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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. I don't mind writing descriptions for you. Should I pm you? I need better eyes.
  2. still waiting for the inevitable kha mid meta it's that broken. I won't tell you how. hintevolvewfirstplaypassivelytillyouseeachancetopokeenemymidorallinifenemyispokingtype
  3. Hivemind refers to organized system of group controlled by a being. Think Ants, and Bees in real world. Tyranids and Zergs in games. 4chan is most certainly not a hivemind. If I had to compare 4chan to something. I'd compare it to Deep Sea. It's full of darkness, and unimaginable horrors.
  4. Oh booooooooy. I'm getting better inspiration for my fanfiction. I think I can get two chapter by this week's end! Re-reading the same manga really helped. I think I'm on 30th time already.
  5. But I like the design of the hood though. I asked for a feedback earlier with another, and he said he didn't see Idoun in the mug. Funnily enough, I see Idoun the same way as you do.
  6. I'm biased, but... this is what I know so far. Once upon a time... long time ago. In a galaxy far far far away... There existed a plane called Gaming Journalism. Their job was to report on games that came their way to apex on their curiosity. One day, a creature of predefined gender approached them asked them to review on her game. Depression Quest it was called. Bad Reviews lay across her board. Enraged by it. She decides to commit the unthinkable. Using her gendered favors, she lured unsuspecting male one after another despite being in relationship with her beloved. Suddenly, the reviews shifted from bad to good, and the journalism is under her control. Many protests, but no, she did not submit, rather she claims to be a victim of all this situation. Hiding behind her wall of her comrade of same ideal... The Feminism. But not just any Feminism... the Feminazi. A faction within the religion that slowly overthrow the true equality between genders to turn toward opposing 'privileged white cis male' Protected by such... men could not force her to reflect on her sins of upsetting the balance of gaming. There came along an innocent company called TFYC who wants to truly create a game befitting female gamers. (whose term does not apply properly as gamers are of both gender and should not be corrupted to display own gender.) They seek donation and support to create this game. The same creature as told before, Zoe Quinn, had previously told the person who is behind the face of TFYC to condemn the game as it is not worthy for the face of feminazi. But on another alternative plane, one not fit to be seen, nor to be interacted with as it is on the highway to hell, a board, but not just any board, but a gaming board. /v/. They conspired and decided to 'upset' Quinn and supported TFYC donating nearly 16 thousand dollar to the cause. TFYC baffled by their generosity offered them their very own representation within the game. They debated back and forth resulting in a civil war between their own kin. Finally, they came to an agreement. Vivian James was born, as a daughter to the /v/. Happily sending the owner a copy of the information on their newborn. The very next day, TFYC was shut down for unknown reason other than to annoys the alternative board. Angered by the hacker's effort to dispute the attempt at equality, TFYC turned to the donation board's director asking them to repair and restore the information to keep their development on board. Again, hacked. /v/ and TFYC was baffled by the sheer stupidity of the hacker. To oppose a board within the alternative plane equal total destruction by the crushing force of a blood waterfall from hell. 4chan does not take these sort of things very kindly. As I know, TFYC and /v/ are calm at the moment, but I really doubt /v/ will stand Zoe Quinn and her slaves to continue trying shut down the equality operation game devised for women. (I exaggerated a bit. But a good story are always exaggerated.)
  7. I hit my head on a shelf. I feels sick
  8. He looks fun to play, but incredibly skill based. Sounds like something I could had designed if the inspiration hit me.
  9. I was actually talking about chapter 100. o.o
  10. Kin, your feeling about latest assassination classroom translated chapter?
  11. I enjoy reading femnazi story and a sweet revenge in the end. Do anyone?
  12. Hard to be happy if no one's there to be happy with you.
  13. I wonder what's Kin's reaction to the latest translated chapter of Assassination Classroom~
  14. Well, I don't know what to do with her.
  15. I certainly hope you'll have a screenshot of that 'something nasty' when it's ready so we know what you're talking about. :v
  16. 4chan is surprisingly committed to these sort of things. The one question now is... What logo will they use?
  17. He already LP'd it, then he quit lping to do it privately for klok since he's busy (a lie he just wanna hide his shame of million deaths, he'd be labelled #worstleaderworld) So, I wouldn't think he'd do it again given how much he hates it.
  18. Well, there's that. SPOILER ALERT BELOW But I was more referring to the Goddess Ilias's chaotic moment when you refuses to kill Alice at the end of the act 2. SPOILER END
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