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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. While true, these characters are so good that they're worth building a team around. While out of the 5 units he posted, 3 were indeed red, Lucina is certainly the best of them. I guess if he's really lacking a magic unit in his team, he could take Tiki instead of Lucina, but even that I find debatable in quite some cases. Indeed, but since he said he felt like he did it incorrectly trying to rank and while did show some knowledge towards ratings and scores, I didn't know how much exactly and I thought it would be best if I would still explain it a bit.
  2. The total stats/rating of your units determine who you go up against and how much points you can score. So, keeping Takumi at the lowest level actually gave you less points then you could have if he was leveled. It's also why some units like Hector and Effie are so sought after/used much in the arena, because they have some of the highest stat totals in the game. Takumi and Lucina are both probably the best units in their respective colors, so yes, they're VERY recommended to level and use. You only need one bonus character to get the maximum rewards. Using more won't give you more points. Good luck! :)
  3. He has a point though, because if that reasoning is true, there wouldn't really be a 3% chance of getting a focus characters, since there are no green unit focus characters. Edit: I wonder if it could be possible that they add the missing focus percentage that green orbs have to the other orbs. Meaning that blue actually has a 4% chance of getting Ninian (3% + 1% carrying over from not having a green focus character that's split over the other 3 colors.) You probably missed the increase in weapon might. 5*'s in the calculator take into account having the strongest weapon equipped on them, since it's innate for 5* characters. Since you're upgrading from promoting, you need to add the stats to atk with changing the weapon.
  4. It depends on which assumptions you make. You assume the chance of getting a focus character is 3% if you open all orbs. And since there are 6 Focus characters, there's a 0,5% chance of getting ninian because of that. But isn't there the possibility that the game calculates the chance after you've chosen an orb? If you only open up blue's and the game then calculates if you would get a Focus character or not, chances of pulling Ninian would indeed be 3%. Edit: Ah, I see what you mean. You're saying since doesn't work, since if you would pick a green orb, you would fall short from the Focus character bonus. Makes sense. I wonder though, what if they simply added the probability of not having a green orb focus character to the other focus characters? So, instead of it being a 3% chance of getting Ninian when opening only blue orbs, it's actually a 4% chance. (3% + 1% from not having any green focus characters, spread out over the different orbs that do have them. It's a stretch, but theoretically should be possible.
  5. He said 'come back', meaning when they add new ones, not repeat the ones that are out already.
  6. I don't think he means a unit, he actually means the youtuber. He gives tips about how to increase your chances of getting a five star. Edit: I'm slow. The A.I. is really predictable in this game. Marth will almost always Pivot closer to you if there is someone that he can use it on. Enemies will almost always go for a unit they have an advantage over, unless there's someone that they can attack, then they will do that. Effie will almost always use smite if she can (which means using it on someone close to her and they can actually land somewhere). There's a lot of ways to work around it though. There's new story and paralogue's coming out every so often, as you know. I believe he meant that.
  7. I disagree. I'd put Virion at the lowest rank of the archers. Setsuna is good against Bow's and Daggers, which is all the combat-driven neutrals. Niles is superb against Mages and fulfills his role well. What does Virion do? His stats aren't anything special, he lacks the speed to double most things which makes his somewhat larger attack (mostly caused by Silver Bow instead of Killer Bow / Assassin's Bow, which I like more) less of a factor. His seal speed is okayish, but he has a 5-turn active in Astra, which is way too high, especially with the speed that he has. The battle will be over before he gets to use it most of the time. My main point is, Setsuna and Niles fulfill certain roles and are good at that. Virion is kinda 'meh' overall and has better archers that can do what he does much better than him. Sorry, couldn't resist >.<
  8. 4592 got me to around ~rank 500 \o/. I'll try and aim higher when inherit skills come out :3
  9. Average Nowi has 45 ATK. The lowest HP & RES that are reported on the Wiki are respectively 38 and 14. He should probably be fine :) Average Takumi has 46 ATK. Again, lowest HP noted the wiki for Jaffar is 38. The only reported defense stat is 20. He'll be fine. Average Linde has 49 ATK, so Jaffar should probably be safe. That is to say, his reported stats are correct and the 38 HP and 14 RES are not both neutral.
  10. Oh right, thanks for remembering me! :)
  11. Jaffars seems pretty good though. With the Wiki reporting 42 ATK and 41 SPD (predumably neutral but with Life and Death), he's a force to be reckoned with. If it's possible to inherit Kagerou's dagger, a +SPD or +ATK Jaffar will wreck faces >.< As for my pulls: Jaffar: +DEF -ATK Karel: Neutral Ninian 1: +ATK -SPD Ninian 2: +RES -ATK Happy with the characters, not so happy with the boons/banes. Should I train Ninian 1 or 2?
  12. Personally, I might consider being anti-fun and giving Fury to all my characters for the increased total stats, meaning more points in the Arena. It will make things harder probably though, since I'll probably go up against many merged units +10 units that won't have the liability of the 6 damage per action from Fury and actually having an A skill... Still, I'd welcome the challenge after consistently clearing Arena runs with no deaths. As for funny shenanigans, I want to try out Draw Back + Lunge. Here's to hoping Draw Back activates first and Lunge will actually activate afterwards =P.
  13. Confirmed, +ATK -DEF, since mine is the opposite ;_;
  14. It's good, but not the best. +ATK/+SPD are the most valuable on most units (though not all), but -HP +DEF is probably better than most other non-+ATK/+SPD IV's.
  15. I personally used a 3* lvl.1 Olivia, but for non-dancers and healers, it totally depends on the unit.
  16. I'd say apart from +RES and maybe +DEF, +HP -SPD is the worst IV to have. Still, I can tell you with a -SPD Lucina myself (+ATK though) that she's still really good. 33 SPD with defiant SPD is nothing to sneeze at. with ~50 ATK and Falchion, she'll still wreck quite some faces.
  17. Aww, I'm sorry to hear that! Personally, I would level the 5* then. Is she one of your favorite units that you want to use? If not, it might be a good idea to save the feathers, there are much better characters around. That said, if you really like her, merging the two would not be a bad choice after promoting =).
  18. Personally, I'd say +Spd -Res is the best. While tanking mages is kinda her job and +ATK is good, the difference between +SPD and -SPD is just too big.
  19. While Klein with those IV's is amazing, you have Azura on your main account. Almost no reroll will top that, so I'd personally say no. Don't get greedy >.>
  20. Looking purely at the units individually and without knowledge of your current team, I'd say Effie or Cordelia. Both are strong units and seem to have good IV's for what their roles are. Depends on your strategy, but with 2 rogues that have effective damage against infantry and Ursula's anti-cavalry weapon, I'd personally say a flier or two would be good.
  21. Congrats! I would have thought it would be better not to take horse units to this battle because of Ursula's effectiveness against them, but it seems you just proved me wrong! xD (There's an introduction thread if you go to the main forum page if you want to introduce yourself proper =). Anyway, glad to have you, hope you'll enjoy it here! P.S. I'm a bit jealous of your Azura >.<)
  22. Not too shabby I think. Have the hackers been banned? I seem to get much higher with a lower score... for now atleast. Could be the new bonus characters aswell I guess.
  23. Haha, yeah, I totally didn't have inside information at all, nope nope >.> (On a more serious note, I think most of us kinda guessed it xD)
  24. I can tell you what worked for me, but I'm not sure what your units are. Personally, I brought Julia (can be replaced with any mage that can 2-round KO the knight), a lvl.1 Olivia (to dance said Julia/Mage and ensure the one turn kill on the knight), Hinoka and Catria. Turn one I placed Hinoka in range of Ursula and the others close by, but out of range. Turn two, attack knight with Julia > Olivia dance > Julia attack again. Then I used Hinoka to kill the rogue above the knight. I then put Catria one space above the wall that just get destroyed. She kill the sword knight, gets attacked by Ursula again and the rogue goes into melee range but can't attack. At that point it was easy to pick those two enemies off. The general strategy as far as I've seen/heard is to kill the two units on the top first, then block off the bottom area with one unit that can withstand sword knight and Ursula.
  25. Hmm, even if it does, it might be 'better' to play for tge side that's less popular if the individual rewards (points earned, rank in the army) are worth it over the team rewards. That's all speculation though. I wonder if you want to be in an army if you need to have that character. So if you want to be in the Lucina Army, you need Lucina to earn points.
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