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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. Psh, Chrom is 3rd on my female list atm, after Virion and Henry. Depends on how Gaius sounds. I know everything I've heard his voice actor in makes me weak at the knees... I'm a sucker for british accents Virion is just amazingly flamboyant and makes me lol, while what I've seen of Henry shows we have the same sense of humour XD Of course, I won't have a super good idea of my romance order for the girls (Other than Henry + Vir first, and Paris last (He's just so...bland!)) until I actually play the game.
  2. The line from her JPN B support is "Rufure: By the way, what are you reading, Sumia-san? Sumia: I...Let's see..."Genealogy of the Holy War"." Which, of course, is FE4, or Seisen no Keifu
  3. Also, semi-related, I threw pichupal's Flavia confession up on Youtube as well. Mostly for ease of use to share to people who don't come to Serenes XD
  4. Apparently two more of Owain's battle quotes are Sacred Stones and Binding Blade.
  5. It comes from the Christmas Cake trope, which it implied she was under, which is basically no man will want to marry a woman after 25 cause she's too old. Anyways, cool random but of info
  6. Nope, not too bad XD I was taunting my friend who's a bigger fan than me, but didn't preorder, about how he might not get the game until the 8th, and if he gets it on the 8th, I might have the game before he does, and he lives in the US!
  7. Pff! Importing the bundle - $300 Buying a copy of the game for my local 3DS - $70 Buying DLC for both copies $??? (Australian DLC will be more expensive than US DLC as well) I think I win in the 'I have too much expendable income' stakes XD
  8. I love the cold, gimme winter all day every day! Yeah, he was too busy thinking with his second head to care about the bro code And she was thinking with her greed, and derps happened XD Nah, it's not common, which is why I'm lucky to have teachers with first hand experience. I go back in 3 days now, definitely not gonna get my bundle before I start school T_T So jelly of you guys playing ATM!
  9. Oh, that reminds me, I have Nah's voiced confession. Clip is from someone on GFaqs, image is her confession scene from Knights of Iris
  10. Our character spotlight from Fire Emblem Awakening today is Flavia. She is the current ruler of Regna Ferox. This has to be the worst profile yet XD
  11. I like all of them, probably better than the Japanese names. I think myself you get less worked up about name changes if you expect that the name'll be changed, as does happen XD Ultimately, I believe the name protesting will be shortlived, because once we've had the NoA game, we're going to look back at Wyck, Smia and Sort, and laugh at how silly they are (Yes, I'm using the NoJ names, because the fan names are just that, fan names)
  12. Hey Rey... XD "No like the game is in Japanese, they have a guy subbing it for them. It's a husband and wife playing it. They're speaking in English though." ^Quote from GFaqs about your LP TEAM WEEB SHIP IS SPREADING
  13. Fred, you so cray cray XD EDIT: Holy crap, localisation XD RickenxMaribelle support Ricken: What, this? Ha ha! Oh, this is nothing! Just a...flesh wound.
  14. Pfff, I made one in my first post after the name reveal :P
  15. My VA loving friend says it's Travis too. Also popular, is Danielle Judovits as Sumia.
  16. Don't know, the list was from a guy finished on GFaqs, who went over the credits twice to make sure he didn't miss anyone VA wise.
  17. I should list who isn't credited Lucina (But Laura confirmed this was her anyways) Virion Lon'qu Tiki Nah Sumia Maribelle Parion Uhh, I -think- that's it
  18. Chrom - Matthew Mercer Avatars - Dave Vincent / Brandon Karrer / Chris Smith / Michelle Ruff / Wendee Lee Lissa - Kate Higgins Emmeryn - Erin Fitzgerald Frederick & Validar - Kyle Hebert Flavia & Miriel - Tara Platt Basilio - Patrick Seitz Say'ri & Cynthia - Stacy Okada Sully & Cherche - Amanda C. Miller Stahl & Donnel - Sam Regal Vaike - Michael Sorich Kellam & Gerome - Orion Acaba Ricken - Yuri Lowenthal Gaius - Gideon Emery Panne - Jessica Gee Cordelia & Severa - Julie Ann Taylor Nowi - Hunter Mackenzie Austin Gregor & Laurent - George C. Cole Libra - Cindy Robinson Tharja & Kjelle - Stephenie Sheh Olivia & Anna - Karen Strassman Henry - Bryce Papenbrook Owain - Kaiji Tang Inigo - Liam O'Brien Morgan(M) Todd Stone Morgan(F) Nicole Karrer Yarne - Chris Smith Noire - Michelle Ruff Gangrel - Anthony Jenkins Aversa - Cindy Robinson Walhart - Richard Epcar Yen'fay - Kirk Thornton Excellus - Spike Spencer Everyone else is uncredited
  19. I dunno, I know Riegal certainly isn't union, because he replaced Dave Wittenburg, who was a union VA who stopped doing non-union work for Persona recently. And, at least 3 of the names are psuedonyms, which isn't all that common in union work. I know Laura's union though, and goes uncredited for her non-union work for Persona again, which reflects what we see here
  20. Yeah, I haven't heard the game myself, so I can't really judge Sumia, other than I like her english VA from the snippets I've heard. XD When the game finally comes out, we can start bugging VAs over Twitter and such for if they worked XD Until then, we just have our incomplete list. I did make a bit of a lulzy list out of it though Chrom is Leon Kennedy Lissa is Pascal Emmeryn is Chie Frederick and Validar are Aizen, Gohan and Kamina Flavia and Miriel are Mitsuru and EMeraude Basilio is John Titor and Ragna the Bloodedge Stahl and Donnel are Flynn Scifo Kellam and Gerome are Arathorn Gaius is Balthier Cordelia and Severa are Boota, Karol and Tsubaki Nowi is Porom Gregor and Laurent are Xemnas (George C. Cole is a Paul St. Peter name) Libra and Aversa are Labrys Tharja and Kjelle are Orihime, Hinata, and Natalia Landalvear Anna and Olivia are Kallen, Nanako, Aigis and Phi Henry is Zidane and Asbel Owain is Raymond Oswell Inigo is Kain, Caius and Akihiko (This is more of a VA lol, but another role he has, Grimoire Weiss, tells a girl in his game to 'tell the truth, hussy!'. That girl? Voice acted by Bailey, who does Lucina, whi can be Inigo's brother/lover) Morgan (M) is Death the Kid Morgan (F) is Tear Grants Walhart is Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Yen'fay is Jade Curtiss
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