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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. The Creative board was getting a bit too crowded/flooded with spriting topics, so we've opened a new subforum under Creative to house all of them. The Forum Rules listed in the Pinned topic at the main Creative board level still apply to the new subforum. All relevant topics should have been moved to the new board. (Currently, any topics combining art and sprites are still found in the main level, though they may be moved in the future.) Any questions can be directed to myself or to Popo.
  2. The neck appears long, but only because the shoulder width is arguably too small for the sprite. Her shoulders are about as wide as her head, which is much too small. In order to rectify "both" issues, just make her shoulders a bit wider. Also, the reason that the left shoulderpad (our PoV) looks strange is because the shading is fairly flat. You should reference an existing sprite that has a leather shoulderpad on it (Gerik, etc.) for an idea on how to shade it. The neckline of her shirt is a bit too sharp (too V-like) and there could probably be a wee bit more shading where it touches the neck behind it. Also, the right shoulderpad is a bit flat shaded as well. It looks like it's stuck to the front of the sprite, instead of appearing as it's curving around the shoulder. For starting custom edits to stuff, it's not too bad though. Practice makes perfect, as they say.
  3. As a side note, it's not always directly saving as a .JPG that will kill a sprite. Seeing as you used Photobucket to upload the image, I'd surmise that you probably saved the image as Paint's default option, a .BMP file. Photobucket automatically converts .BMP files into .JPG files when they're uploaded, ruining the quality of the image. (And, don't take that as a sign that .BMP files are bad. If you're wanting to save something as a .GIF file, saving the image as a .BMP in Paint and then converting it to a .GIF using GiFFY (a free conversion tool that can also save transparent .GIF files as well) generally tends to work out for the best. (In my experience, I've found that some programs will ruin sprites by directly saving them as .GIF files, so going from .BMP to .GIF with GiFFY is a sure-fire way of keeping the quality correct.) I, too, use Paint Shop Pro (though, the outdated v7.02) when I do my limited spriting activities. (XP's Paint is massive fail for only allowing 3 Undo's at a time. Though, I hear that Vista's Paint allows unlimited. But, I don't plan on using Vista anytime soon...)
  4. Wouldn't that then invalidate the fact that there's already someone running around with Major Neir blood, using Swanchika? (Sure, you could change the existing "canon", but doing it just to get one of the Holy Weapons seems a bit tacky, IMO. While it doesn't necessarily make sense from an army's point of view (i.e. loot good stuff from dead enemies to keep your supplies up), I think it makes a game more challenging when you don't get full access to all of the best weapons, etc.)
  5. I do believe that FE4A is altering the system to mirror FE4's (level doesn't reset on promotion, level caps at 30). Also, according to the first post, Diadora has become pre-promoted. (See the second bulleted item.)
  6. If you're going to post, at least put some thought into it. Furthermore, your post is basically spam. I highly suggest that you take a gander at this board's rules.
  7. Based on the way the rule is written, you can legally necropost in any topic, provided that the content of the post is deemed to be contributing enough to the thread to keep the thread alive. While I feel that you could have added a bit more detail to the post to at least explain your comment further, I don't see why we would need to close the thread.
  8. To be honest, I didn't find out about it myself until shortly before the board jumped to Offline anyway. As such, it's just a matter of sitting and waiting. It's not like someone's going to fall over dead if they can't get on Serenes Forest for a day.
  9. It technically was announced, when the board was sitting offline stating that the maintenance might take a while.
  10. Skies of Arcadia (And Legends as well, as the added content offset the compression issues due to porting) still rates near the top of my list of favorite RPGs. The battle system may have been boring/repetitive (especially compared to the other RPG gem on the Dreamcast, Grandia II), but the story, ship battles, and characters are enough to get anyone to play the game again. I kind of wish that Legends would have been more robust, given that it was the Director's Cut version of the game; there just wasn't a whole of lot of stuff to do that didn't seem forced on. The Wanted List was a nice distraction for a while. but then it basically became just another chore if you wanted to stay ahead at times. The Moonfish sidequest (and only that portion) felt really tacked on, and, if anything, actually made the game easier than the non-Director's Cut version, due to getting superb armor/weapons/accessories even earlier in the game than normal. In fact, the only things that really didn't feel tacked on were the Piastol sidequest and the added Discoveries. I mean, were there really only a few limited things that were tossed out in production that they really didn't want to throw out? Personally, I maintain that there is one potentially huge vein to tap into still with the franchise: MMO. Yes, you'd have to "retcon" the events of the actual game (or say that they're going on concurrently), but just think of how awesome it'd be to have a Skies MMO. You could join up as either a Blue Rogue, a Black Pirate, or a soldier under Valua (since they're the main three elements in the story). You'd start as a lowly mate in whichever "faction" you choose and slowly rise up in ranks until you attain your own crew and repeat the process. I'm not quite sure how ship battles would work out, given the size of the crew (and this being an MMO), but it would still be a fun feature to implement. Anyway, you get the idea. EDIT - I should clarify that I am not a huge MMO fan. The idea of a Skies MMO crept up on me one day, when I was thinking about the game (specifically the whole "ships flying on air and battling" aspect). If there was a Skies MMO, however, I probably would be one of the first people in line for it. XD
  11. And what, exactly, does that have to do with the topic at hand? Answer? Nothing. It would be moderately helpful if you would at least make an effort to contribute to the conversation.
  12. 1) That's because, as is documented in multiple places, the supports have barely been touched. (And with characters and stuff switched around, that's the reason things are goofy.) It's on the list of things for me to do. (Pairing and writing the support scripts, that is.) 2) If by appearance, you mean face sprite, it's so that he's representative of the game he's from (Yggdra Union). ( ) If you're meaning character-wise, I don't know what to say, other than it certainly wasn't an afterthought, given that most of the Prologue - Ch. 10 characters were planned in the order that they appear. For starters, you're probably trying to patch an older version, seeing as the newest releases were only posted here as UPS files. That being said, however, Tsukuyomi (the main UPS patcher) is Windows/Linux only (from what I've read), and, as far as I know, Nintenlord's UPS patcher is Windows only (unless it isn't running on the .NET Framework, in which case, it might be cross-platform). MK uploaded an IPS version of the patch on FEU, but it's apparently a dual IPS setup, meaning you'd still need StealthPatch. I guess you're out of luck, unless someone happens to go around making a Mac OS-compatible UPS patcher. :/
  13. Not really. I can think of no acceptable reason why anyone should need to close their feedback topic (or all-inclusive topic if they only have one). If they've stopped working on that project, then just let the topic die. If they're going on vacation and don't want to have to read a wall of replies when they get back, then too bad. The only, ONLY reason a (project) topic should need closed is if it's a story that was completely finished. (Even then, it's not really necessary, except to prevent the thread from accidentally being posted in, as the thread could naturally die anyway.) Well, and if someone necroposts in the topic. That's grounds for closure by the staff anyway.
  14. While I'm not sure of the exact specifics of what will be done yet, Creative (as a whole) and ROM Hacking will be getting specialized "Rules" topics (if you could call them that) that are extensions of the main forum rules. This will likely be one of the things that is covered in the new topic(s). As a proponent of constructive criticism (being a (former) spriter will do that), I'm largely not a fan of posting works just for the glory of posting them (and damning critique under banners such as "I never fix anything once I've done it" or "I don't want comments" in the process). Needless to say, it'll be something that goes under consideration. (And, I'd say that I already made note of this in the Announcements topic, but I did post it shortly before you posted this topic (and, given the length of this, it's likely that you were typing this before I started to post my response where I mentioned it). As such, no problems with having the topic.)
  15. Because "advice" equates to mini-modding nearly 99% of the time. True "advice" is something more critical in manner. Something like, "Jimmy, I think you should man up, walk over there, and ask that girl out," is advice. Saying something like, "You should add more content to your posts so that the mods don't jump on you," is not. That's mini-modding, not giving "advice." And, if you have further problems with staff actions, take it to PM instead of posting it here. My PM box is always open. Though speaking of that, I should add this as well: @Doom_Dragon_103 - If you have "problems" with a rule, take it to PM. As Jyo said, this isn't a thread for debate.
  16. I personally understand it as meaning anything that is detrimental or unfavorable towards a person/group of people/etc. I suppose it might also qualify under flaming as well, but it largely depends on the individual case. Basically, use discretion. Something like, "Fuck fuck fuck hi fuck fuck fuck," isn't going to work. An occasional one here and there is fine, but entire sentences/paragraphs filled with them are pushing the line. Spam much? This IS an Announcements topic, you know. Both Creative and ROM Hacking will be getting special "addendums" in order to further address concerns and such which are limited only to those two boards (given their nature as boards requiring more critique and such over the other boards). Yes, because this isn't a chat room. A small slip-up here and there won't cause the noose to drop or anything, but it helps if people can coherently read what someone wrote. And, in order to facilitate that, proper grammar definitely helps. Mini-modding much? I'll let it slide this time, since the new rules were just posted.
  17. Uh, guys, we're not here to discuss what my voice sounds like. (XD) Posts relevant to the actual update would be appreciated, by both MK404 and myself.
  18. Pseudo-update for people interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNjvj3rk9Q4 Watch/Listen. Think. Comment (either there or here). It'll help ease our curiosities.
  19. As an alternate theory, it's entirely possible that 'Regal' has nothing to do with the origins of the sword to begin with. While, for the most part, adjectives used in weapon names generally hint at who they belong to, their intended functions, or certain properties that they contain, this isn't always the case (IMO). Taking the Master- weapons from FE5 as an example, while one could consider Master- as meaning "only to be used by the most qualified individuals" (which would be a fair interpretation), it is also possible that Master- was just chosen to mean that the weapon had the quality of being a superb weapon and not necessarily indicative of the units that would be using it. This could be the case for the Regal Sword as well, with Regal simply signifying that this sword is crafted extremely well, and not that it was once the sword of a noble. By the game script, it's not expressly clear as to what Mist means by "hand-me-down" in her dialogue with Ike when she gives him the sword. One could interpret it as the sword simply passing hands and eventually being received by Ike (which would invalidate it as being a reward from a noble/etc., as that would signify a changing of hands (Greil choosing to give the sword to Ike doesn't count in this category, as Ike could have received it himself theoretically (if he were there and already a part of the company, for instance))) or something that had been physically used (and magically repaired) by several other members of the company before Ike procured it (a more likely choice, given the implied meaning of the phrase). Also, it's possible that Greil may have had the sword forged at some point in time expressly for the purpose of giving it to Ike when the time was ready. ( Of which, he eventually just gave to Ike upon induction to the company.) Again, this would be more indicative of the quality of the sword, not of its origins.
  20. So? It's his opinion. Not yours, not mine, and not anyone else's. And, while we're at it, you can lose the attitude as well. (And don't give me the "it's just a joke" BS, since I'm not going to buy it. This board isn't FFtF.)
  21. As said, moderation doesn't count as post spamming. It's not like we're going into topics and saying something like, "Haha." and nothing else. The intended goal is to inform people of what they did wrong in a place where they'll hopefully see it so that they can refrain from doing it again. PMs can be deleted or ignored without even seeing the message. Posts are a bit harder to do that with, unless the person doesn't go in and see what was added on to the thread after they posted. (In which case, they're likely to break the rules again, thus incurring further moderation.) Plus, I agree that post count doesn't mean much. Hell, I only have ~250, and I've been here three months or so. Lord Raven(Nathan G) has almost 4 times as many posts, and he joined at the same time. But, it means nothing to me. It's all a matter of quality over quantity, in that regard.
  22. From what's been shown/revealed so far, Halberdier is the only true new class. Julie's Swordfighter class, Micaiah's Light Mage class, Laura's Priestess class, and Pelleas' (Dark) Sage class are technically new, though they're variations on existing ones. I'd assume, however, that given the amount of extra class slots available from removing the Trainees and most of the monster classes, we'll see more variations of classes or possibly other new classes down the road (either in promotions, other classes from characters not yet revealed, or used by the bosses).
  23. Nope. Aside from the Kings/Queens, only FE6/(8)/10 characters and originals will be showing up. (At least in an integral capacity, that is. I'm sure there will be cameos/references to things all over the place, but those don't really count.)
  24. @Drifloon - No, Ike is not in this project. The Dawn Brigade/Liberation Army units are the main group of playable allies. And, as far as I remember, I believe that the first demo patch will go up until the route split (so, the end of Chapter 8). Unless MK has changed what he was originally going to do, that is. @Evalcin - The FE7 Hack is not entirely canonical. Certain things, such as the defeat of the Fire Dragon, Raymond and Linoan's pairing, etc. definitively happened in the past, but for MK's sanity, Heather (and a few others) have not aged the 20 year gap and should be seen as being "new" to the adventure (largely in part because of various relationships with characters in ASD).
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