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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. If he marries the Avatar, then all that's mentioned is Avatar loves him. He could still have been dead after a year, for all we know, and Avatar devoting the rest of her life to accomplishing his dreams/goal, showing her utter love and devotion to him that way
  2. GaiusxLibra supports, Gaius offers Naga his first born son for sweets. Hilarious normally, but if you paired him with Maribelle, Olivia, FeMU, Miriel, Lissa, Cherche or Panne...He actually has a first son XD
  3. LB1 Arden >Batte with Kellam Kellam: You noticed me! I'm flattered. Arden: Ah, so you have that problem, too? And here I thought I was the only...Wait, why are we talking? Fight me! >Death How did yiu dent my...armor?
  4. Sorry, I hadn't looked at the claims, I just was filling in what was missing I could see as I was grinding the map for EXP at the time. So yeah, sorry about that, will pay more attention now ^_^;; For LB2, I guess, I'll claim the unclaimed, if that makes any sense XD My whole team has been through 2-3 promoted classes by now, so getting enemy conversations is easy, and my Lissa kinda has 50 Magic, so rescuing is super easy. So, I'll take what no one else takes by the time the map releases. Well, except I have a FeMU, so I can't get MaMU or FemMorgan conversations. Also, can probably get Kellam's LB1 conversation later today my time. Doing homework ATM, but if I finish that I should be able to rush it through.
  5. And my last contribution for the night [spoiler=Golden Gaffe] Tharja: How dare you steal my toolkit. I would have GIVEN you my gold. But the lock of Avatar's hair in that pouch was...priceless. Return it now, or I will kill you a thousand times over! Noire: BLOOD AND THUNDER! WHERE IS MY GOLD, AND WHERE IS THE WRETCH WHO TOOK IT?...WHAT? WAS IT YOU? YOU LOOK...kind of strong, actually...Too strong for me to beat...Oh, I'll never get my money back, will I? Maribelle: Honestly, I'm a bit shocked a princess like Lissa had to save gold on the side. But I'm MORE shocked at you! Why didn't you steal from me? DO I look poor to you? DO I?! Brady: How dare you bozos yoink my savings! How am I going to buy tea leaves and violin strings or repair chess pieces?! I'll make ya pay for interferin' with my nonviolent pursuits! Kellam: If you lot have been stealing from everyone, why'd you leave my gold?It's sitting right in my tent! In a bag with the word "GOLD" on the side! Gosh, even my wallet lacks presence. Morgan (M) How could you steal from me? I was going to buy more books, and... and... And knock Mother's socks off when she saw how much I'd learned! How dare you interfere with my ploys to get attention! [spoiler=EXPonential Growth] Laurent: You're the first Entombed I've known to prefer the blood of tomatoes to flesh. I must commend you for your heathly life choices. However, destroyers of other people's property must pay the price. Yarne: Eek! They look even tougher up close...Y-you're a taguel-slayer, are you? Trying to make me extinct, is that it? Well...Y-YOU FIRST! Morgan (M) Hmm... I wonder what that woman meant by "you know what." No doubt Mother 's figured it out by now. I'll just have to get my answer the hard way, I suppose! Gerome: I imagine Minerva would find you to be a most excellent playmate.Alas, this is not playtime. I must cut you down where you stand. Inigo: Mummies here, mummies there...Why can't I gain experience from seducing lasses? It's so unfair. Aaaaargh! Why are you so close? And why are you puckering your LIPS?!
  6. [spoiler=Lost Bloodlines 1] Athena >With Panne Athena: Vat? You are a strange vun. Are you not human? Panne: No. Feel free to hate me for it...I am more than accustomed to the derision of man-spawn. Athena: Und vy vould ve hate you? Panne: You accused me of being "not human." Athena: Ve asked. Ve did not accuse. And in fact, ve find you to be a darling. Panne: I am not some pet! Athena: Are you always this suspicious? Ve like you because ve like you. Ve do not always like puppies and such, but you, ve find agreeable. You are like...a kindred spirit. Panne: Really? Then I thank you. Athena: Ve vill speak more later and share stories- if you are not veary of us Panne: I welcome the company. Malice >Conversation with Gregor Gregor: You are sellsword, yes? Malice: Who's asking? Gregor: Gregor the sellsword. Malice: Oh, so they have mercenaries in your world? Stands to reason, I suppose. Gregor: War is business, yes? And business is everywhere. Malice: It's a job, I suppose. It puts food on the table. Gregor: And that is life ambition? To find next meal? Malice: A lot can happen between meals. I keep it interesting Gregor: Oh ho ho! Gregor likke you...Gregor like you very much! Malice: Carry on, then. Horace >Conversation with Kjelle Kjelle: You, sir! Outrealmsman! Might I ask a favour of you? Horace: What is it, my lady? Kjelle: I can see you are a knight of ability. I wish for us to do battle. Horace: But...my lady, we are allies. Kjelle: I know. But I believe in seizing every opportunity to better myself. Horace: Do you, now? Then all the more reason I must refuse. Kjelle: Why? Do you see me as weak? Horace: I see you as young. Picking fights with everyone stronger than you is no way to better yourself. Knowing WHO to fight is what puts you above the rest. Fight your enemies, not your friends. Kjelle: ...I shall have to remember that. Norne >Conversation with Virion Virion: No. This simply cannot go unrectified. Norne: Huh? Are ya addressin' me, milord? Virion: But of course. I have eyes for none other (A/N: I REGRET MARRYING A WOMANISER NOW) Norne: And you're from some kind of outside world, is that right? Virion: The ins and outs of it are a matter of perspective, my lady, but yes. Norne: I see...Tell me then, what needs to be "rectified"? Virion: The way you handle your bow. You should wield it with more...grace. Norne: Grace matters, does it? Virion: A lady needs to be supple, aware of her curves, and taut under pressure. Norne: And what does a lady's bow need to do? Virion: Aha! Nothing gets past you, does it? We speak the same language Norne: Well, milord, it's truly kind of you to offer such enthusiastic instruction. But I think I'd rather bend my curves and tickle my bowstrings alone. Virion: W-wait, I only...She's gone. What a shame. For once, I thought I'd met a kindred spirit. Katarina >Conversation with Laurent Laurent: A moment, my lady, if I may. Katarina: One of the warriors I summoned? What is it, sir? Laurent: It strikes me that you might be this army's tactician. Katarina: I cannot say I bear so haughty a title, though I do deal in strategic matters. Laurent: Then might I beg a boon? Katarina: Yes? Laurent: When we have time, could you tell about your history with this force? And also where you envision yourself in the years to come? Katarina: Might I ask why? Laurent: One day, I hope to be worthy of leading my own army to great victories. I find that learning from my superiors expedites matters. Katarina: Well, that's very flattering. I would be happy to share my knowledge. However, you may find the wellspring to be rather shallow, so to speak. Laurent: I highly doubt that. You do me an honor, my lady. Legion >Conversation with Henry Legion: Uwee hee! Yous from the Outrealms? Henry: Sure am! What's it to ya? Legion: Yous and mes are like peas in a pod. Never thought we'd meet a mans so much like ourselves! Uwee hee! Henry: Hardly! Yeah, I may wallow in blood and giggle at the screams of widows...But you and me, the same? Nope! Legion: Are too. Henry: What makes you so sure? Legion: What makes you so unsure? Henry: I've got morals and a code of honor. Right and wrong and so forth. ...Might be a little messed up, I guess, but I still have 'em. Legion: Rights and wrongses don't matter - only doing what we's told. Henry: There, see? We're not peas in a pod. We're like two different pods. Legion: Uwee hee, so we is. Henry: But since we're on the same side, we can still wreak havoc together. Legion: Uwee hee! Now there's motivations we can get behind! Blood-filled battles for the both of us! Etzel >Conversation with Ricken Ricken: Ugh... Etzel: What's wrong, boy? Carried over your troubles here from the other world? Ricken: No, it's nothing like that. Etzel: You can't fool me. We're all counting on you, you know? If you aren't focused, we suffer for it. Ricken: You mean that? You're really counting on me? Etzel: Why wouldn't we? Ricken: It's just...everyone treats me like a child. I've all but given up on feeling needed. Etzel: Time you ran home, then. Ricken: What?! And leave Chrom? I could never- Etzel: Then gird your loins and fight! Are you a man? Only you can decide. Don't let others decide for you. Ricken: Hey, you're right! Etzel: If you want to feel needed, make yourself necessary. Let them weigh you in good deeds, not in birthdays. ...And stop moping. Ricken: I don't think I've ever gotten better advice. Thanks! Now it's time to earn my place on the field! Mareeta >Battle with Kjelle Mareeta: My sword will tear through your armour like butter! Kjelle: It certainly will not! Watch what you say about my armour, you scoundrel! >Death What a disgraceful...defeat...But I will return stronger... Julius >Battle with Nah Nah: Oh, my...Such distress. I can feel the agony in your heart. Julius: You'll feel plenty agony yourself very soon, little one. >Death A fine retort...But you will die when we next meet... Arthur >Battle with Ricken Arthur: What's this? A child? Ricken: I'M NOT A CHILD! Gods, how many times do I have to tell people that? >Death I was...a fool to make light of...those summoned soldiers... Ced >Battle with Laurent Laurent: A sage? It is encouraging to see wisdom among the enemy ranks. Ced: Wisdom? On these crimson grasses? Go back to your classroom, boy. Laurent: Life itself is the greatest classroom. If you wish to convince me otherwise, you will have to teach me! >Death I'm finished...I must retreat... Julia >Battle with Morgan (M) Morgan: Do we really need to do this? I take no pleasure in beating upon the frail. Julia: Then I beg you stand down, sir, for I cannot. Morgan: So a fight is inevitable? That's too bad... >Death I chose to fight...I regret...nothing... Ethlyn >Battle with Lissa Ethlyn: Please, my lady, stand down. This battlefield is no place for you. Lissa: Oh yeah? You'll be singing a different tune once I'm done with you! >Death I am sorry, Quan...I should have been stronger... Finn >Battle with Stahl Finn: There's a way to end this conflict. You leave this land, here and now. Stahl: Actually, um, the only way we can end this is by destroying you. Sorry. >Death Forgive me, Lord Leif...I was not...ready.... Eyvel >Battle with Sully Sully: A female sellsword? Ha! Care for an arse kicking? Eyvel: Ha! I'd never turn my back to an enemy as bold as you. Show me what you can do! >Death Saias >Battle with Libra Saias: Is there no way to convince you to lower your weapons and yield? Libra: There is not. What we have is a conflict of interests...May the gods be more merciful with you than I. >Death I cannot fight with these wounds...Must get...to safety... Olwen >Battle with Maribelle Maribelle: At last, a woman with enough class to face me. I was starting to wonder. Well then, shall we? Olwen: Shall we what? If you wish to raise hell, shut up and raise it! >Death So ends my role here... Arya >Battle with Say'ri Arya: Are you standing in my way, love? Unwise if you're fond of your limbs. Say'ri: I stand upon the path I must walk, and I shall yield that path to none. Let us settle this quickly! >Death Are all otherworldy warriors this...nngh, powerful? Dagdar >Battle with Donnel Dagdar: Scurry home to yer mother, lad. Ya got no business here. Donnel: You shoulda left my ma outta this. Now I'm gonna whup up on ya! >Death Ungh...No respect...for yer elders... Altena >Battle with Gerome Gerome: A wyvern rider, eh? ...And a skilled one by the look of your mount. Altena: Then stand down before I cut you down. Gerome: In the name of Minerva, I will not! >Death Your world has...the better fighters...I admit it... Jamke >Battle with Virion Virion: At last! An adversary who exhibits grace and character. A noble man who- Jamke: A man with no time for empty words. Draw and fight! >Death Why do you keep fighting? It will gain you...nothing... Larcei >Battle with Inigo Inigo: Come now. Can't we cease this battling and have a cup of tea? I see starlight in your eyes, not fire. Larcei: You're the second man to try that line on me. The world must be rid of you, flatterer! Die! Inigo: ...I'm quite certain I'm missing something here. >Death How could you best me? Face me...again...I must know... Ulster >Battle with Owain Owain: Outworld ruffian, prepare to be vanquished by the Inrealm's holy power! Ulster: ...Let us both pray you wield weapons better than you do vocabulary. >Death ...I wish you and I...had met as allies... Quan >Battle with Frederick Frederick: You strike me as a knight of ability, sir. I am Frederick of Ylisse, and I seek a battle with you. Quan: I am Quan of Leonster, and you shall get what you seek! >Death Forgive me, Sigurd...I can stand my ground...no longer... Arvis >Battle with Basilio Basilio: You wear a troubled look beneath those flowing locks, friend. Need a shoulder to cry on? I won't judge! Bwa ha ha ha! Arvis: You dare mock me? I'll rip that glib tongue from your gillet >Death It shames me to lose to phantoms like you from another world... Still fighting, so will edit more in. However, doesn't look like Male Morgan has a conversation with Seliph either. Perhaps they were mixed up? I'll see soon EDIT: Yep, Morgan (M) has a talk with Julia, so Morgan (F) would be for Seliph I reckon EDIT2: First runthrough of the map done, time to play again. EDIT3: All the conversations from the Southern group done EDIT4: Gaius doesn't have a battle conversation in this map. His conversation is probably still with Etzel, but in the next map
  7. Also, as I was going through CoY3 to get some Stats +2 [spoiler=CoY3] Lyn >Enter Battle I'll cut them all down before Eliwood can lift a finger! > Battle with Gregor Gregor: Mercy, girl. Gregor not bad man! Lyn: From my experience, a man only pleads innocence when he reeks of guilt Gregor: Yes, but...Er, what if...Gregor is confused. >Death I'm sorry, Eliwood. It seems my blade wasn't half as sharp as my tongue... Seliph >Enter Battle I must live on, for my sister's sake! >Battle with Cordelia Cordelia: We are not your enemies. Look beyond what you've been told, and you will see the truth! Seliph: Truth is in the eye of the beholder, is that it? Then perhaps it's you who needs look closer. Behold the truth of your defeat! >Death Forgive me, Julia... Julia >Enter Battle I fight for Seliph, my lord brother! >Battle with Lissa Lissa: Can't we find a way to end this without bloodshed? This is such a no-win situation. Julia: No war could be worse than the one my elder brothers fought. Lissa: Oh gods, I know exactly what you mean! My brother works me SILLY! I mean, yeesh. Who do they think they are, pushing their little sisters around? Julia: Er, no. I mean it was heartbreaking to...Never mind. Have at you! >Death Aaah...stay vigilant, brother...Their might is great... Micaiah >Enter Battle Are you really my enemy? >Battle with Maribelle Maribelle: Strange. I had pegged you as the lowest of commoners. But that's not entirely the case, now is it? Who are you? Micaiah: Since you're so sharp, why don't you tell me? Who am I? And why do I fight? >Death Friend...Foe...I just don't... Ephraim >Battle with Severa Severa: YOU...want to fight ME? Aren't you a little young to be throwing your life away? Ephraim: ...Aren't you a little old to be talking like some lackwit's brat? >Death Blast! Eirika...promise you won't...think ill of your brother Eastern Village Fie! Must you warmongers smash each other even at this ungodly hour! Here! Take this, and finish yer folly before ya wake me young'uns Western Village *Yawn* What in all of Talys is going on? ...Hmm? Ah! An army! They've come to kill us! Woe! Woe to us all! Here, t-t-take this, and spare a poor fool's life! I'm beggin' ya! EDIT: Added in all missing conversations between characters and legacy characters except Walhart
  8. I can confirm when you're playing as a FeMU, she says 'She'
  9. Looks like Chrom hasn't learned the wonders of Double Tap.
  10. Yep, Emmeryn's ending with the Avatar will be the generic Avatar ending (There's not even differences between the two genders other than pronouns, same with Morgan), except Emmeryn in as the wife/husband name
  11. I believe it's a beast Killer for the Knights, and Hammer for the Riders, and then, I can't remember which one goes where, but one gives you an Energy Drop, and the other gives you a Dracoshield The only way to get all 4 items is to fight both teams, there's no turning option at all.
  12. My main Avatar/gamefile, currently working on getting all skills for the first gen. Marriages were just couples I liked (Res+/Lck-) Rowan, my main 'male' file, at Chapter 8 now. Marriages by hair colour XD His wife will be Lucina. It's hard to see thanks to the shitty webcam, but his hair is Cherche red (Mag+/Str-) And my first support filing file, which I have started, but haven't played through, is Carlin, who will marry Henry, and will be a Trickster. Marriages are support filling from now on. Her hair's kinda blonde/brown? (Mag+/Def-)
  13. Should be...about a month until she comes out.
  14. To add to this, look at the Spotpass notification for this week. Anna says that Lost Bloodlines is full of PoR and RD characters to recruit, when, you know, it's basically FE4/5 vs FE11/12, with no PoR/RD guys at all. The Spotpass notifications areeeen't too accurate.
  15. Anna's spotpass message says that Lost Bloodlines will feature characters from PoR and RD... I think Anna's been hitting the Feroxi ale a bit hard
  16. And Infinite Regalia isn't out today, just checked from the uncertainty of it being on the store. Or lack thereof
  17. DLC is up, downloading something from the Golden Pack right now before I can actuall eneter the shop EDIT: At the shop, I see Lost Bloodlines 1 and Pack, no Golden Pack update, but it made me update my content before entering? Logic! EDIT2: EXP isn't in the shop, but I just loaded it up
  18. Yeah, I'd say Paralogues and items are doing what the JPN schedule did, that is, releasing every 2 weeks.
  19. nah, we'll probably get a weapon today like we did the first week
  20. I was more thinking Elincia -instead- of Leif, because we have the PoR and RD spotpasses coming out, and because she's from a localised game, unlike Leif, as they seem to be holding the non-localised Spotpass teams until last. RvB has girls completely from localised games, so they're all going to be things people who don't know much about the series/people who've only played the localised games, more appealing, IMO, instead of Lost Bloodlines, which features Lords from unlocalised games, which I think would be less appealing to those people. Of course, there's the difficulty factor that I'm not taking into account here, but yeah, I'm not personally expecting RvB to come out until Golden is done. Hell, they might even slow down if they look at the comments on their FB announcement freaking out that they're not getting the Golden Pack in its entirety before Lost Bloodlines is released.
  21. I'd say it's Assassin, as the female Assassin has a boob window http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/b/ba/Assassin_female_1.jpg From Knights of Iris, it's more pronounced in the game
  22. Yeah, I should probably edit the opening post XD On the note of more stationary giving out, been working on getting my US 3DS all swapnoted up, but it's not going so well OTL Also, I sent out the NA stationary to everyone on my friends list, in case it hadn't arrived for anyone
  23. Well, I didn't actually get Elincia until today thansk to my ordering so that's where that thought came from, plus, it's a bit of free advertising. 'Here's the free version, this is what makes the DLC version that much better~' etc.
  24. Maybe, I just think they'll just be having two sets at a time. I mean, otherwise, why not bring out Elincia this week, because of the PoR (And assummingly, RD next) Spotpass teams coming out this week/next week.
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