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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. Mumnamed my Zelda 3DS just Zelda(She knows nothing about gaming XD) so I might keep the theme, make it a sister, and call my FE 3DS Lucina XD
  2. I treat my Zelda 3DS like a baby, so I bet the FE one's gonna get the same treatment Gonna go out and buy a clear hard case and some screen protectors tomorrow :D And set up my US Club Nintendo account. You guys have an awesome Club Nintendo, free gamessssss
  3. Yep, still sahring, just not with my 3DS ATM XD Also, I go back to school tomorrow, which means I'll probably be slower than I have been ^_^;;
  4. I hope it arrives on Friday! I don't have class until 2:20pm so I have heaps of time to charge my bundle before school (Plus that hour bus ride to and from school? 8D)
  5. Video Games Plus are expecting their bundle stock to come in tomorrow, so it should be in our hands, at the latest, in a bit over a week :D Get hyped everyone, it'sa comin'!
  6. For my two avatars representing me, (MAle and Female versions) I'll be romancing Virion and Lucina
  7. The eShop is experiencing problems thanks to the influx of people going on to download Awakening http://www.technologytell.com/gaming/106909/fire-emblem-awakening-causing-3ds-eshop-delays/
  8. I couldn't find anything in the source about DLC, and I tried messing around with the numbers (It's the date of release) but no dice. Looks like the DLC isn't just hiddne like the spotpass stuff
  9. Someone on GFaqs pointed out that the next 3 at least, follow the JPN DLC release schedule. That is, Roy, Leif and Alm. But then it throws that out the window
  10. Huh, I hadn't seen this. Oh dear, Forseti, that's gonna get some hate XD
  11. Not always. I myself, was asked to pick up my FFXIII-2 preorder bonus about 2-3 months before the game actually released.
  12. I'm in Aus, but waiting for Video Games Plus to get in the bundle and send it out XD
  13. If you preordered from Gamestop, the artbook. Anywhere else, go for your life
  14. I play my 3DS all the time at my school XD It's what I did all year before last through Bio, that and playing on my computer.
  15. Yeah, that's what I can do, but I have a plan XD Also means I can reclass like a crazy mofo XD Archer!Chrom run go go!
  16. Yeah, lower base stats. The childrens' actual base stats = [(mother's current stats - mother's class base stats) + (father's current stats - father's class base stats) + child's absolute base stats] / 3 + child's class base stats
  17. I want to finish the game with each S-supported parter, with different MUs based on a headcanon personality with corresponding class and assets/flaws XD For example, my Tharja MU, he'll be Res+/Mag- and probably a General or Warrior and my Henry FeMU is a Mag+/Def- Trickster
  18. Hmm, well, max'll be...94 playthroughs, to get all the S supports on two copies
  19. This guy's done Chapter 5 + Donnel's sidequest, capture carded
  20. As long as your state has no tax
  21. I'll have to give it a test when my bundle arrives, my 3DSes will be streetpassing constantly...
  22. Don't remind me of P4A >< For those who don't know, you know how you guys got Persona 4 Arena in early August? We were supposed to get it late August. It's 2013 and the EU guys have only JUST received the completed EU build for the PS3 last month, and were still waiting on the 360 version. Normally, not a problem for PS3 users, but, because America (And supposed to Europe) got the game basically the same week as Japan, Japan forced region lock onto the game. And they might, but I know for right now, Nintendo of Australia has no idea bout the game (As in, they don't know it exists offically) as NoE hasn't given them the info, and the game's in the systems of the video games stores, but with no information from NoE/Aus other than 'April 2013' Have to disagree on Ike being hot though. Maybe in PoR, but in RD he looks like an ogre XD I don't like muscly guys XD
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