storyline NPC



    Ike - Vanguard. Prf Weapon is Ragnell

    Titania - Axe Paladin. Prf Weapon is Urvan

    Mia - Myrmidon. Prf Weapon is Vague Katti

    Soren - Wind Mage. Prf Weapon is Rexcalibur

    Nephenee - Soldier. Prf Weapon is Wishblade

    Micaiah - Light Mage. Prf Weapon is Rexlight

    Sothe - Thief Class. Prf Weapon is Baselard

    Caineghis - Lion King. Stone*

    Tibarn - Hawk King. Stone*

    Naesala - Raven King. Stone*

    Nailah - Wolf Queen. Stone*

    * It would be easier just for Laguz units to use Stones like Manaketes, but they aren't susceptible to dragonslaying weapons.


    Fódlan - there will probably be more characters from this too. It plays heavily into the plot.

    Byleth - Male/Female. Sword of the Creator

    Edelgard - Axe Lord

    Dimitri - Lance Lord

    Claude - Bow Lord

    Yuri - Trickster



    Lucina - Other than her, every playable character from the story of FEW1 takes a backseat to the plot. Lucina was first recruited by a mysterious force opposing the BBEG. She followed him through various worlds and time periods, recruiting Roy, Lilina, and Ephraim. When she first encounters Darios, she's initially hostile. Upon learning that he had no memory of the past though, she softens up.



    The Seeker - the BBEG. A masked, armored, lance wielder who can travel between worlds at will. He has a vast army at his beck and call, having bolster various others with armies from different worlds. For instance, he has given Zephiel the use of Izuka's Feral Ones and Monsters from the continent of Magvel and Valentia.

    Izuka - Dark Mage. Recruited by the Seeker from Post-Mad King War Tellius. In exchange for new experiment subjects and facilities, he has pledged loyalty to the Seeker.

    Ashnard - Sword Wyvern. Recruited by the Seeker from mid-Path of Radience Tellius. Pledged loyalty after he was bested in combat and promised new worlds to conquer. Plans on a rematch. Prf Weapon Gurgurant

    Zephiel - Armored Sword. Tentatively allied with the Seeker in exchange for reinforcement from other worlds. Prf Weapon Eckesachs

    Nergal - Dark Druid. Recruited for his ability to create Morphs. Promised an inexhaustible source of quintessence. Prf Weapon Ereshkigal

    Valter - Lance Wyvern. Was promised a bloody good time.

    Agarthans - still need to finish a Three Houses Run, but they will definitely be in it.


    Alignment = ???

    Black Knight - Sword Knight. He's more of a wildcard in the storyline. He's not working for the Seeker because I couldn't imagine a scenario where Lehran's goals would align with a world hopping big bad. It would be more like he initially seems like he's on the villainous team up until he mysteriously assists the Players at a turning point in the story. His personal interest is keeping Ike alive to master Greil's Sword Style for their final match. Eventually, you can unlock him in his playable form after a couple of hoops along with his Zelgius form as an alternate costume. Prf Weapon is Alondite.


    That's all I've got right now. Monsters won't just be multi-armed cyclopses in this one but various creatures from the Valentia/Magvel games. So you'll fight things like the Tarvos.


  4. On 11/1/2017 at 12:56 AM, Florete said:

    If/When Elibe gets to be a focus continent, I could see it focusing on the Blazing Blade cast with Roy and possibly Lilina as extras in a Lucina/Owain "2nd gen" way. I don't think the rest of the Binding Blade cast is very relevant or popular with the possible exception of Marcus, who would come with Eliwood in his younger incarnation anyway.

    Something like that, it would make for some neat Supports, I could see Hector getting all Papa Bear on Roy ("If you break my daughter's heart...").

    Honestly I'd like the sequel to have main cast travel to different worlds where they run into the heroes of respective games. So sort of like the premise of Heroes except instead of contracts, the big bad is causing trouble through alliances and deceit. Which brings me to my next point, I want villains to have a reason for working the big bad of the game instead of just because he's there. Like in Magvel, the Big Bad manages to gain control of the Demon King's soul, having control of an endless horde of monsters. Valter and Caellach join him because he offers them a means to further their own goals. More people for Valter to slaughter and a kingdom for Caellach to rule. In Elibe, he bolsters Zephiel's forces in exchange for War Dragons. Oh yeah, also no more generic one eyed monster (phrasing boom). Instead, you're facing Baelfangs, Mauthedogs, Centaurs, Mogalls, Wights, etc as monstrous units...when you're not fighting humans.

  5. "You've gotten your kingdom, Griffith. You've fulfilled your dream. Is that not enough for you?"

    "You're correct... well, almost. There is still something left to be done."

    Then Griffith uses *~magic~* (it's back, remember?) to resurrect the old Band of the Hawk, makes peace with Guts and leaves with him on a new adventure

    Question: does magic somehow unrape and un-crazy Casca while also restoring her kid. Cuz unless you got an arm long enough to make that kind of ass pull, I doubt I really don't see Guts making any kind of peace that doesn't involve Griffith getting a Dragonslayer shoved up his.

  6. Here is Chapter 2 with a good old fashioned rout the bandits map. Let me know what you think. On my feedback topic.

    [spoiler=Chapter 2: Turning the Tables]

    With Ambrose joining his army, Roland continues on his campaign to survey and unite these lands. They ford past the Laus River, leaving a retinue with plans to build a bridge for future crossings. Keeping the counsel of his steward, Einhart, Roland sends out a squad of scouts ahead of his army.

    Wiglaf had always prided himself on his keen senses. He had learned how to spot distant things otherwise concealed by fog or shadow. Just by listening to the stamping of feet, he could tell how many people occupied a room without ever peaking in on them, something that saved his life more than once. Furthermore, his scrutinizing eye was aided by his knowledge of vegetation that grows amidst the shrubs and trees and thickets of these lands. Be it wild berries, nuts, mushrooms, roots, and herbs, he could forage food and medicine apart from the inedible, poisonous weeds and toadstools.

    His talents had slowly endeared him to Roland’s army. Back then, few would have trusted him to find even a thrown spear. However one day he had spotted a little garden of tiki leaf in a clearing as they marched through a forest, which Einheart found useful for preparing healing salves. On the day Roland dueled with Breoca, Wiglaf had spotted a patch of olivi grass that he suggested as a seasoning for the stew that Griflet was preparing that night. The latter had been skeptical at first, but he and the rest of the army were pleased with the meal...although Loholt briefly worried that they may have all been poisoned when he heard the tale of the extra ingredient.

    Soon they trusted Wiglaf’s skills enough that they sent him out scouting though his character they still suspected so as to assign him Loholt as his warden. On such an outing were they now. The thief sifted through shrubbery while the cavalier kept a close watch on him.

    Admittedly, Wiglaf once did have the occasional thought of trying to escape his keepers. Sometimes he had fancied the idea of slipping from the green knight’s leash by stealing his horse or hiding in an alcove or the depths of some wooded region. If he could just put enough distance between himself and the army, then surely Lord Roland would not bother marching so far this way or that just put a wretch like Wiglaf to the sword, right?

    Of course even if he could surpass the little knight’s reach, a task he felt by no realistic measure capable of, what then? Would he try to join up with a cadre of bandits, which had nearly cost him his head last time? Would he go up north and join up with the Avars, who were little better? Would he flee eastward into wyvern country or perhaps the south to the seas where men faced pirates, storms, and sea drakes?

    No, Wiglaf’s idle thoughts of desertion had ere since yielded to reason. Trying to run away would just lead him to a noose or a chopping block. Success would just mean he gets to be a corpse somewhere abroad. And to be honest, he found this army to be much better company than the rogues and brigands who slit each others’ throats to pass the time. Sure, the long marches and early mornings were not his favorite ale, but Wiglaf did appreciate always getting a fair share of food. He also liked the praise his vigilance had earned him.

    So really, Loholt’s presence here was a bit superfluous. Wiglaf was not going anywhere other than back to the camp when all was said and done. He thought this as he picked a berry and placed it in one of his pouches. Then he heard a faint yet familiar sound.

    “Did you just hear that?” he asked the cavalier.

    Loholt knitted his brows and narrowed his eyes with his own scrutiny. He first thought this some trick of Wiglaf’s. Then his nostrils flared he smelled a hint in the breeze.


    “And I’m certain I just heard screaming in the distance that way,” said Wiglaf, pointing in the same direction whence the smoke scented gust came.

    He took the thief up on his mount and spurred forth. They rode through a strip of woods, then across a stream, then down a slope. Even then, Loholt kept wary of any possible trickery on the part of Wiglaf. That was until scent of smoke grew heavier and soon even he could hear screams and wicked laughter.

    Sure enough, they spotted a village under attack by fell men. Men were slaughtered, women and children dragged off, buildings put to the torch. From their position, Loholt and Wiglaf could see it all. The pair exchanged no word but silently agreed to turn back and headed for the base camp. For the first time, Wiglaf felt glad he was accompanied by the green cavalier.

    Nausicaa thrust her lance again, striking the villain’s left arm. Axe in his right hand, he beat her weapon aside and rushed roaring to close the distance. She cut his battle cry into a crunch, ramming her shield into his face. He staggered back, blood streaming from his freshly distorted nose, too distracted to counter her second thrust. The tip of her spear sank into the man’s fleshy throat.

    Nausicaa drew back her lance, gout of blood flying in its wake, victorious. She ignored the throes of the man who fell to his knees and spun her weapon into a ready position. Beneath her dyed leather, her body was bruised and beat from several bouts like that she just won. Blood and soot stained her face, her garb, and even her normally aqua green hair. Weary as she was, her dark blue eyes lost no hint of her resolve.

    Nausicaa who had learned the spear since she was ten. Nausicaa, who was the eldest child of the village chief. Nausicaa who had fought off wolves and thieves for years, now stood between these rapacious men and the chapel where the survivors had taken shelter. And the horde that had gathered now thought twice about fighting her.

    “Damn this bitch is tenacious,” said a thug.

    “Who’d ‘ave thought one o’ their women could put down so many men?” said another.

    “A pity we’ll have to put her down…pretty little thing.”

    Then Bruno marched forward, his very presence silencing his underlings. He regarded the militia maiden, noting her stance. How many had she slain? Five? Ten? Unacceptable. This village was supposed to be an easy plunder. Now a woman guarded the front the door of this sanctuary while some archer rained arrows on any who approached from the sides or the rear of the building. The majority of their bounty was holed up behind those stone walls. He knew not whether to be more impressed by their skill or disappointed by his own men’s incompetence.

    “Normally, when a man has fought as well as you have, I’d offer them a place amongst us,” said the boss as he raised his axe. “Replacing weaker dead men with stronger living ones is a policy of mine. But I doubt you would accept such an invitation.”

    “I am ready to die, cur,” said Nausicaa.

    “Oh you won’t die. Once I break your lance, every man here will use you for his pleasure. If you surrender, I’ll give my word that by none but I will you be mount.”

    “Pfeh…I’ll mount your head on a pike!”

    “So be it.” Bruno rushed forward, his axe raised. Nausicaa vaulted away his swing and thrust. He deflected with the broad of his blade. And they continued.

    This fighter was more experienced than her previous foes. He fought more like a man than beast, having earned his place at the top by slaying their last leader.

    More than once, he nearly knocked her off balance. More than once, she barely regained her footing in time. More than once, he effortlessly parried her thrusts.

    Then his axe cleaved into her shield. Nausicaa grunted as the fighter’s blade cut into her forearm. With all her strength, she jerked back, wrenching Bruno’s axe out of her shield, and doubled back.

    Blood seeped from her wound and Nausicaa realized that even if she won now, she would not last long against the rest of Bruno’s clan. Even before now, there had been little hope. Sooner or later she would have been overwhelmed and Nestor would run out of arrows. But still she remained resolved. If she was to die, then let it be in sending this man to hell.

    Then a horn blew from afar. Then the sounds of clashing metal followed. Then someone shouted, “Banners! Banners! We are attacked by banners!”

    “What?!?” Bruno jerked his head around to the noise.

    Nausicaa seized her chanced and charged, catching him off guard. She made one, two, three thrusts. The first grazed his right shoulder, the second his left thigh, the final thrust hit him in the groin.

    Bruno roared and stumbled back, grievously wounded but not yet dead.

    They rode abreast towards the town entrance at the south. The brigands only noticed when Roland sounded his horn, they had no chance. Griflet sank his lance into one man’s chest, hoisted him up, and tossed the corpse at another. Loholt took the man on the other side. One swipe of the sword lopped off the foe’s head.

    Roland spurred his mount between two surprised bandits, stabbing each in the neck with his rapier. Then he blew his horn a once more and led the cavalry towards the center of the beleaguered village,

    “Ride on,” he shouted. “Slay every villain and spare every villager. Free whatever captives you find!”

    The greater part of the enemy force now rushed from their assault on the chapel to meet their unexpected foe. Bruno had retreated from his battle with Nausicaa momentarily. He knew not which to curse more: this ambush, or that woman’s ferocity. Their only chance now was to imitate their prey and take shelter in that hallowed edifice.

    “Hold off the cavalry for as long you can,” He ordered while clutching his wounds. To four of his finer brutes he directed. “Two of you shall scale the chapel to kill that archer. The other two with me to break that bitch! When we have the sanctuary we shall retreat to regroup behind those stone walls. The villagers within shouldn’t put up much fight.”

    With that he led his elites. Two went off to the climb the stone walls of the chapel, for surely at least one should make it. The other two he took to confront the spear woman.

    Nausicaa knew not whether her fortune had changed for better or worse. Seeing Bruno and two shirtless axe brigands, she renewed her stance. She danced between two swipes from both sides, bashing one in the eye with the butt of her spear. As he reeled back, Bruno and the other leapt at her again. They just barely missed as she rolled away. Back on her feet, the third axe was poised to strike her, but an arrow sank into his good eye followed by another in his bare chest.

    As her assailant crumbled, she looked up at the source of her fortunate bolts. Nestor stood atop the roof of the chapel and raining arrows on Bruno and the other brigand, like a guardian angel. Then Nausicaa shouted warnings for she saw a shadow loom behind her younger brother.

    Nestor twisted away just in time as the axe fell. He countered by plunging an arrow into the nape the shadow’s neck. The man’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and fell from the building. The archer’s victory was short lived when he noticed the second villain having just climbed to his level. He rushed to grapple his next attacker.

    From the east of the village, Reyance and Ambrose marched with their respective infantry squads. They easily cleared the thin ranks of the foes that were too distracted by Roland’s assault. Ambrose and his axe fighters fell on the bulk of the enemy, hacking them to pieces while they faced the charging horses.

    Reyance led his armored lieutenants towards the village center where the chapel stood. Seeing a soldier with long hair engage two axe wielding killers, he drew his steel sword. More brigands appeared from hiding, they had been directed to spring on any who got this close. Their attacks barely scratched his armor and they fared little better against his men.

    Their death cries reached Bruno’s ears and now knew they had failed. His comrade realized this truth as well, breaking from the fight with Nausicaa and abandoning him. He had no such option as blood oozed from his wounds. Bruno would die here in this worthless village, but at least he had enough strength to share his doom with this woman.

    He gripped his axe in both hands and sprinted towards her, readying an over head strike. Seeing his gambit, Nausicaa discarded her shield and steeled herself. The fighter roared as he closed in on his prey.

    In one breath, she crouched to one knee and thrust with both hands her lance. Its point silenced Bruno by stabbing the soft flesh under his jaws, through his tongue, and pierced the roof of his mouth in to his brains. A sudden crunch followed by the clang of steel against the dirt.

    She had used the earth itself to support the haft of her spear, which leveraged apart Bruno’s skull from its spine. Beheading him in all but the most literal sense, Nausicaa had made good on her grisly threat.

    The spear maiden spared no thoughts on her victory but looked upward from under Bruno’s limp corpse at the roof of the chapel, but saw no hint of her brother. Then she looked to where sounds of hooves and neighing issued and saw Roland his train galloping her way.

    Nausicaa wearily rose, allowing the propped up carcass to fall to the ground. She jerked the bill of her weapon from its bloody sheath only for it to break off. Now armed with nothing more than a splintered staff, she faced the newcomers and their strange mounts, for she had never seen a horse before. Though their arrival had saved her from death at Bruno’s hands, she knew not what evil these men might bring.

    “Who…are you?” she weakly spoke. Fatigue now set in, her lids felt heavy. Then her body collapsed and she fell to the ground.

    Roland frowned at the grim scene before him. He only saw the outcome of Nausicaa’s fight with Bruno. He had not reckoned the soldier to be a woman until he heard her address him. He was just about to answer her question when she had collapsed.

    Reyance informed him of the fight he had witnessed, how she slew the boss of this gang.

    “What of the other bodies, were they your work?” Roland asked.

    “We cut down a small number of the foes, but the rest were dead before my arrival.”

    Roland dismounted his steed and approached the collapsed soldier. An arrow struck into the ground before him. The lord looked up.

    “Whoever you are you have my thanks for your aid against these murderers,” said a voice. It belonged to a youth atop the chapel with a strung bow. “But do not think you can do harm to my sister unhindered.”

    “Everyone we intend harm to is now dead or captured,” said Roland. “I only wish to help your sister and any other survivors we can find. By the looks of it, you too could use some aid.”

    Nestor reluctantly acquiesced. Besides the gash in his hip he had suffered wrestling the second bandit from the roof top, he had few to no arrows left in his quiver. Like it or not, he was at the mercy of these strangers.

    Moments later, the great mahogany doors of the sanctuary opened and the citizenry of the village cautiously emerged. Roland met with the chieftain and the high priest. Under their orders, his army assisted with the disposing of bodies, putting out the fires, and clearing away rubble. Einhart tended to the wounds of sentries and civilians. Clergymen ministered food to the hungry and the displaced.

    “I am very grateful Lord Roland, for all you have done for us,” said Alcinous the chief of the village. “You have twice saved my people with this assistance.”

    “I’m only acting as a proper knight should,” Roland replied with a modest grin. “It is the belief of King Magnus that humanity must unite as one in the coming years so we cannot allow men to kill each other so senselessly.”

    “I know not of this King Magnus, but I do know that to you I am indebted. No words can properly express how my gratitude for you saved my children. My beloved son and daughter would not still be with me were it not for you.”

    “It was their own skill that kept them alive long enough for my arrival to save them. I cannot take much credit for them.”

    “Still though, how might I convince you to stay here and continue to defend our home? Perhaps if my daughter agreed to wed you?”

    “I-…uh.” Roland sheepishly stammered, “Sorry but I am already betrothed to another. Worry not though, for we could still defend you as citizens of the First Kingdom of Men, so please you.”

    “A tempting offer that I will consider. There is one up north who purports himself a king. They call him Marsilion of the Avars. He has enslaved those who do not yield to his forces willingly. The bandits that attacked this village purposed to sell my people to him as thralls.”

    “In that case we may need to fortify our position in these lands. Have you any knowledge of where we may gather resources?”

    “North of here are the Ciaran Cliffs where you may quarry stone. In the east is Pherae Woods where lumber is plentiful, although it is close the realm of the Sky Dragon Tribe

    Roland thanked the chief for his wisdom, and walked off to further direct the reconstruction efforts.

    They buried the victims of the raid and held a solemn service for them. The slain and executed raiders were not so honored for they gathered the bodies in a field lit them in bonfire come nightfall. In the light of the pyre, Nausica and Nestor approached Lord Roland seeking to join his army.

    “That is not necessary,” said the little knight.

    “It is so,” said Nausica. “Father has agreed to join your coalition and so I pledge my spear to you, Lord Roland.”

    “As do I, though I prefer my injury healed before I do any fighting for you,” said Nestor.

    “Well…I cannot put Alcinous’s children in danger.”

    “Are you not the son of your own father?” said Nausicaa. “I am the eldest of ten children: three boys and seven daughters. Nestor is the second eldest, we are both trained for combat and we both owe you a debt.”

    Roland eyed the bandages wound around her arm and Nestor’s hip. “Very well, report to Einhart on the morrow.”

    With that, the azure haired lord left for his pavilion to write his father and his mind turned on the news of the Avars. He had heard of a barbarian king in the north from Wiglaf, however he had not anticipated these forces reaching so far south. From what Alcinous reported, it sounded as though this Marsilion had not the ears for diplomacy. However, perhaps the rising threat of the dragons might convince him to set aside their differences. The less bloodshed in this campaign, the better.

    I plan on posting a new chapter at least once a month.

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