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Everything posted by Lamia

  1. the reason FE6 is 8MB is because they just didn't use as much space (whether data or filler) as the latter ones you can expand GBA ROMs up to 32MB I think? there are a couple later games that had that size
  2. did you try moving any other units in your game to make sure your ROM isn't corrupted
  3. as above, all character, class, and item data will not be synchronized, in that the aforementioned data all have their own numbers which there would be overlap and no matching up it would have been possible if they planned on having them all link together (like what's been done for pokemon linking) but considering the link arena's existence (which seems like an afterthought) I wouldn't have expected much anyway
  4. isn't this covered in the ultimate tutorial? regardless, nightmare modules are modifiable in notepad, however you may need to repoint the data tables if you're expanding and not overwriting map sprite data if you are expanding, the dropdown count for modules is the line after the hex address, modify that if you're adding to the current list, and make sure you're not overwriting something else
  5. updated the first post with a few more nightmare modules (listed after the skill table editors), nothing significant but perhaps neat was looking through the binary research again, found some neato things like modifying skill and stat calculations which I may play around with used some info there to make this patch here if anyone may be interested, it changes the Hit% calculation to add Luck to the hit rate https://www.dropbox.com/s/a9rsdj5oot7ugoa/FE4HitRate.ips?dl=1 this is a utility patch, can be applied to any ROM with a header, translation or not (most likely) and it uses free space of which you probably aren't using, at $41C0 some notes: [spoiler=snoresville] 4AAAE set to 00 to automatically unequip broken weapons 4E3BE music used when attacking with dance skill 4EB97 healing music (for live, relive, recover, and libro) 16FCD1 big shield sound effect 17821A holy weapon shine sound effect 17F5C2 title screen Fire Emblem tile pointer 17F5CD title screen sword/flag tile pointer 17F617 title screen shadow tile pointer
  6. for starters you need a hex editor, many out there, but my preferred in comfort is XVI32 dialogue text, if you don't care about using a lot of space, you can use the FE4EasyText patch, and you'll also likely need the fe4hackdocs notes just in case (both found in my resource topic) http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39603#entry2368860 http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39603&page=2#entry3106371 make sure you patch an unedited ROM with a header if you use the patch
  7. the problem might be that there's very little a selection, and additionally, a custom hack can create a custom villain for this purpose one could say, involve the sacred stones as part of the story, making the different factions fight against one another (but this is just a random idea)
  8. my project is more indepth than a rework, it's unlikely I'll be finished anytime soon (probably another two years or so) if you really want a patch of the current version you can ask, but once I get all the important stuff up through chapter 5 done I'll make a public WIP patch again also, don't combine large patches like you say you are doing, because they will never work the english patch (I assume) shifts a lot of data around, and some of the japanese hacks actually change the length of some of the data tables (and probably repoint them to boot), like inflation combining patches is never a good idea unless they are utility patches, small fixers and whatnot
  9. as far as I know the original modules by pukachi were created to run on the basic (J), V.ROM version, with a header
  10. what exactly do you want to translate? dialogue, items, etcetera? I'm afraid that with FE4's obscurity of hacking interest there aren't many automated options in editing stuff; if you want to translate things into other languages, you'll need several different programs (a hex editor, tile editor, decompressor/compressor for the menu, nightmare) some extra notes and the like (which this and the compressor are in my FE4 stuff topic) and a fair bit of patience, especially if you want to translate the entire thing, including children talks and all that if you don't have any previous hacking experience with FE4, or even especially if you don't have any for say FE7/8 which are more popular, I wouldn't recommend just jumping into it
  11. well I did make a pseudo-translation for it to get around menus better and I have many notes in addition to twilkitri's on event editing (figured out enough to do simpler things)
  12. Lamia


    if you're making a hack from scratch, don't be deterred by generic enemy units, you have full control over what spawns and what doesn't; just follow the original game's example, perhaps renaming certain generics for certain chapter usage
  13. lp my hack pls except not really because it's not even half done yet
  14. I was just thinking having the -c, -n, etc codes seems redundant if you have to provide the addresses anyway just inputting the code at the end would be much more convenient that one-byte menu text symbol thing should be really great on saving space (HALF!) making more room for dialogue and custom graphics and such, however small the difference, it helps
  15. is replace all advisable? there are often coincidences with bytes I don't know too much about FE7 though if nothing weird goes on then it's 'probably' fine
  16. pretty handy tool! but I think it could use some user-friendly stuff (needing to type in the addresses and everything each time is irksome) maybe just making the addresses fixed (or as an extra option to use custom addresses) since I really doubt anyone's going to be doing any repointing of the menu text pointers big step towards easier FE4 stuff though I might try to get used to using it with my hack since all that manual repointing gets old also, I can't seem to get the class dump to work for my hack, it just stops and the textfile output only shows the first two classes I tried the class dump on the old j2e patch and it also stops after GreatArch, ignoring the DkPrince right after could the class name length have anything to do with the error? my hack made room for up to 11 letters for classes on the statscreen
  17. think of it another way: if you need more, you may need to consider reducing the number out of practicality and presentation don't be like FE5 and FE6 where you get a fuckton of characters that never end up being used
  18. I seem to have missed this topic, but I think remaking FE5 is a really great idea, and I'd try to help make it work, especially since I love jugdral this is a good idea on paper, but it wouldn't work on a remake on its own because of how enemies are set up later in the game, they are out of the way for a reason the map and/or their locations would need to shift, and I feel like changing either of those sort of breaks faithfulness me personally, I feel like staff hit rate and infinite range are a system feature that helps define the game, just like the critical cap on first attacks and counter crit multiplier, 1% minimum/99% maximum hit rates, fatigue, etcetera, all together making a unique experience which motivates such fans like me to want to see a decent remake however I don't know if getting xavier and the member card should be made to be more realistic to achieve in a regular playthrough (I have gotten xavier before but never the member card) at the least, the secret shop ought to have some actual useful items for the trouble and/or be in an earlier chapter
  19. well crap I seem to have missed the last post here to disable movement locking of ranged tomes at 10 or higher, go to $7B763 and change it to 90
  20. getting some work done again! here's some more teasing screenshots
  21. you shouldn't play certain romhacks 'instead' you should play them 'in addition to'
  22. something of note that I discovered for my hack, I should mention; the sibling bonus editor is not exactly correct I noticed you had some three-character sibling bonuses, which I also have in my hack however, on some testing I was doing, since critical rates are displayed I was able to see some that worked and some that did not in an easier method of testing I discovered that the supports use pointers, not some 00 separator thing as the module indicates if you want to make it working properly you should check out the pointers (they're right before the data, at $7BEE8)
  23. it's good to have more FE4 things, however simple I was poking around your patch's data out of curiosity, and noticed something about the inventories I dunno if it's been tested thoroughly, but having a character in first gen have starting items the same as some in the second gen may cause duplication issues due to passing down and whatnot; just something to check since I haven't yet also be careful about adding shop items to character inventories if the shop is still going to have the same item numbers
  24. Lamia

    FE4 Spell SFX

    load your emulator of choice and the ROM in particular and record the sound effects, I know ZSNES has sound channel selection at least
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