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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Yeah, pretty much. Regret until it comes, then a short time of unparalleled happiness followed by more regret. I already have a 16 GB SDHC waiting for it. I have a 32 GB SDHC too, but it doesn't work with the SD card slot on my computer (it's old), so I'll probably use the 16 GB or I'll have to buy an SD card reader.
  2. Playing Awakening in Japanese, playing Unchained Blades for 3DS a little bit, visiting the forums here, counting down the days until the NA release.
  3. Exactly. I probably won't regret it when it arrives, but until then I definitely will.
  4. I pre-ordered the bundle. I wasn't going to. I was trying really hard not to - telling myself that I didn't need it and it's a waste of money. But then I was just sitting at my computer, and next thing I know, I was looking at a confirmation e-mail from gamestop.
  5. if you connect your 3ds to a club nintendo account, you should be able to redownload it, but you won't get your saves. I'm not really sure how it works, though. If the game/saves are stored on the sd card, you might be able to get them back.
  6. I have the Japanese version (which looks just like the pictures of the American version) and it is definitely not stickers. It's shiny silver/gray paint that's under the clear plastic outer layer of the 3DS.
  7. Yeah, but if it becomes mainstream then you can be hipster about it. "I liked it before it was mainstream."
  8. Yeah, I get what you're saying about the Falchion being the only iconic image for the game. It was the symbol for the Fire Emblem Characters in Smash Bros. probably for that reason. I just figured I'd give the reason that the game gives for anyone that wanted to know why, but I agree that it was a bad idea on Nintendo's part to change the appearance of the Falchion. There's no reason that the people who fixed the sword couldn't make it look the same (or maybe there is a reason? Afterall ).
  9. Now I don't know what to do. I already pre-ordered the game and I have a 3DS XL. I didn't think the bundle would be coming to America. They gotta start telling us these things sooner. At least announce the bundle when you announce pre-orders for the game so people can choose. I don't think I'm gonna get the U.S. bundle. I hate that the game is pre-installed. And I already have the Japanese bundle 3DS in addition to my US 3DS XL, so I can't find any way to justify spending $200 on something I don't need (I still can't believe I bought the Japanese one). Oh, and that TV/laptop/capture card combo is making me so jealous. Can you actually make the 3DS top screen output 3D on a 3D TV? Because that would be awesome. EDIT: I'm probably a little late with this, but to chime in on the pronunciation of falchion: received pronunciation in the UK is /'fɔːlʃən/ (approximately FALL-shun). The word comes from the French "fauchon," and in French (and many French loan-words in English), "ch" is pronounced the way "sh" is pronounced in English. The /'fɔːltʃən/ (FALL-chun) pronunciation from the Wikipedia page is the American pronunciation. I, being an American, normally use American pronunciation for everything, but I always us the British pronunciation for this word (mainly because I learned the word from Fire Emblem). EDIT 2: Someone was talking about the Falchion looking different.
  10. Ooh, that one's pretty nice too.
  11. It was absolutely worth it for me.
  12. I got a 3DS XL for Christmas... so now I can play Fire Emblem in 2 sizes.
  13. Thanks to everyone that welcomed me here, and that is a great name you've got there, DancingDanny.
  14. I'm getting a 3DS solely to play Awakening. Actually, I already got one just to play the Japanese version, and I'm going to get a US 3DS so I can play the US version too. Since I was getting a Japanese 3DS anyway, I got the special edition Awakening one. It's pretty awesome.
  15. Same here. I was going to pre-order it no matter what, now I get an extra bonus! I hope it's something good.
  16. Hi everyone. My name is Dan. I love the Fire Emblem series of games. My favorite Fire Emblem game is Fire Emblem aka Rekka no Ken aka Blazing Sword. It was the first Fire Emblem game I ever played, and also the first turn-based strategy game I ever played. It got me into the genre and the series, and for that reason alone it will forever be one of my favorite games. The Fire Emblem game I'm playing right now is Awakening (Japanese version). I'm pretty excited about it. I want to talk about it more, and that's the main reason I joined the forum. I've used this site before for the various information on it while playing Fire Emblem games, but I never joined until now. Nice to meet you all.
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