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Everything posted by Lamia

  1. I can't run the program either, here's some error info if it helps any, and I (regretfully) use Windows 8.1 is there some file locating issue or something? ah well FE4 is my game but a map generator could be pretty handy for brainstorming purposes (I can just copy stuff into the map editor anyway) and besides, nothing beats painstaking handmade
  2. may or may not go without saying, but a romhacking project is a buttload of work don't get impatient by working on it all at once, and know that it will take a lot of time, even if you're just doing a one-chapter spinoff (which I actually recommend as your first for practicing purposes) good luck though, FE hacks are good times
  3. the only thing about nightmare that is out of your control is when it does not have a certain byte entry for a dropbox as for your issue I'd say you haven't been paying attention during your edits or you adjusted the NMM file incorrectly either way, I'd suggest going over the table closely
  4. here's several I found in some binary folders https://www.dropbox.com/s/6eg2qeeox2dmlx3/FE4%20%E4%BA%8C%E6%AC%A1%E5%89%B5%E4%BD%9C%E7%B3%BB%E3%83%91%E3%83%83%E3%83%81.rar?dl=0 from what I can see, there's inflation, genealogy of fala, narga, and dain, along with a bunch of other ones I can't read (also I recommend possibly getting interest into my own FE4 hack)
  5. 16MB is a buttload of space for the game, I'd be impressed if you did manage to get to the point of needing to clean up things
  6. don't change character numbers, ever, for any game I don't know FE6 so I don't know exactly what the problems are though
  7. copy and paste the hex data into its own file, then drag and drop onto decompress or compress, it will output a file in the same folder IIRC, the menu text for example is from $C2B - 1B7B, so copy all of that and put it into a new file, drag that file onto fe45_decomp.exe, and then open the output file in your tile editor of choice (make sure it's set to SNES view if multi-platform) when you're ready to recompress, just drag the same file onto fe45_comp.exe, it will make another file; that is the compressed data you put into the ROM, make sure to overwrite and not insert, additionally, make sure that your new data is not larger than the old
  8. oh I see, you'll want to use easy text on a clean rom, which is the issue, didn't know you were doing that it uses j2e's translation as the base
  9. take a look at the FE4 info topic in my signature, lotsa stuff you might need, and the decompressor/compressor is on the second page keep in mind the text is shift-jis additionally I'd recommend you use the j2e patch as a base as they did a lot of advanced text changes like the letter limits in the stat screen and unit menus and such, but you should still start from the japanese version's menu text table of course
  10. I've replaced myrrh with fa entirely before except for that spirally orange effect on the de-transform, so that's possible at least no idea if it's possible in FE7 or a separate entry for FE8, there's probably something special going on since mamkutes use 'sets' of animations
  11. 'completed' applies to maybe 5% of all projects that are playable and enjoyable while being incomplete, don't knock 'em!
  12. ZSNES saying 'BAD ROM' just means it presumably failed the checksum, meaning it's modified, meaning it's patched
  13. pokemon mystery dungeon rescue team and explorers were so good, loved playing them, I haven't played any new ones though I have red, time, and sky versions, and sky is so much better than time/darkness that those aren't even worth playing in comparison, thanks to the improvements my first playthrough on red was eevee/pikachu on time it was vulpix/skitty then on sky it was eevee/vulpix I played red enough to where my flareon main was able to hit for over 1000 damage, the damage reader saying -999 in red numbers... I didn't quite get that far in sky though I also never finished the 100-floor challenge dungeons, too much fake difficulty in randomness, not in my interest
  14. here's a copy of the original (I don't know what site might carry it or if it's in any of the module packs) https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2tmfy2er5dnkex/Nightmare.exe?dl=0
  15. the Female ability in nightmare only affects the mounted Aid base IIRC, you're probably giving them the wrong class (FE7 does not have a gender system, all genders are different classes) and judging from the nightmare module package I have, the female versions might not labelled as such in dropdown lists (which it should be the classes directly after the first)
  16. hey guys I am both a fire emblem lover and brony so sometimes I like to put the two together, just sharing what few crossover pictures I've done so far click the pictures for the deviantart pages and their proper resolutions here's a picture of Shining Armor as the black knight as I thought it was a cool idea at the time a request for one of my friends, his pony character Mint dressed up like Leaf these three make a cameo in my FE4 project (the screenshots are outdated) and finally, just finished this one, it's taken a long time but I finally drew one of my favorite characters in FE so if you like the whole pony thing check out the rest of my arts at my various galleries http://lamiaaaa.deviantart.com/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lamiaaaa/ https://inkbunny.net/Lamia https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-lamia
  17. levels going that high isn't too great for the RNG-screwing reason, and by higher caps I meant stats going up to 40 or even 50 or higher depending on whatever level cap you wanted to go for an idea that just occurred to me was perhaps having a high level cap and high stat caps, but everyone has at least 100% growth in each stat, so that they get a guaranteed increase per level, but still has a chance to get +2 in a stat, although enemies will also need to be balanced well enough to deal with that just a theoretical idea to play with, even if it might be too traditional RPG-like
  18. if you don't want class-ups, it may be difficult to balance well due to the lack of promotion gains; it makes it all the easier to get RNG-screwed, so you may want to go to higher levels of growths and/or have a fair amount of statup items I might also suggest caps higher than 30, but I don't know how far of a scale you want to go with your project as for the weapon change... you'd probably have to program your own item somehow, but a method you might try is to simply make it so using the item (which would need to be class or character-locked) adds weapon EXP to the weapon of choice
  19. movement with long range tomes is fine as long as the range doesn't go above 9
  20. due to the system having repairable weapons, the game keeps track of them all in a list and designates an item number to each one if you change them around, I recommend changing the item numbers in the Player Weapon module and not swap around the locations of the weapons themselves (with the character editor) without knowing what you're doing; the same weapon appearing in multiple places can cause bugs, not to mention clones disappearing on reloading a save
  21. well it's hard to figure out the problem precisely without some more details as to what you were doing exactly but my first guess is that mounted units and foot units have vastly different palettes, so the colors are not going to be used in the same order if you swap them around to different styles
  22. Lamia

    FE4 Modules

    oops I haven't been looking around here if this is my modified one as you say, these are the text files required to be in the same folder as the module and make sure you put the module itself in the Class Editors folder and not left it on its own
  23. Lamia

    FEE3 2014

    woo, I'm covered, and with no crashes or oddities other than that map animation you weren't supposed to use also I can't believe you missed with that triangle attack, what are you as for one comment you made: accessing the holy blood screen is disabled
  24. Lamia

    FE4 Modules

    maybe 2.0 doesn't support the A at the end of NDHA (I'm not really sure what that does, wild guess either way, try NDHU)
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