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Silver Lightning

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About Silver Lightning

  • Birthday 03/06/1993


  • Member Title
    ~ SF's Resident K-Drama Nerd ~

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  • Interests
    I play videogames, read books, watch anime, watch k-dramas, write stories, learn languages, practice Northern Eagle Claw Kung-fu, and am studying Psychology. Other than Fire Emblem, I am a HUGE fan of the Tales Series as well as many Nintendo games (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc.), JRPGS, and Strategy games. These include the Atelier/Mana Khemia series, Nippon Ichi games (Disgaea, La Pucelle, Soul Nomad), Tri-ace/Tri-crescendo games (Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile, Eternal Sonata), Golden Sun Series, Level 5's Ni no Kuni, thatgamecompany's 3 award winning games (Flow, Flower, Journey), Dept. Heaven series, Spyro series, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series (specifically 9, 10, 10-2, 13, and CC, though I'd like to play 7 and 8 someday), Harvest Moon series....and I'll add more when I remember/find more...
  • Location
    Currently out fighting for Dimitri and the Blue Lions!

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. Oh, you play Pokemon too, SL? That's awesome, so do I! I can't say I'm a huge fan of the series though, I prefer FE, Zelda, Mario, and Smash Bros, over it. But I still enjoy it and have played every mainstream game that's come out since Crystal (though I barely played that one). Keldeo is my favorite. :D

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    2. Anacybele


      Ah, I see. I unfortunately missed out on Red/Blue/Yellow and Gold/Silver because only my stepbrothers were given gameboys and games back then. I never got to play them. :( But we all collected the cards. Rapidash and Zebstrika are probably my second favs. You can tell I love horses and zebras. lol I've never played the Tales series. In fact, I've hardly played anything outside Nintendo. I'm just too much of a Nintendo nerd. lol

    3. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Yeah, Nintendo games are good enough to keep anyone occupied, but I highly encourage you to branch out when you can; there are some fantastic games out there made by different companies that have changed my life and way of thinking as I grew up (Tales being one, with its delving into deep issues). In fact, I think you would like Tales a lot; it has the same kinda epic adventure of FE but much longer and oodles of character development. Some of my fave pairings ever come from there!

    4. Anacybele


      Well, sounds nice, but I don't have any non-Nintendo consoles at the moment. I do play to buy a PS1 someday so I can get my favorite movie game again though (Stuart Little 2). And I can since I have a job and some nice money in my bank account. ^^ There was one game for PS2 I did like though, and it's called Dark Cloud. But I could never even beat the first boss. It was that hard. But it was Zelda-like, so. XD

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