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Silver Lightning

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About Silver Lightning

  • Birthday 03/06/1993


  • Member Title
    ~ SF's Resident K-Drama Nerd ~

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  • Interests
    I play videogames, read books, watch anime, watch k-dramas, write stories, learn languages, practice Northern Eagle Claw Kung-fu, and am studying Psychology. Other than Fire Emblem, I am a HUGE fan of the Tales Series as well as many Nintendo games (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc.), JRPGS, and Strategy games. These include the Atelier/Mana Khemia series, Nippon Ichi games (Disgaea, La Pucelle, Soul Nomad), Tri-ace/Tri-crescendo games (Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile, Eternal Sonata), Golden Sun Series, Level 5's Ni no Kuni, thatgamecompany's 3 award winning games (Flow, Flower, Journey), Dept. Heaven series, Spyro series, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series (specifically 9, 10, 10-2, 13, and CC, though I'd like to play 7 and 8 someday), Harvest Moon series....and I'll add more when I remember/find more...
  • Location
    Currently out fighting for Dimitri and the Blue Lions!

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. So, I finished playing Future Past 1....and I just loved the parent/child convos; they were so bittersweet. I'm really happy that I got to save all the girls, and i managed to make Morgan retreat without fighting him (still a sad convo though). But the ending is what got me; my poor duaghter Lucina waiting alone and my poor son in Grima's service. Both separated on opposing sides. And the worst of it was actually seeing how Tiki died, either by her sister-in-law's, or worse yet, h...

    1. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      her husband's hand. How tragic.... :'(

    2. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      For me, I wound up having Morgan fight his Grima-servent self. I took too long to have my avatar talk to him. I loved seeing the parent child convos. And Tiki dying at the end, while Lucina was waiting for the others to return. I really need to play Future Past 1 again so I can see that convo between my avatar and Morgan.

    3. I.M. Gei

      I.M. Gei

      I've gotten quite a few "NOOOOO TIKI" comments on my upload of Future Past 1. I also felt pretty bad for Morgan and how legitimately happy he seemed to be to serve Grima in his death quote :(

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