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Posts posted by Wheels

  1. 37 minutes ago, timon said:

    Oh god please no. Just answer with a yes or no please (under spoiler tag): are they related (closely enough to make a relationship weird)?


    They're not related, but in my opinion, entering a relationship with her would be messed up and weird


  2. 2 minutes ago, Timlugia said:
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    Two other church endings showed her survive.

    One of them clearly marked BylethXRhea.

    After finally saving both Fódlan and Rhea from crisis,\nS0 ascended the throne as the first leader of\nthe United Kingdom of Fódlan. From EK00hisEL00herEM00 temporary\nresidence at Garreg Mach Monastery, EK00heEL00sheEM00 endeavored to\nrestore and develop Fódlan. Having narrowly escaped\ndeath, Rhea took time to recover her strength before\nreturning to her role as archbishop. Upon her return,\nshe applied herself to rehabilitating the church and\nhelping those who had suffered because of the war.\nThereafter, the two worked closely to forge new policies\nand achieve progress for Fódlan. The pair's collective work\ncame to be thought of as nothing short of miraculous.


    Aha, thank you! Finding anything in the text files is a pain, ahah



  3. 21 minutes ago, Mad_Scientist said:

    Okay I'm not 100% certain, but based on what I can tell the answer is:

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    Probably not in either, it seems like she's Black Eagle + Church route only.

    As to why I think that's the case:

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    I saw some spoilers indicating she died in the Golden Deer route, so obviously a no-go there. And while she seems to always survive the Blue Lion route, the paired ending with her and the MC specifically mentions the main character being a ruler of a united kingdom of Fodlan and Rhea returning to her role as Archbishop. But Byleth only becomes ruler of a united kingdom of Fodlan in the Golden Deer and Church endings, in the Blue Lions route Byleth themself becomes archbishop. So unless the text dump is incomplete and left out an ending (possible since there's no particular Sothis ending shown despite us knowing she has an S support), it seems Rhea can only be romanced in Black Eagle Church route.



    I don't think she's romancable in the Church Route. From the dump, there's some other ending texts, and this seems to be the one for the Church route

    A rising flame was alight as the flow of time carved\na new history for Fódlan.
    Rhea's wild rampage was put to an end, averting\nwhat could have been the greatest crisis in the\nhistory of Fódlan. After five and a half years of war,\na new age was set to begin.
    The Empire, Kingdom, and Alliance—all political\nstructures that had once shaped the continent—were\ngone. A unified nation began to take shape under the\nwatchful eye of the Church of Seiros.
    The church's new leader became a champion of the\npeople, working tirelessly to help them overcome the\nhorrors of war and to carve out a path towards\nreconstruction.
    Just as Saint Seiros tended to those who suffered in\nwars of the past, Fódlan's new ruler embraced their\nrole as mother of all life and arbiter of every soul.


    And this would be the generic Byleth ending that fits it? All the rest name you working together with a lord

    S0 defeated those who slither in the dark\nand put down the crazed Immaculate One. In the\naftermath of the loss of Fódlan's great leading figures,\nEK00heEL00sheEM00 ascended the throne as the first leader of the\nUnited Kingdom of Fódlan. In EK00hisEL00herEM00 heart lived the\nindelible hope that their efforts would one day yield\nan era in which the people knew true peace and the\nhorrors of war were a hazy memory of the past.

    So she seems to die in the Church route. I think it must be the Golden Deers route she survives on, because the texts I've seen say she took a life-threatening wound, but don't definitively say she's dead


  4. 13 minutes ago, Azz said:

    I really hope Cyril's personal skill is aptitude or smth cause wow both his growths and bases suck. The main three are all really good though, especially Dimitri. I wonder class growths will effect growths tho.


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    why the hell does Jeralt have a Crest of Seiros???



    27 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Whyyy does 

      Hide contents

    Jeralt have the Crest of Seiros? I'm very confused now.



    Rhea had Jeralt partake of her blood to save his life game, so that would likely be it. 


  5. 47 minutes ago, Moonlit Knight said:
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    Honestly, I am very happy with the general idea of platonic S-Supports, and I think they should have made more than just three. I’m also relieved that we won’t have to break up Alois and Gilbert’s established families. While the obvious gender disparity is insulting, I’m sorta just “whatever” about the whole thing now.


    Also, is there any confirmation that Sothis’s S support is also indeed romantic? Or do we have two platonic S-supports per gender?



    Sothis does not have a paired ending, despite having an S-rank


  6. 10 minutes ago, Azz said:
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    It's the list we already know. Byleth+The 8 students of each house+Seteth, Flayn, Hanneman, Manuela, Gilbert, Alois, Catherine, Shamir and Cyril.

    Rhea and Sothis are still up in the air but are 80% definitely playable

    36 total, 31 possible per playthrough, maybe 30 in BE and GD if Gilbert in BL only

    NOTE: This is what I'm assuming. I've skimmed the text dump and I haven't seen anything to imply there are more than this but I'll be looking again more closely tomorrow since it's 3 am here lol



    Sothis isn't playable, likely.

    By fusing with Sothis and awakening the progenitor god's power, Byleth obtained the certification for the Enlightened One class!

    ^From the text dump. Also explains why she doesn't have a paired ending


  7. One of Flayn's endings



    Flayn disappeared soon after the war, and over time it was all but forgotten that she had ever existed. Many long years later, however, a young woman resurfaced in a completely transformed Fódlan. When she looked to the man who stood beside her, she wondered if it would be all right, in this new era, to call him Father.

    Looks like her and Seteth are indeed, Saints


  8. Using the leaks we've seen so far, I put together a timeline of Fodlan.

    41 Years Before the Empire's Founding:

    Saint Seiros appears, gathering together people who would form the Church of Seiros

    Imperial Year 1:
    Adrestian Empire is founded

    Imperial Year 32:
    Wilhelm Paul Hvesvelg raises an army to unite Fodlan under the Adrestian Empire, and specifically targets noble houses seeking more power

    Imperial Year 46:
    The Battle of Gronder occurs, a major clash between Nemesis and Imperial forces, which the Imperials won

    Imperial Year 91:
    The Battle of Tailtean occurs, and Seiros kills Nemesis while fighting for the empire (The opening cutscene. Also interesting to note, Seiros and Nemesis have at least 150 years alive at this point)

    Imperial Year 98:
    Wilhelm's son and current Emperor, Lycaon, dies of a sudden illness, and the chance is taken to bring the war to an end

    Imperial Year 721:
    The First Mach War, Dagda invades, and while the Empire manages to drive them back, the land of Mach sustains heavy damage

    Imperial Year 728:
    The Empire invades the Brigid Archipelago, allies of Dagda at this point. They refuse to surrender, and lose, thus being relegated to a life of Imperial subjugation

    Imperial Year 731:
    Using their foothold in Brigid, the Empire invades Dagda, but are pushed back

    Imperial Year 747: 
    Loog, a descendant of one of the houses that the Empire targeted, demands independence for Faerghus, raising an army in a conflict called the War of the Eagle and Lion

    Imperial Year 751:
    Loog was successful against the Empire's forces, and with the Church of Seiros mediating, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus is founded.

    Imperial Year 801:
    A rebellion breaks out in the region of Leicester. The Empire is unable to quell the rebellon, and Faerghus occupies the region, claiming it as their own

    Imperial Year 861: 
    King Klaus I dies and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus is split into three territories, each ruled by one of the princes (Who become archdukes in this process)

    Imperial Year 881:
    The Archduke of the Leicester region dies of illness, and the nobility refuses to recognise the next in line, instead plotting to rule as an alliance

    Imperial Year 901:
    The Leicester Alliance is officially formed, after getting rid of all opposing forces and nobles. Duke Riegan was the heart of this alliance.

    Imperial Year 961:
    The nation of Almyra invades the Alliance from the east through a pass called Fodlan's Throat. The Empire dispatches forces to help beat back the invasion, only just winning victory

    Imperial Year 1101:
    The Alliance, Empire and Kingdom join forces to rebuild a great fort called Fodlan's Locket to protect the three from future Almyran invasion

    Imperial Year 1135:
    Alois is born, second son of a merchant family

    Imperial Year 1146:
    Alois is discovered by Jeralt, and becomes his squire

    Imperial Year 1157:
    Mercedes is born to the late Count Martritz
    Mercedes' mother is remarried into House Bartels

    Imperial Year 1158:
    Mercedes' younger brother, Emile, is born into House Bartels. He has a Crest
    Manuela becomes a member of the Mittelfrank Opera Company

    Imperial Year 1159:
    Hanneman becomes an authority on Crests in the Empire
    Jeralt vanishes
    Alois is knighted into the Knights of Seiros

    Imperial Year 1160:
    Hubert is born, the eldest son of Marquis Vestra
    Sylvain is born, the second son of Margrave Gautier
    Leonie is born, daughter of a hunter in Sauin Village

    Imperial Year 1161:
    Dorothea is born to a lady-in-waiting of Imperial nobles
    Dedue is born, the eldest son of a blacksmith in Duscur
    Lorenz is born, eldest son of Count Gloucester
    Manuela gains fame as the Divine Songstress

    Imperial Year 1162: 
    Edelgard is born, the 4th daughter of Emperor Ionius IX
    Bernadetta is born, the eldest daughter of Count Varley's son
    Ferdinand is born, the eldest son of House Aegir
    Claude is born, grandchild to Duke Riegan on his mother's side
    Hilda is born, eldest daughter of Duke Goneril
    Marianne is born to an unknown lord in Leicester
    Raphael is born, eldest son of House Kirsten, a merchant family
    Seteth is summoned to the Monastery as an assistant to the Archbishop

    Imperial Year 1163:
    Casper is born, the second son of Count Bergliez' son
    Lindhart is born, the eldest son of Count Hevring
    Ingrid is born, eldest daughter of Count Galatea. She is engaged to Glenn, first son of Duke Fraldarius
    Felix is born, second son of Duke Fraldarius
    Annette is born, to Gustave, a Kingdom knight
    Ashe is born to restaurant owners in the Gaspard region
    Ignatz is born, second son of a merchant family

    Imperial Year 1164:
    Petra is born, grandchild to the King of Brigid
    Hanneman gives up his noble peerage after the death of his sister

    Imperial Year 1165:
    Lysithea is born, eldest daughter of House Ophelia
    Hanneman absconds from the Empire, and joins the Officer's Academy

    Imperial Year 1167:
    House Ordelia (Lysithea's house) is involved in House Hyrm's rebellion. In retribution, the Empire meddles in the internal affairs of House Ordelia, leading to a sharp decline in its noble standing. Lysithea is caught up in this.
    House Hyrm's genetic line is wiped out, and is currently headed by an adoptee
    Hubert becomes Edelgard's vassal
    Mercedes and her mother are removed from House Bartels and flee to a church, Mercedes takes up her old name

    Imperial Year 1168:
    Casper's father inherits the Count Bergliez title after his grandfather retires

    Imperial Year 1169:
    Lindhart and Casper meet and become good friends

    Early Imperial 1170s:
    A famine occurs in the land of House Galatea's lands (Ingrid's family)

    Imperial Year 1171:
    Insurrection of the Seven occurs in the Empire, where the nobility strips away most of the power of the Emperor and Hvesvelg family.
    House Aegir (Ferdinand's House) takes the role of Prime Minister and now holds most of the power in the Empire
    Lord Arundel (noted to be a major instigator of the Insurrection) takes Edelgard and flees the Empire
    Dorothea joins the Mittelfrank Opera House

    Imperial Year 1173:
    Ashe is adopted by the lord of the Gaspard region, Lonato

    Imperial Year 1174:
    Edelgard and Lord Arundel return to the Empire
    Dorothea becomes famous as the Mystical Songstress
    Leonie meets Jeralt and is inspired to become a mercenary like him
    Manuela leaves the opera and becomes a teacher at the Officer's Academy

    Imperial Year 1175:
    House Nuvelle falls to ruin after letting the combined Dagda and Brigid forces make landfall in their lands
    Petra loses her father in the Dagda and Brigid War, and is sent to the Empire as a sign of vasslage

    Imperial Year 1176:
    King Lambert of Faerghus dies and Grand Duke Rufus of Itha (The King's brother) assumes the throne in Dimitri's place
    Dimitri is the sole survivor of the Tragedy of Duscur
    Ingrid's fiance and Felix's brother, Glenn, dies in the Tragedy of Duscur
    Subjugation of the Duscur region occurs
    Dedue loses his family in the subjugation of Duscur. He swears fealty to Dimitri and becomes his vassal
    Many members, including the head, of House Bartels, die in mysterious circumstances, and this is attributed to the heir, Emile
    Ashe's adoptive brother Christophe is executed by the Knights of Seiros
    Marianne is adopted by Margrave Edmund

    Imperial Year 1177:
    Gustave, Annette's father, disappears, and she goes to live with her uncle Baron Dominic
    Miklan, Sylvain's elder brother, is disinherited
    Raphael's parents are attacked and killed by monsters

    Imperial Year 1178:
    Dimitri serves as a commander suppressing a western Kingdom rebellion
    Felix serves as a squire suppressing the western Kingdom rebellion
    Annette enrols in the Kingdom's sorcery academy, achieving excellent grades
    Lorenz enrols in the sorcery academy in Fhirdiad, but leaves early due to political changes in the Kingdom

    Imperial Year 1179:
    Claude is announced as a legitimate heir to House Riegan, after his mother disappeared
    Raphael sells his family's estate, gives up the merchant business, and resolves to become a knight
    Flayn begins living at Garrag Mach Monastery

    Imperial Year 1180: 
    Current Day

  9. Sumia and Miriel:


    My friend just transcribed a fair chunk of their second conversation...

    Let's just say... Yandere!Sumia? Prooooobably not too far off.

    Miriel finds out all of Sumia's mannerisms are a ploy to make her more attractive to guys, Sumia admits to it, and by the looks, poisons Miriel to make her forget.

  10. Alas, I can't get Cordy -> Spouse yet D: I married her on my EU copy, and we don't get Summer for another 2 weeks. If you can't wait that long for it to be posted, feel free to post it ^_^


    Door Opening

    >End of Turn 4


    The doors have opened, Princess Eirika.


    So I see. Time to make this battle a little more interesting!

    (Ike's door opening doesn't exist)




    Do you even know who I am? Go back to your world before you get hurt.



    Hey! Try me on for size!



    You look strong- so I hope you won't mind me giving you special treatment!



    Are you supposed to be a challenge?



    We had an overwhelming advantage in numbers... So what are these doubts?

    [spoiler=Death's Embrace]


    I've always believed that strength alone brings victory, but perhaps I was wrong. On a battlefield like this, to rely purely on strength would be a fatal mistake. In any case, you and yours were dealt a cruel hand... I hope I can offer you rest.

    [spoiler=Five-Anna Firefight]


    The heat here is fierce. It'll sap your strength and warp your vision... But if one could master fighting here, battling elsewhere would be a breeze. Next time I set off on a training journey, I know where to start...

    [spoiler=Roster Rescue]

    Pre Battle Script


    AAAAAACK! Chrom! Oh, Chrom, it's terrible!

    What's the matter, Lissa?!


    Monsters! Huge, horrible, ugly, smelly, rotting monsters!

    Rotting monsters? ...A Risen attack?


    Nuh-uh- these were definitely NOT ordinary Risen. They had shackles and, and arrows stuck in 'em all over and, and... Oh, and their bodies glowed blood red! They were terrifying! And, and-


    Easy, Lissa. First things first: Where did you see these creatures?


    Right here in camp! In the barracks! A bunch of them barged in and-


    And stole our army's roster. Forgive me milord, I was napping... They caught me with my pants down.


    Not literally, I hope...


    You saw them too, Frederick?


    Are the others all right? Are we still in danger?


    No, milord. We're safe...for now... But these were no ordinary revenants. I managed to strike one as they withdrew. The sound it made chilled my blood... It sounded almost like...a laugh... Clearly some new dark art is at work here. Someone made them bigger...stronger... I shudder to think what such a foe could be planning to do with our roster...


    Wait a moment... That's all they took? A single rooster?


    Roster, milord. THE roster.


    Is it the one that won't shut up every sunrise? 'Cause they can have that one...


    Not a rooster- a ROSTER! You know, the roster...? As in, the book...? The one Avatar is always reading?


    Oh, er, yes, of course. THAT roster... *Ahem* Um...yes. Perhaps you should remind Lissa why we should care that it's gone missing?


    That roster contains details on every soldier in our entire army! Names, birth dates, backgrounds, and...dare I say it... Slightly embarrassing personal tidbits!


    Embarrassing tidbits...? What embarrassing tidbits?


    Well...regarding you, milord, it says you are 'the most likely to break things...'

    What?! Who would know such a th- I mean, who would write such a thing?!


    We are not certain, truth be told. Not even Avatar understands how it works... New entries simply appear somehow whenever we take on a new recruit.


    Then this diabolical book must be destr- er, recovered! ...Recovered and protected!


    Indeed, milord. In our hands it is a useful tool, but to our enemies? Who knows what fiendish designs it could enable... The scandal! The ignominy!


    Then we are agreed. Ready the troops, Frederick.


    Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa...whoa. Hold on just a minute here... You mean you actually want us to FIGHT those things?


    We either face them, or we live a lifetime of shame.




    OF SHAME, I SAY! At this very moment some monster could be reading about how you snort, milady...


    How I... But I... That's... ...... ...When do we leave?


    At once. I tracked the creatures into the ruins just ahead. We can catch them there if we hurry.


    Then there's no time to waste. Let's move.

    Enter Map Script


    What is this place? It's teeming with Risen of all kinds!


    So it seems. Perhaps the thieves thought we would lose them in the crowds... If so, they're as dumb as they are ugly. They're twice the size of the others! See? There's one, two...three... Five, and...that's all? That can't be right.


    Why not?


    I counted seven when the roster theft occured, I'm quite certain. And I saw them all enter these ruins. Could they have slipped away?


    Perhaps. Perhaps not. For now, let's focus on the threats we CAN see.

    As you say, milord. One of the mutant Risen must still have the roster. But the others... Any of them could know our secrets by now... Revenants do love to gossip, after all. ...Or so my hairdresser tells me... In any case, we'd best crush all of them! Our dignity is on the line!


    >After 1+ Revenants have been killed (?)


    There! There they are! The last two targets! They may already be privy to our secrets, milord... We mustn't let either of them escape!



    All right, monster, fess up- what all is written about me in that thing? Wait, don't tell me- as long as the word 'oaf' is not in there... ...... Oh, for the love of all that's holy... That's it- give it here, freak!


    Don't try to intimidate me with gossip. I'm a respectable lady, dammit. And no matter what that thing says, I assure you I'm a fine cook! Now gimme back that roster before I shove it up your undead exit pipe!


    A secret is naught but a secret discovery by another name. And...perhaps you have made some 'sweet discoveries' about our ladies? I am all ears. ...Hmm? Why are you glaring at me? I have only the noblest of intentions!


    You saw the roster and think you know something about me? I care not a whit. If some puny egghead expects to fight me with knowledge, he's welcome to try. I'll leave him wishing he'd used that energy to train his sword arm instead!


    Why you care so much about Gregor's secrets? Is in love with Gregor? Gregor not ashamed about age or about crick in back. Therapist says is normal. Eh? Why you make funny face? That's it- Gregor demand you hand over roster!

    Aren't you a naughty one, stealing a lady's secrets. What will you do with them? How can I repent for my former crimes if the gory details are spreading like wildfire? I apologize, dear, but for the sake of my redemption, I'm going to need you dead.


    You probably read the roster, right? Tell me everything you know. Do we have any talented cake chefs? Any secret heirs to a cookie fortune? Talk, damn you! These are things I must know!


    I imagine everyone else is panicking because they're so interesting. So, uh...since you've probably peeked at the roster, maybe you can tell me. ...Am I even in there?


    If word gets out that a taguel has survived, the men who killed my kind may return. I cannot put my comrades in danger for harboring me. The secret dies with you.


    The Vaike isn't afraid of this cloak-and-dagger nonsense. You want to know a dirty secret? I'll tell you a dirty secret: the Vaike doesn't HAVE any secrets! Har har!


    My, it certainly takes guts to steal secrets from the khan regnant of Regna Ferox. I know your kind. Spies and traitors have been poking around me for years, and yet...no one's gotten away with so much as my shoe size. You're about to find out why!


    So you're the ones responsible for taking our roster? As a new recruit, I was hoping to use it to learn more about my companions. ...Why am I wasting my breath explaining this to you? Let the fighting commence!


    I can't believe you found out ALL my secrets! So now you know where I stash all my shiny rocks and scales and everything? Information like that can ruin a person. I can't let you get away!


    I m-must reclaim that roster! The pride of the taguel depends on it! If it leaked out that a taguel still existed, I'd be on every hunter's most-wanted list... They'd be after my fur, my meat... Ugh! I'm too young to be someone's lunch!

    Morgan (F):

    Hey, so was there anything written about me in that roster?! I kind of have amnesia, you know, so if there was, I'd love to hear it! I'm not budging till you tell me everything! Even if it's embarrassing...I have to know!


    Ugh... What did it say about me in that roster? What do you know? About my insomnia? My receeding hairline? Wait... Did it mention...Minervykins? I see what must be done. Sadly for you, the only guarantee of silence is death!

    Post Battle (Failure to kill all Revenants)

    Well, we've recovered the roster...but we weren't able to contain all the revenants. So much for keeping a lid on our secrets...


    But I don't want people talking about my snorting! ...I mean, if I did snort...


    Cheer up, Lissa. It could be much worse. At least we're still alive. And sometimes humility can be a great teacher...as we're about to find out!

    [spoiler=Summer Scramble]

    Enter Map


    This is some resort they've got here. No wonder people come here to relax. I should let the troops rest up here once the fighting is dine After all, they were kind enough to send us an invitation...




    Ack! What giant is this that addresses me from beyond the sea?!


    OH... Sorry! I just lowered the volume. I"m using a Megaphone tome to talk to you long distance. It's an Anna original. Sometimes kids get lost at the resort. Their parents freak out... You know. ...And when you reply, would you please speak clearly into those seashells?


    These ones here? Huh. So that's what they're there for... Anyway, what's this special announcement?


    Well, remember how I mentioned you were celebrities? The Hotrealm put it to a vote, and we picked our four favourite Shepherds!


    You...voted on us?


    Sure did! Oh, don't worry, though- you're all loved. ...Just not equally. Anyway, the four winners will receive a very special prize! For the men, the winners are... Drumroll, please... Chrom aaaaaand... Gaius! Big round of applause! And for the ladies, we have... Tharja aaaaaand...Cordelia! Aren't they just lovely? Now which of you four are here with us today? Wait right here at this winner's circle to claim your prize! By the way, today's poll was just for the elder generation. The fruits of their loins will get their shot at glory another time!


    Elder generation...? I think I need to sit down...


    Uh-oh! Hope it's not heatstroke, old-timer! You'd better drop by the winners' circle and cool down! *click* *hiss*


    Well, my name was called... I suppose I'll go see what this is all about.

    Battle Quotes


    What a magnificent vista! It's just a shame it overfloweth with brigands and not lovely ladies... Perhaps a masterful stroke from Virion can set this painting right.


    What's so damn special about splashing around in some tub of salt water? If you really want to blow off steam, you should try your hand at combat. Here. I'll run you through the motions. ...Nah. I think I'll just run you through.


    You poor, darling brigand. Would the other beachgoers not play with you? Minerva will join you for a swim. Won't you, my sweet? Yes, you will! ...That is, assuming she CAN swim. I'm not sure we've ever tried!


    I wish I lived by an ocean like this. Just think of all the fresh fish... Sautéed in butter... Filleted and breaded... *grumble, grumble* Agh, there goes my stomach again. I really need to get control of that...


    Hey, if you're gonna pick a spot to plunder, you could do much worse... You've got sun, surf...all that lip-smacking fruit ripe for the plucking... ...Wait, what am I saying? I think the heat here is starting to get to me...


    Why don't you people find your own playground and leave this one alone?! If there's one thing I REALLY can't stand, it's bullies! Ugh! You'd better say you're sorry now before I start bullying back!


    Look at these nincompadres, having too much fun to listen to reason. OY! IS TIME TO VACATE BEACH! ...See? No listen to reason. Perhaps your friends come round after Gregor feeds you to hungry shark...


    Ugh, this heat... For once, I wish I had human skin instead of fur. As soon as we're done here, I'm going to find a cool stream and...and... ...... ...Nngh! Almost passed out there... I must stay alert for the taguel's sake!


    The rumors are true, pal. The Vaike thrives in the blazin' summer sun! But too bad for you, I ain't here for fun and games. When I'm through with you, you'll be sleepin' with the fishes!


    Well, look at you. You actually seem like you might have some fight in you. How about abandoning this invasion and coming to Ferox to hone those skills? You'd rather keep the beach? The summer sea is truly a force to be reckoned with...


    You liked the beach so much that you decided to conquer it? Ah, the brashness of youth! If you withdraw now, I might let you off with only a bruise or three. No deal? This won't end happily for one of us. And by one of us, I mean you.


    Blood...boiling...from this heat... Can't...control...sword hand... Flee now...brigand...or face the burning justice of...a thousand...a thousand... Argh, it's so hot I can't even remember my lines! Snap out of it, Owain!


    This place looks like fun. Another kiss of death to my chances of being noticed. Who has time for poor Kellam with all these thrilling distractions? I'll probably get mistaken for driftwood. Do I look like driftwood to you? Hello?


    WHy would you even attack a place like this? For sport? Making innocent people miserable for your own amusement is pathetic. Allow me to provide the discipline you so clearly require!

    EDIT: Looks like I got ninja'd a lot while doing this XD (Have been working on this for a few hours now, without refreshing ,so sorry!)

    Anyways, all of these quotes are from the NA version. The one quote I've gotten from the PAL version (I just call it EU cause it's shorter to type XD) is the Nowi/Tharja one, which I marked as such.

    The third child variation in each of my FoD claims was from my PAL copy, as is Cordelia -> MU (Spouse) and MU -> Severa (Child) all of which I'm happy to hand off to other people due to the PAL DLC being on a later schedule

  11. Well, I suppose the easiest way to do it would be, everyone who wants to put together quotes for FoD lists out all the fathers (Or mothers, in case of Chrom) for each of the kids in their files. Then if there's any double up, those two work out who want to do it more, and then just list the fathers that aren't claimed for each kid.

    So these are the ones I can do with my files





































    The last ones in each of that list are from my EU file, however, so they'd be the first ones I'd be happy to give up (Thanks to NoE and their Tharja -> Nowi harvest stuff) I've also started another run on my US copy, so there may be more I can do by the time FoD rolls around

    Now, to go do the rest of my stuff XD



    Enter Map Script


    All of our soldiers are in position.


    Then let's commence the attack. Give Micaiah the signal. Tell the other units to wait until their doors open.


    Consider it done.


    It's not like you to be so cautious, General. Wouldn't it be more satisfying to just storm at them the way we usually do?


    Not if we want to assure victory. It's said there's an expert tactician among the enemy ranks. This way we can keep our movements secret until it's too late for them. They won't know which doors will open or where to expect an attack from. First we sow fear and confusion- then we move in for the killing blow.


    Right. We may outnumber them, but we still have to be smart about this. Soren's strategy will work. Understand, Mia?


    Yes, sir.


    Micaiah, Ike's given us the signal.


    Then let's move on to the attack. Ready, Empress Sanaki?


    Of course. Come, everyone! The final battle is upon us!


    I sense trouble behind those doors...


    Chrom! Enemies to the south! They're heading this way!


    What? Then if there ARE enemies behind the doors here...

    We'll be trapped between a rock and a hard place.


    Damn... We're surronded? Why wouldn't they attack en masse?


    They're probably waiting for the right opportunity. Perhaps they plan to send wave after wave to whittle away our morale...


    And our strength in the process. This will be a tough fight.


    True, but look at it another way... They're committing a major tactical error by funneling their forces. As long as we stay calm and focused, we can pick them off one unit at a time.


    Good point. And we might be able to get the drop on them by opening the doors first.


    Now you're thinking.


    >First Enemy Phase


    Why does this fight feel so...empty? Our cause is just: defend this land against the invaders...

    Door Opening

    (Note: Opening them with Lockpick before the turn they open results in the same dialogue. If one of the talkers is dead, the conversation won't happen)

    >End of Turn 1


    King Zephiel, the doors! That's our signal.


    Right. Commence the attack!

    >End of Turn 2


    Um, the doors opened... I think it's time.


    Okay, everyone, follow me!

    >End of Turn 4

    (Eirika's door)

    >End of Turn 5


    Roy, the doors have opened. That's our cue.


    All right. Let's go!

    >End of Turn 7


    Finally, the doors opened. It's about time!


    Indeed. Let's join the battle!


    There's the doors. The time has come.


    Good. I'm tired of standing watch from the sidelines!

    >End of Turn 8

    (Ike's Door) (Might not exist)



    >Vs Laurent


    Hah. I can already tell you're not half as strong as you look


    Can you now? Usually I lay someone flat BEFORE I decide how strong they aren't.


    Heh... I thought I was better...than this...



    You sealed your fate the second you decided to challenge us.

    >Vs Owain


    You must have great skill if you targeted me, fiend. But be warned! My power emanates from a wellspring deeper than time!


    ...Did you want to fight or not? I don't have time for games.


    All right, all right. Don't go!


    Is this...where my struggle ends?


    >Vs Ricken:


    Be warned! I hit as hard as any man twice my age!


    Really? Then I'll have to hit back even harder.


    I wish...I could have understood...why you are doing this...


    >Vs Morgan (M)

    Surrender now, and I promise you no more blood will be spilt.


    Well, I'm all for no bloodshed, but the fact is- you need to go. I don't suppose it's as simple as just asking, though.


    Obviously not.


    Then fighting it is. Let's settle this quickly.


    So this is defeat? It...stings...


    >Vs Priam


    Leave, or I will drop you where you stand.

    Are you sure? I think I still have some friends of yours stuck to my boot.


    >Vs Henry


    Ooh! You look dangerous. But you should probably clear out of here before I mangle you and stuff.


    Your threats are only words. If you're an enemy of Ike's, you're my enemy, too.


    All this time...have I been playing into their strategy?

    Urpp, not feeling well again, sorry, have to leave this here, not quite done

  12. Okay, decided to get the EU convo just for comparison's sake anyways XD

    [spoiler=Harvest Scramble (EU)]

    Nowi & Tharja



    Tharja, it's so nice and shiny.




    Didn't you hear me? I said it's so nice and shiny!


    And what does that mean, exactly? ...DO I even want to hear this?


    You know! Your hair! It's so sleek and shiny and stylish!


    Gods. Is that your idea of a compliment? One moment I'm dealing with a simpering innocent, and the next... *sigh*


    Sooo...can I comb it? Oh please, say I can...


    Why are you even asking ME, anyway? There must be others with more exciting hair than me.


    Oh, no. I've checked out EVERYBODY in the whooole army, and you know what? You've got the best hair of them all. ...Trust me.


    What an honour. Perhaps you should check again to be safe? Now go on. Run along.


    FINE! If you're gonna be like that, I will! CHROM! HEY, CHROM! Tharja wants to know what you think about h-


    WHAT?! Grr... Pipe down, or I'll hex you into next week!


    But you just TOLD me to-


    I changed my mind. No more asking anyone about my hair, you hear?


    Boo. Well, if I can't comb it, can you at least tell me what it's like to touch?


    What is this all about? Why do you want to know?


    Well I heard some of the men talking about your hair... And they said they bet it was as sleek and soft to the touch as silk. That sounds pretty nice to me! So I decided I had to see for myself.


    Grrr... When I find out who these men are who've been talking about me... Well, let's just say there are about to be some new toads hopping around camp...



    ...Hm? Did I just doze off in the middle of a battle? Curious. I must be even more tired than I thought. Still, it was a wonderful dream... Fancy Avatar showing up! Hee hee. Ooh, the fun we had...


    Morning, sleepyhead! That was quite a snooze you had there!


    What do you mean, quite a snooze? Why in the world didn't you wake me up? We're in the middle of a battle!


    Hee hee! Because you look like you needed the sleep, silly! ...Aaaand it seemed like a good opportunity to touch your lovely hair.


    Y-you WHAT?!

    And you know what? I was right. Your hair is really special. The way it feels! So sleek and smooth and-


    Are you out of your tiny mind?! I hope you enjoyed it...because you're about the receive the hexing of your life!


    Eeeek! No, don't! I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I really am! You just looked so tired lately, I didn't want to wake you! I was worried, you know? But I stood watch over you the whole time, honest! I...I thought I was helping... *sob*


    ...Urgh. How am I supposed to stay angry with that face? All right, all right... Fine. I accept your apology.


    *Sniff* R-really...? Oh, yay! 'Cause you know what- you look sooo much better now! You were all super-pale before, and-


    Enough! Ever heard the expression 'quit while you're ahead'? Anyway, no more touching people's hair while they're asleep. Understood?


    You mean I should only touch it while they're awake? Gotcha!


    Grr... That's it. You ARE getting hexed!

    Apologies for slowness on the SB stuff, I've really not been well these last couple of days

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