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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Can I get in on this? ._. Going full Lighting Breath+, Reposition/Draw Back, Aether, Triangle Adept, Quick Riposte, Fortify dragons (okay, maybe only on 2 >.>) on all my dragons.
  2. These Tempest Trials are amazing to farm SP and HM on. 7 battles for 20 stamina? While also getting orb rewards and the like? I'm gonna spend all my stamina potions on this >=)
  3. @Ice Dragon Besides the assist skill, it's what I'm using on my Fae and it's great so far.
  4. Why would you let Nowi initiate on someone if she has QR3? You're supposed to bait them into attacking you and then she double attacks back due to QR. After that, sure, you can initiate with her if needed, but if you use the 'challenger initiates' stat only, she's ofcourse going to be worse with QR.
  5. I run Triangle Adept on all of my mages and Dragons nowadays. If you know how the AI will act and can manipulate it, I feel it's the best skill to have. B!Caeda (only filling for Linde because higher merges), Tharja and Nino one hit everything on the opposing color and take virtually no damage in return from most things. It teally helped me get deathless runs while breaking the 5.000 point barrier. I feel TA is extremely undervalued aswell, because people feel like you're already 'supposed' to defeat other colors, but TA ptetty much ensures kills a lot of times, which opens up their options and movements for next turn.
  6. At first I saw the orbs (which lined up perfectly) and thought you got all 6 of them in a row xD. That would have actually been the luckiest pulls I've ever seen. Congrats though! Think you might break that 5k mark now and go for tier 20?
  7. My previous highscore of 4.987 points was rank 640 last I checked. That said, after a few merges and some more battles... HELL YEAH! First time breaking through the 5K barrier! Rank 379 as of now and I'm feeling that might just be enough! Crossing my fingers!
  8. Score of 4.972 gets me a rank of 588 in tier 19. Cutoff is rank 619, so I'll probably drop a tier, unless I decide to spend some feathers and try and get above 5.000 points, and even that might not be enough at the end of the season. I'm liking this challenge though!
  9. If you have the feathers, I would promote Reinhard. If you can, try Reinhardt, Olivia, Kagero and either Takumi or B!Cordelia. Give Reinhardt (or Kagero if you'd rather not 5* Reinhardt) Klein's Death Blow 3, give Kagero (Or Takumi) Lonqu's Vantage 3 and see where that brings you. What skills do you currently have on them?
  10. Got him! Actually only needed three units, Azura, Nino and Tharja did the job quite nicely.
  11. Incidentally, I would give her my ring if I could, she's already wearing the dress >.>
  12. Yes, that does work. I think @Ice Dragon got confused and thought you meant the other way around (merging a lower star into a higher star).
  13. @Arcanite & @SatsumaFSoysoy I'm sure you guys are just joking and just having fun, but should we just end this before things are going to get out of hand and someone will get hurt/sad? Sorry to be a spoilsport ;_;. Anyway, I agree with @Ice Dragon for the Dragon Trio. I think having stuff like Triangle adept on them makes them really tanky. Ofcourse Nowi should deal with red units, but being able to take 0 (or close to) damage from them and being able to fight multiple of them and some blues with it while having 1-2 counterattack ranges is really good.
  14. Full Bride Lyn art, since I don't think I've seen it in this topic yet (or I looked over it, in that case my bad)
  15. 18, going on to 19 next week and hopefully 20. Generally score top 1.000, but if things get rough I do have 100K feathers ready to promote and merge some characters if needed.
  16. Same here, though I guess it also has a bit to do with the introduction of 6star characters with Berseria. I do think I was a lot more 'busy' with ToL than with Heroes though, grinding and all gave you a lot of reward.
  17. Chrom can still inherit Daylight and Sol as a prerequisite for Aether from someone else. Ike still has Heavy Blade 2, Swordbreaker 3 or a combination of those (by having someone else give Swordbreaker 1/2) to give if you decide to use him for Aether. Aside from those two skills, you can also give Spur Def 1 from Chrom as a prerequisite for Spur Def/Res 1 & Spur Def/Res 2 from Mist, which is a good skill and gives the most arena points as a C-skill, while still having the option of giving one more skill/special to a healer if you choose to do so. You can just aswell put people like Cordelia on that list because she only gives Pass 3 as a full skill as a 4*. Yet many people wouldn't say to let her go because she has the prerequisite to Brave Lance +, Triangle Adept 3 and Galeforce.
  18. Mostly because it's subjective. I think Fortify Resistance is a very good skill, especially if you have Blade Tome users in your team. Most enemies I face in Arena are magic-heavy, so having more Res comes in very handy. So for a lot of skills it's subjective to say if they're usefull or not. There are some skills like 'Pass' for example that almost all people agree on are not worth it and I guess those are the ones you are looking for.
  19. Which is why I'm trying to help xD. I'm not sure that should really matter. If you are sacrificing 5 stars for some skills/weapons that you couldn't get from 4 stars, then having the prerequisites for those skills from other characters should really help into getting more skills/weapons. Say I sacrifice 5 star Klein for Quick Riposte 3, if I can get a Brave Bow, Death Blow 2 and Quick Riposte 2 from other 3-4* characters, I could get Brave Bow+, Death Blow 3, Quick Riposte 3 from Klein. Same goes for the other units. See above response. Just to be sure, I'm not trying to say you're wrong, just giving my own 2 cents.
  20. I'm not sure if Nowi should be on this list. Doesn't every dragon want her Lightning Breath (+)? Chrom also gives Aether, which is the highest arena points giving special skill for Mages/distant attackers. Raven and Ogma have brave weapons which can be very usefull.
  21. Here's mine! Galeforce and Distanc Counter costs a ton, but since I'll be using her in every arena battle, this'll surely help rack up points :3 P.S. How do you guys add pictures here? I can see the clipmark, but it always says the size file is too big for me...
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