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Posts posted by Lyte

  1. I literally just got off the phone with my local GS. The guy I got seemed to originally think that it was streetdated for the 5th still, but he asked whom I assume was the manager and he confirmed that it never have a streetdate to begin with. They hadn't gotten the shipment in yet, but they did have the preorder artbooks and confirmed that they can sell the game as soon as they got the shipment in. This is from a semi-suburban area in GA if that matters to anyone.

    Whew. I know it's not GS or anything's fault (for the most part..They need to inform their employees more, but I know retail in general has a habit of not doing that) with all the craziness going on, but I think it'll be a while before I preorder anything with them again. Gonna stick to Newegg and Amazon.

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