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Everything posted by Lamia

  1. like I mentioned in that program's topic, lemme know if there's anything I can do to help with that
  2. I modified the game manually with nightmare
  3. I made the modifications and updated the patch make sure your ROM has a header also, consider this patch as a sample, single seed
  4. cool beans, though you should probably post such info in the FE4 stuff topic (or did I miss it) and I assume whatever ROM you're referencing doesn't have a header, since I see it at 7AB75 here
  5. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's just a nightmare module display issue (growths are unsigned iirc, just look at FE6 karel) unless it's something specific to enemies, which I wouldn't know about
  6. as most people know, there's a randomized GBAFE tool where you can let the RNG decide pretty much all of the character and enemy makeups, and since there isn't compatibility for FE4 (yet?) I went and painstakingly threw together one while praying to random.org as my RNG god maybe someone can have some fun with it? I'm gonna try and get through it myself PATCH: Click here! >Compatible with the unmodified, untranslated (J) ROM, with header. [spoiler=Changelog] - All items unchanged, except for some extra broken weapon flavor. - All stat bases unchanged. - Player Gen 1/Gen 2 fixed character growths rolled from 0-50 each, while doubling the HP result. - Class growths unchanged. - All enemy classes and inventories rerolled except for 'dropped item' numbers. - Additional female battle animation compatibility added. - Battle animations involving mounted knights are given non-faceless armor, just for flavor purposes. - Sigurd and Celice cannot change classes from -Lord since Seize is locked to them. - Fury's, Fee's, and Altenna's classes, along with some enemies, remain as fliers due to event problems that would result in crashes otherwise. - Junior Lord, Lord Knight, and Dancer not included in class pool, along with the Civilians and Arches. - When rolling a gender-specific class for an opposite-gender character, I changed them to the proper-gendered counterpart. - The Binary Sword Skill patch added: While it allows sword skills to be used by any class and weapon type, I've heard there are issues with inheritance regardless. - Dismount skill removed. - Dancer skill removed. - Canto, Recover, and Return added to displayed skills so that you can tell who has it. - Recover removed from character skill pool, while Big Shield, Return, and Canto added. - Light and Dark Sword skills included in character and class skill pool. - Player fixed characters have an equal chance of 1 skill, 2 skills, or 3 skills. - NPC and enemy holy characters have an equal chance of 0 skills, 1 skill, or 2 skills. - All sword skills included in class skill pool, along with Ambush, Life, and Recover. - Gen 1 characters have an equal chance of no holy blood, minor blood, major blood, or 2 minor blood. - Gen 2 fixed characters have an equal chance of minor blood, major blood, 2 minor blood, or 2 major blood. - Enemy holy characters have major in all blood to allow for the widest weapon usage for their random class, including holy weapons. - Gen 2 substitutes have not been changed, make babies, it's the whole point! - The direct inheritor of a child's mother has a class matching at least one weapon type of the mother's. The other child's class is randomly picked. - Each character has at least one usable weapon or staff for their class on their appearance. - Characters with a second starting item, items from events, shop items, and dropped items roll from the full item pool. - Obtainable Holy Weapons are rerolled only amongst themselves based on all of the possible major blood combinations. There's room to add all of them if RNG allows, I believe. - Holy Weapons are sellable. - Chapters are given a random map palette and music. - All long range tomes are included in the pool. Their uses are changed to 5, cost 15000. They have also been modified to allow for movement.
  7. hey my project's not in the list (linked in signature) I have a patch out now so I do ask for the update
  8. I was very disappointed that there were no magic swords in FE10 sure, physical ranged for swords is cool and all since no other did that, but NO magic swords, a staple since the beginning? nice tidbit in any case
  9. is there any way I'd be able to help out with making FE4 compatibility come faster? I wish for ridiculousness
  10. writing may come into play here, if you come up with some sort of story or whatever it'll all come to you which characters should be where, or it'll just come to you as you work on the chapters themselves
  11. it could be a very interesting prospect; with enough good writing, you could have a winner
  12. with FE4 and my project having so few chapters, making great steps in progression per chapter is necessary, but I think it makes it more fun that way, keeps you sharp in any vanilla FE there are those dull-ass chapters that you just hate playing, less chapters keeps that to a minimum (looking at you FE4 chapter 7) and with how I plan to run things with my own game, the escalation is gonna get crazy one thing that I have to stress is to make different environments and setups; 5 chapters in a row fighting brigands in the mountains or knights in a castle REALLY gets old, but when you change up the layouts frequently in progressive chapters, it can add to the experience (the tellius saga was somewhat good about this) to be more specific, enemy and player placement and what you have to do to complete the chapter -- the overall running around, grabbing items and beating the boss -- should be smooth as silk, without dull, low periods of say, 10 turns wasted just moving people around an unnecessarily gigantic map (I've seen this often in beginning projects I think) and even I cut the FE4 prologue's map size into a quarter of what it was I appear to be ramblling now, but levelling up doesn't bother me so much as the boring of most early playthroughs, which I find to be more of an issue
  13. it's undoubtedly a holdover from the vanilla game, to prevent dew and holyn passing down their skills to just anyone; I doubt there's an easy fix for that, although a single byte change would be nice has it been tested that they still pass down the skills to the matching children regardless of class?
  14. I don't even swear/curse/etc in day-to-day life, but I'm a pretty calm individual the best way to go, in any medium for a wide audience, is to just have single semi-curses like what's on common TV (damn and hell) in a supposedly serious setting you don't go 'gosh darn it' when your friend was killed in front of you (DBZ) but you need good writing overall too
  15. about sellable holy weapons, I kind of do that already for my own project (I use S ranks) and they might have gone with something like that, and even if they didn't the result is similar? although I have personal weapons in my project too... I'm not exactly sure really, but I'm sure there's a patch for it buried somewhere as for the minor blood half stat gain, that's a whole other can of reprogramming (which I am generally clueless about) the custom holy characters seem like a swell idea though, a good resource (even if I won't personally have a use for it probably)
  16. hey, this is pretty awesome, nice work! now do one for fe4
  17. if you change a ROM then obviously the original checksum is going to be wrong and appear 'corrupted', all patches do that (a checksum is essentially an internal thing to make sure all the data is correct)
  18. Lamia

    Must Play Hacks?

    it would be great if, in these topics, people explain what they like (or don't like) in project x instead of just 'play this' you should totally play mine though just because (once I get a patch out sometime this decade)
  19. then yeah you shouldn't make the dialogue go past the game's 4MB limit unless you expand it properly, SNES handles things differently, although I haven't had much luck with that (though may just be my emulator) as for repointing to the early space in the ROM you might have done it incorrectly or it's a place where you can't
  20. are you having an issue? I can't tell
  21. as the detail says, it points to the bytes given minus $800000, so you need to add $800000 to your address that you're pointing to additionally, since your ROM probably has a header, you need to subtract $200 to the pointer since the ROM doesn't read that part so the total code for your pointer should be 00 2A 80 FE BF if I'm not mistaken also, as a side note... I don't know that the game can read past $400200 if it's not expanded
  22. the skill list screen uses a different set of names in the ROM IIRC also, what do you mean you used nightmare to change the name length? you can't do that in nightmare, unless you just meant adjusting the name pointers since you have to edit letters manually
  23. there's a control code list for dialogue text in the fe4hackdocs 'scripting' folder 2A: Points to text elsewhere Takes arguments XX YY ZZ, points to ZZ YY XX MINUS $800000. Remember to add/subtract $200 for the header too. for example, if you put in the following code: 00 2A BA CF 89 it will, smoothly, move the active dialogue reading to the address of $9D1BA however, when using the repoint code and using the 'end' code (01) at the end of the repointed text, it will start reading text after the original pointer; make sure to put an 01 at the end of the pointer if you're not going back to it there's a fair bit of free space you can use for text if you don't overdo it I'll inform you in advance to make some sort of marking or note for free space in the ROM that you come across/make so that you can search it out easy and use it for text or whatever else
  24. well it could be fun, and if I gotta fool around with something or give you some info I'd be for it
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