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Silver Lightning

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About Silver Lightning

  • Birthday 03/06/1993


  • Member Title
    ~ SF's Resident K-Drama Nerd ~

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  • Interests
    I play videogames, read books, watch anime, watch k-dramas, write stories, learn languages, practice Northern Eagle Claw Kung-fu, and am studying Psychology. Other than Fire Emblem, I am a HUGE fan of the Tales Series as well as many Nintendo games (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc.), JRPGS, and Strategy games. These include the Atelier/Mana Khemia series, Nippon Ichi games (Disgaea, La Pucelle, Soul Nomad), Tri-ace/Tri-crescendo games (Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile, Eternal Sonata), Golden Sun Series, Level 5's Ni no Kuni, thatgamecompany's 3 award winning games (Flow, Flower, Journey), Dept. Heaven series, Spyro series, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series (specifically 9, 10, 10-2, 13, and CC, though I'd like to play 7 and 8 someday), Harvest Moon series....and I'll add more when I remember/find more...
  • Location
    Currently out fighting for Dimitri and the Blue Lions!

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. So, I was getting bored of grinding my army, and I decided to take a break by starting up a new game on Pokemon Yellow for a nostalgia trip. I get to Cerulean City and after hearing about that Mew glitch, I decide "why not add it to my team if it really works?" I perform the glitch and HOLY PANCAKES IT WORKS! I just caught and I have fulfilled one of my childhood dreams of having a Mew! I wish I had known about this 15 years ago! :D

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Kaze


      Yeah. I was hoping they would have the Pokemon follow you in Gen V, but I guess that wasn't something they could keep when they were designing the games... The battles do look good. Let's hope that they're nice and fluid along with the character sprites.

    3. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      I think its cool that it seems every pokemon has a unique attack animation with different moves. And that the setting is "france/europe"; the screenshots of everything so far look gorgeous. And I hope there's a better story and good villains; Team Plasma sucked but the idea behind them was good. And N...I have never met a more interesting caharacter in the pokemon universe; I really want them to make another adversary/friend like him, but it'll be hard to top!

    4. Kaze


      Yeah. I wonder what kind of French landmarks they will emulate for X and Y. I felt that the storyline for Gen V was strong, but the crime syndicate was weak...N made an interesting Anti-Hero of the game. I wonder how they plan on topping Gen V storyline wise.

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