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Everything posted by Iceland

  1. This is gonna be a long post. I like the local dishes of Cincinnati (Naturally), the Midwest in general, the South in general, and the Southwest in general, for the US of A. I like/love Mexican food. However I'm not familiar with much of anything else farther south in the Americas. Then there's Spanish, French, German (Especially Bavarian), Italian, Italian again, Greek, Belgian to an extent, Irish, and English cuisine. Alsatian and Welsh are my favorite-favorite from Europe though (Welsh cakes FTW). I'm not that familiar with food from the Nordic countries or the eastern part of Europe. For Asia there is Japan, China, India, and Thailand as my favorites. The Middle East consist of delicious win. I'm not too thrilled with the dishes I've tried from Sub-Sahara Africa, and I'm assuming that Australians eat kangaroos and lizards. All in all, I'm a big fan of food.
  2. TBH none of them are really that useful in FE7. Light brand would have the edge just because you get to use it before the enemy's RES stats get jacked through the roof. I also think it's interesting that you can use the magical swords even when you're within the magic-nullifying field of Kishuna.
  3. Iceland


    I ALWAYS use bards and dancers if i can, and I NEVER use the rings. IMO a second turn is always better than a handful of points in a certain stat for one turn.
  4. The tutorial was good my first time through, when I was completely unfamiliar with the entire series. Helped familiarize me with the weapons triangle, promotion, terrain tiles, and the like. Only problem is that you have to play through the tutorial every time. If only in Lyn's story there was a Harder Mode that you could use so that you didn't have to waste time on the tutorial. [/sarcasm]
  5. Amy took several seconds to brood over this information, absentmindedly keeping her eager mount in line. Pawing at the ground, it snorted to let Amy know that it would rather be moving around instead of standing in one place. Amy discarded the ambush information almost immediately. It was of lesser importance compared to the rest, and as far as she could see not a very good tactic for the enemy to use. Putting a dragon in a hole both limited its mobility and put it at a perfect height for human soldiers to hack it apart. This Crawn, on the other had, was both a puzzle and a worry to Amy. The most mysterious thing about him is that he had managed to fly under Amy's radar for so long, even though it was now apparent that he was a man of some merit. While Amy did not keep tabs on everyone in her own country's army, she did make an effort to keep an eye on its most important members. The more power a person had, the more damage they could do if they turned traitor. Crawn also appeared to be the ambitious sort, unilaterally appointing himself a general. Amy would be sure to put a few of her best researchers on his case for the next few days, to see what they were able to dig up. Other than that Crawn appeared to be a decent officer. While some of his described personality traits could be seen as somewhat severe, Amy could still admire a mind that was as focused on strategies as hers was. Jay's opinion of Crawn, though, was something that definitely tipped the scales out of his favor. A good leader would inspire loyalty and respect in his soldiers, even ones that they had only commanded briefly such as mercenaries, and if Jay was any indication Crawn had thoroughly failed to do that. Regardless, Amy decided that King Hartmut should know of this development as soon as possible, as the official messengers that had been sent out earlier obviously had outdated information. The inspection of the capital's defenses would have to wait. "Thank you for your information." Amy told Jay with a wry smile. "While I'm not exactly thrilled with what you told me, I appreciate what you've done." Amy wheeled her horse around and was prepared to gallop off towards the palace when a thought struck her. Twisting in the saddle, she turned to face Jay. "If you're going the same way I am, I'd be happy to offer you a lift. No reason to make you walk the rest of the way if you don't want to." And it might be good to have him along to give a first hand account of what happened. He's no royal messenger, but if Hartmut trusts him then that's all the vetting he needs.
  6. Watching full-length Disney movies. I hadn't watched any for like 8 years until a friend got me interested in them again. I've watched a dozen or so of them in the past two months.
  7. I'm about half an inch over 5'9", and I've been at about 180 pounds for almost two years now. Oddest thing is that I've grown almost an inch in the past eight or so months, uncommon but not unheard of at my age, so I might not have these stats for long. :X
  8. Iceland

    Japanese Humor

    Dude comes out floors!
  9. "General Black fell in a surprise attack..." Amy gave a start as she listened to the words of the mercenary, mentally replaying them in her head to make sure she had heard them correctly. General Black, dead? Amy had never been particularly close to general Black, or any of the other generals for that matter, but they had had a measure of professional respect for each other. General Black had never held a grudge over her superior talent for tactics or the favoritism her suggestions had always been shown by king Hartmut, and Amy had always been sure to acknowledge his vast experience and his skill in armed combat. Hartmut had a preference for doubling up his generals to work together, and as a pair Amy and Black had worked very efficiently. Amy also did not know that much about Crawn, supposedly Black's replacement. Normally a new general would be appointed by the king, and only in certain extreme circumstances would it be proper for the current field commander to declare himself a general. The surprise attack must have come well after the main action, as general Black had had enough time to send out a messenger and begin a march, but Amy did not believe that was enough of a reason to justify Crawn's actions. She needed to know more. Turning back to Jay, she continued to pump him for information. "What kind of surprise attack was it, and how was General black killed? Also, what kind of person is this Crawn?"
  10. Iceland

    Art Contests!

    I swear I'll use a more traditional medium next time! Also, congrats to Tirinity.
  11. Amy reigned in her horse, and took a moment to size up the man who had just greeted her. He carried a weariness about him common to men returning from battle, but was not dressed in the uniform of a common soldier. A mercenary, most likely, taking advantage of his status to return home ahead of the main army and get a head start on spending his pay. Possibly one hired to help out general Black on his most recent expedition. Her interest piqued, Amy sidled her mount closer. "I am General Amethyst Valor, of King Hartmut's army." Amy peered closer at his face, there was something familiar about it. Searching her memory for who he was, the answer finally clicked into place. Though she had not met him directly, she knew who he was and had occasionally seen him in passing in the company of King Hartmut. His name was Jay and he was a mercenary of no mean reputation. She also knew that he had definitely been sent out to accompany general Black. "You must be Sir Jay, one of our best mercenaries if memory serves. Tell me, how did the battle go? Were our losses greater than expected? Did the enemy display any new tactics, or were they taken by surprise? Any messages or scripts recovered that would hint at the greater strategy of their army? Please tell me, I am interested in knowing."
  12. Well, I like the premise of this one so I'm willing to keep going at it. (Even if I just started) If we keep plugging away other people will eventually see that its a good RP and will want to become part of it, I'm sure.
  13. (Assuming that my character is accepted, I'm going to go ahead and post.) Amy leaned against a rampart high on a wall of Hartmut's palace, gazing at the peaks that ran off into the distance. It was still early in the day, and wisps of fog that had yet to be burned off by the heat of the sun still drifted among the mountaintops. Later on, if the sky was clear, Amy knew that she'd be able to catch a glimpse of the blue ocean beyond. Unfortunately, she knew that she wouldn't get the chance. At least not today. Being a general in wartime, especially one with her duties, was busy work. Not that she regretted becoming one in the slightest. It was both challenging and interesting, and far beyond where a simple shopkeeper's daughter expected herself to be at this point in life. Hearing a door open behind her, Amy turned her attention to a pair of rapidly approaching footsteps. After stopping a few feet behind her, their owner paused to clear his voice then proceeded to deliver his message without formalities. "General Black reports engaging and destroying a group of dragons trying to sneak across the border seventy-five leagues north of the capital. He sends his compliments for the accuracy of your information, and his men have begun the march back. They should return in five days time." Amy turned to face the messenger. "Good work, you are dismissed. Go clean yourself up and get some rest." The man, clearly sore and tired from riding hard for several days, saluted with a look of gratitude on his face before turning to leave. As he left Amy pondered the information he had brought her. With the majority of Hartmut's forces away from the castle at present, sending half the remaining guard with one of the two remaining generals to command it had been a risk, but it had paid off for Amy. Though the defenses of the capital would be low for the next few days, thanks to Amy's spy network a significant threat had been engaged and eliminated well before it got within sight of the city. There was more for her to think about as well. The faction that had tried to make its way across the border was unexpected. Her information about the enemy had generally indicated that they would not make such a bold strike into the country without more resources to back them up. Did this mean that the group that general Black eliminated was a victim of her misinformation, or were they a splinter group of dragons who had decided to take matters into their own hands? Could it be that the dragons were starting to split themselves up into different camps with different philosophies? Every enemy in war had their internal differences, but perhaps the dragon's were now growing large enough to effectively exploit. Amy made a mental note to have her spies look further into it, and possibly act upon it if it turned out to be true. Walking down the rampart Amy entered a different door than the messenger had used, and proceeded down a long spiral staircase. One of the duties of the ranking general in the capital was to inspect the defenses on a daily basis. Normally general Black would be performing the inspections, but since he had been sent out the responsibility of doing so had fallen to her. It was an annoying task to Amy that took away from the time she could be using to learn something new, but it was also something that she'd rather have to do than fighting dragons within the city walls. Passing a servant, she sent him scurrying ahead to prepare a horse as she made her way down to the stables.
  14. I'm probably gonna regret this, but I'm feeling bored so what the hell. Name: Amethyst Valor (Amy for short) Age: 27 Gender: Female Class: Tactician Affinity: Wind Items: Maps, charts, compass, sextant, spyglass, various books on military history and tactics, a few tomes about history and languages, parchment, quills, ink, a few knives, a handful of keys, a set of lock-picks and a small crowbar, flint and tinder, a spare torch, a few oblong objects that smell faintly of sulfur, a flask of very strong liquor, a few vulneraries and elixrs, gold and a gem or two, some rope and a grappling hook, and a few other odds and ends crammed in as well. Bio: Amy was born in a large village in the mountains of what would one day become Ilia. Her father owned a rather large shop that sold a variety of goods, from the mundane such as weapons and armor to the exotic such as artifacts and rare items. Amy was an intensely curious girl, and when not helping her parents in the shop she was busy reading the books that they sold, figuring out how different items were used, repairing broken goods and mending clothes, performing experiments on all sorts of things, doing some simplistic mending of weapons and armor, and even teaching herself the basics of armed combat. Basically, anything and everything she could do to learn more about anything and everything. When she finally entered formal schooling at the age of 12, Amy took to it like a fish to water: excelling in every course she took. One of her teachers was a retired general who had served in several wars decades earlier, and encouraged her to take a course in military tactics. Amy was hooked from the first day, and pushed the rest of her classes to the back while she concentrated on this new field. Though she had read the occasional book about military history in her parent's shop, Amy was largely ignorant of the arts of war and proceeded to read every book about tactics and history that she could get her hands on. After several years of study, she graduated at the top of her class and was accepted into a prestigious university halfway across the continent in what would one day become Bern. With her parent's consent, she made the journey and her learning began in earnest. In her final year in the university, the conflict between dragon and man, which had been brewing for some time, finally erupted into full out war. With her newly developed skills, Amy was recruited into Hartmut's army at the age of 20 as an apprentice tactician. Her skill was soon apparent despite her youth, and she rose faster in the ranks of his army than any woman ever had. At the age of 25 she was one of the youngest generals in history, excelling in conventional warfare but specializing in unconventional warfare tactics. Amy's purview included directing her own spies, thieves, and assassins, as well as countering the enemies' own agents, spreading propoganda to instill fear and uncertainty in the civilians who supported the dragons and spreading misinformation to induce confusion and uncertainty in their military, and overseeing guerrilla strikes by small units of her own forces against specific objectives and ambushes of enemy units and supply lines. Overall, she is in charge of all the fighting that's not done by large organized armies in big fields, and is the lowest ranking of the six generals commanding Hartmut's main army. Despite her position in the war, Amy has no particular dislike for dragons. Instead, she has become so fixated on the challenges of command that she has not stopped to think about the morality of war. In spite of what she has experienced on the battlefield Amy has maintained her sense of curiosity and her relaxed temperament, which when combined have given her a reputation of being friendly but somewhat aloof. Character Description: Taller than average for a female human, Amy has long brown hair and purple eyes. A voluminous dark hooded cloak usually covers her figure, which is muscled and trim from constant activity. She usually wears black pants and a purple top, and has several utility belts and straps to carry everything she needs. Around her neck is an amulet with the symbol of Hartmut's army, which was given to her by Hartmut himself and identifies her as one of his generals.
  15. TBH I don't really think that a background is necessary with the skin. Overall I think it's interesting, but too lilac for my tastes. I'll stick with the mean green for now.
  16. Shirts, socks, underwear, pants, and a few DVDs of old school (60s & 70s) tv shows. I find that as you get older the gifts get more practical. Oh, and a Dutch language version of a Richard Scary book from my brother. That shit is awesome.
  17. How do I visited profile?

  18. I thought they didn't let terrorists join here.
  19. But they took that out in FE8. :( Joshua and Cormag are still 1337 though. And I believe it is the enemies growth rates as well.
  20. Iceland

    Art Contests!

    Submitted mine. Quiver in fear, all ye mortals!
  21. Iceland


    As I've said already by the time I fight the second Reed brother I usually have Nino about 7/20. That still leaves several chapters where she's more than capable of holding her own. It may make those first three or so chapters you have her more difficult, but it truthfully does not take that much time to level her up. You do have to baby her at first, but in the end the results are worth it. If you don't feel like babying her for a bit, though, then you should probably just not bother with Nino at a.
  22. TBH I joined because FESS was put down. I'd been coming to SF for almost two years for info about FE, and even if I hadn't been directed here when FESS closed this still woulda been my choice.
  23. Hmmm... Its close for me. I'm confused about the brain being included in the matter section though. It would seem that it should belong in the mind section. While the brain itself is a piece of matter, when people refer to it they are most commonly referring to the mind inside it rather than the lump of grey flesh itself.
  24. Iceland


    Anything will make HHM harder. XD Its a good challenge, though.
  25. So Tethys is useless when your army is moving at full speed without fighting any enemies. What about when you have to fight enemies or heal multiple allies? What about when you're in a defensive chapter and playing turtle? What if you need to reinforce one part of your army, but any available units are too far away and your line won't hold much longer? What if you make a mistake and need to rearrange your troops in order to keep a vulnerable character safe? Moving your entire army at full speed is only a very small part of any chapter, and the usefullness (or uselessness) of a single unit should not be determined by that limited event alone.
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