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Posts posted by Moontoon

  1. Thank you very much!

    Finished and submitted my skit :D Not very funny or anything, but hopefully people will enjoy it.


    If you like it, I'd be very happy of you'd vote for me <3 If I win, I'll be holding a giveaway for some of the prizes since I'm getting the game and the Tipo Steelbox when the game is released etc.

    Contest is found here: [https://apps.facebook.com/photo_contest_two/?pid=68973&page_id=171035032926046]link[/url]

  2. Shiny Caterpie and Tangela in Pkmn Gold. Since then, nothing.

    I remember getting really excited and sort of nervous when encountering the golden Caterpie. It was on the Bug Catching contest which made things harder ;w; I caught it, though! It later evolved into an pink Butterfree (which was my favorite pkmn at the time <3)

  3. I will never learn to color like the cool kids ;w; /jk I'll just have to experiment until I find out how it's done.

    That Tharja is superb. Her body looks great (no homo). I also love how you drew her eyes and the hair looks so fluffy and silky at the same time.

  4. Haha now that you meantion it, she does resemble Anna...

    Updating with this;


    Flat colors and only sky+clouds for background since I wanted to keep it simple.

    Was a bit therapeutic for me to work on this since I've been sick this week. Just a cold, but when it feels like my head is going to explode from snot, I'd rather just sleep though it. I get very restless and bored from staying in bed for too long, though ;w;

  5. Thanks, guys :D Glad you enjoy~

    Also, do you enter art competitions?

    Not really. Did you mean any specific contests?

    Silly question, but did you do yor sig as well? I let out an audible 'YEAH' 'cause it's cute. I like your gallery, by the way.

    Glad you like it ^.^ The art was drawn for me as a commission by LaDollBlanche of Deviantart. I made the signature, though. But yeah, that picture is very cute
  6. Registered a while ago but never really posted anything. My fiancé showed me this forum, and has been bugging me about coming here every now and then @w@

    Quick intro;

    Name: Linda

    Likes: Games, cats, food, candies, summer, anime/manga and other cartoons/comics

    Dislikes: Winter, cold, spiders

    Favorite game series: Tales, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Harvest Moon, Zelda, Smash Bros

    Some favorite FE characters: Roy, Lyn, Ross, Lute, Myrrh, Nino, Chrom, Ricken

    That's it for now C: Hey everyone~

  7. ~Moonie's Art thread~

    Hello everyone! Will try to get more active here so I figured I could post some of my art to kinda break the ice?

    Comments and critiques are appreciated. Some stuff is old though so don't be too harsh ówò Maybe I'll actually post FE art someday, haha.

    Summer Breeze (OC)

    WIP - Younger Rani (OC)
    Springtime with Tussilago (OC)
    Christmas Card (OCs)
    Rani with longer hair (OC)
    Tussilago Maia (OC)
    Sophie (ToG)
    Tear and Mieu (TotA)
    Rani WIP (OC)
    Lady Amalthea (TLU)
    Presea (ToS)
    Renamon (Dgmn)

    Spider Pig
    Black Spy
    Pyramide Head bros
    Saizo the pig

    --Other stuff--
    If you happen to like any of this crap, feel free to watch me on DA: http://www.moontoon.deviantart.com/
    or follow my (f)artblog on Tumblr: http://tsukiarare.tumblr.com/
    (Main Tumblr: http://moontoon.tumblr.com/)

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