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Posts posted by Iscaneus

  1. First off, to all of you who have posted scans here: thank you so much!

    Secondly, if you haven't had a chance yet, please take a look at the images being uploaded to the Fire Emblem wiki, someone has been adding a huge amount of scans for the generic characters. https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Images

    Third, there are still a few images missing and I was hoping someone might be kind enough post the missing entries.

    Falcon Knights (F/M)

    Kinshi Knights (F/M)

    Dark Falcon (M) (Art might not exist)

    Dread Fighter (F)

    Sorcerer (F/M)

    Sniper (F/M)

    I realize I'm asking a lot.

  2. Agreed. I think we will get used to the new voices.

    In regards to the controversy breaking out over Elise's age in this game, I'm honestly surprised this is a thing. Her art doesn't depict her as looking any younger than a lot of other anime-styled characters who are supposedly "of age." That's not to say I always thought those characters looked that old (or that people need to believe said age), but this is hardly a surprise given the history of such depictions. What I'm saying is that if we hadn't had any prior knowledge of her age we probably wouldn't be making such a fuss about that line.

    And of the two youngest sisters Elise is the only one I'm worried about. I think Sakura can pass as a young adult pretty easily. Her design is more subtle, whereas Elise is pushing the lolita-fashion thing pretty hard (which isn't helping her perceived age).

    My point above about the prior knowledge I think deserves a tad more expansion. We're obviously hardcore FE fans, otherwise we wouldn't be here on this board having these discussions. But we (and the gamefaqs crowd, and the reddit crowd, etc.) represent a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the overall English-speaking player base. It's big. Most of that player base will go into this game never having heard the Japanese names. Never having heard the Japanese VAs. Never having known Elise was supposed to be a kid (though, again, maybe scratching their chins skeptically at her art). Most of the English-speaking player base will play these games as they are presented and not have any preconceived ideas about the game at all, and thus none of the kinds of grievances expressed here over and over. That doesn't make those grievances any less real, but I do think we need to put some of our positions into the wider context sometimes.

  3. Just to chime in, Holy Lancer is not the confirmed NOA name for that class. We still have yet to hear what they'll go with.

    With these games IS seems to want to further differentiate the two nations. Hence samurai instead of myrmidon, despite samurai clearly being this game's myrmidon (which, by the by, have traditionally been called sword fighters in the Japanese games). And in the end anything could go since pegasus knights were renamed pegasus warriors in the Japanese version, which were renamed sky knights in the NOA version.

  4. I don't think it should come as any surprise that so many of us like our generic units. Up until Path of Radiance, every sprite used in a fight was generic with the exception of lords and the like. And the delicious GBA-era sprites were particularly cool. But beyond that, games like Tactics Ogre, the FFT series, and Disgaea all run off of a sea of cool generic soldier types.

    Regarding the critical cut-ins: the big collections of portrait-rips that people unearthed after the game launched didn't include cut-ins for the generics so I'm assuming they do not have them.

  5. Finally, I'm a big fan for preserving the author's intent for the work as close as possible to the original. If the original developers chose a name for a character, then I think that the localized name should reflect that choice.

    And that's fine, I think this is an important thing to consider in discussions like these. However, we don't really know what the original intent was behind any of these names. We can only speculate, and there's nothing to say that NOJ didn't have some input in the NOA translation (Nintendo is famously protective of their IPs). In the absence of evidence as to the author's original intent, I think the debate can really only stand on a matter of taste. And taste, of course, is going to change based on the person.

    I understand that people got attached to the fan names, or the NOJ names, but in the end there was always going to be some change. The series has a long history of such and it was bound to happen again. I do think it's cool that Awakening has such a passionate fanbase. It's a good sign for the future of the franchise outside of Japan.

  6. All of this reminds me of Naruto. When the manga was revealing characters like Pain and Killer B (names which are supposed to be in English from the off) there were significant debates over how to spell their names. Lots of people insisted that it was Pein and Kira Bi (or variations there of). They refused to see that the names might be something other than a straight translation of one of the ways to romanize the katakana.

  7. Considering Cherche looks like a Japanese fetish-take on a French maid, I think her new name fits. Personally I don't see why everyone is so up in arms over anything. Fire Emblem has a long history of significantly altering character's names from the Japanese releases to the English versions. Look up some of the names from PoR or RD and you'll see what I mean (I'm sure some of you already know this, I'm not trying to sound patronizing). Here are a few of my favorite changes:

    Aran was originally Brad

    Soren was Senerio

    Bastian was Ulysses

    Titania was Tiamat

    Astrid was Stella

    Ilyana was Elaice

    Rhys was Kilroy

    Stefan was Sōnbaruk

    So yeah, some of the names changes will throw us for a loop, but at least we can take comfort in this not being a new change in NoA's naming schemes.

  8. Thanks, and just for clarification, I only need full body shots of Loran and Naga. I only need Cynthia's leg to fix the one that's cut off, Azure's feet to redraw them and Wood's coattails to see what they're supposed to look like ( I was able to get a friend redraw them, but he was going off of guess work), if that lessens the burden any.

    Concept art is always nice

    Ask and ye shall receive.

    My Fire Emblem Photobucket

    Again, these are iPhone photos, so not the best quality possible. I wasn't willing to break my book's spine for scanning. Sorry

    Edit: Hmm. It seems the hour of work I spent rotating all of the images correctly didn't save.... I don't have time to do it again, sorry, I guess I'll see about doing it again later? We'll see.

  9. This man(/woman) is a prince. A prince! Such great sources -- thanks again. =)

    Yeah, it's interesting they scrimped on two of the more basic classes. By the way, did anyone else notice Dark Pegasus is slightly...ho-ier? That miniskirt. I guess Falcon Knight's loincloth isn't much better.

    Catria's DLC for Awakening is as a Dark Pegasus, and her outfit is pretty close to the generic, just recolored (it actually shows more skin than the generic, but that's a named DLC character for you).

  10. (Okay, so I've been using this emote a lot recently, but this time truly warranted it.)

    Iscaneus, thank you so much. ^^ Wow...what a nice thing to do. At the risk of being obnoxious, I don't suppose you have the Valkyrie, Pegasus Knight, and Falcon Knight concept art? I've seen Peg. and Falcon Knights in-game, but it would be cool to see the design in detail. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one interested in these generic illustrations.

    Falcon Knight (Rider)


    Valkyrie (Rider)


    Weirdly, the Pegasus Knight (along with the Sorcerer) lacks concept art in the book. Considering how detailed the book is, I find that surprising. And you're welcome! I figured I have the book, might as well do what I've hoped other people would do in similar circumstances so many times in the past.

  11. Really? Regular clerics too, they wear her big hoop dress and everything? Interesting...I wasn't expecting that.

    In case you're curious, here are some pictures (yes, taken with a phone) of the generic concept art from the artbook. Sorry for the quality, but I'm not willing to rip apart my book just to scan them in (this thing was too expensive for that).


    Battle Sister

    Troubadour (Rider)


    (And since it came up in discussion)

    Dark Pegasus (Rider)


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