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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. In the grand scheme of things, we both know that ASD has as many Mages/Sages (Anima-based) as would be necessary. Any number more than 3 is overkill for most any class, in general. And, the number is sitting nicely at 3, not accounting for any characters that might pick up Anima after promotion. (Ok, so the "arguably too many" part was a bit off. But, we're basically at the cap, nonetheless.)
  2. There are enough (arguably too many) Mages already.
  3. It's all a matter of romanization and translation. For the purpose of this hack, yes, she's named "Altenna"; however, it's as open as people who vary Eden/Edain/Adean/etc. or any other characters' names due to the game only having translation patches.
  4. In the next patch (v1.01 I guess, since it won't be a major update), Luna will become "enemy only" in the sense that you won't get one from an enemy, chest, village, etc. Right now, it's still available in v1.0, but it's already planned to be removed. The question is just a matter of when rather than if. (And, you could beat it like MK404 does in his videos...)
  5. That depends on what you mean by "custom." If you're simply meaning something similar to, say, what Mage Knight 404 did for Sister!Linoan in his ROM Project, then that requires fairly simple replacement. (To which there's a process or tutorial listed out there somewhere.) If you're meaning something that doesn't follow the frames of an existing animation, then you'll need Zeld's Editor and it's Animation Inserter.
  6. You're partially right. The supports won't be finished for a little while, yes; however, I'm doing the supports to free him up from doing it. And since the only things in my way are real life and college, I'll be getting them done a whole lot sooner than he would. (And I'm already halfway done with figuring out partners. Once that's finished, all that remains is the scripts.)
  7. Two "comments." 1) Why is Tempest above Luna? Tempest joins in Linoan's mode only one chapter before Luna, where he'll get MAYBE one level, and that's if you have him kill pretty much everyone in the chapter. Luna joins the following chapter 4 levels lower than Tempest with nearly the same stats. She's going to get more total EXP per kill because she's closer in level to the enemies. Adding to that, she rejoins 5 chapters before he does in Eliwood's story. Not to mention, Light is arguably a superior Affinity to Wind... 2) If you're wondering why I didn't factor specific supports in to that comment above, then the following will prove insightful. In the near(ish) future, the old FE7 supports are going to get changed and reworked for the project, i.e. No longer will Tempest have supports with Altenna, Linoan, and Cruz. Tempest will have his own "unique" supports from that of his counterpart whom he replaced, Rath. As such, this iteration of the tier list will basically become useless and need to be redetermined once the supports are added in.
  8. There will be an update when there's an update...?
  9. I could see warranting a split between Art and Sprites (Lord knows that it made my job easier on FESS), but, looking at the recently updated topics (anything within just under two weeks), there really isn't much of a "pushing down." There are 10 Sprite topics (or ones that are close enough - 9 not including VASM's topic with his fairly "ancient" stuff) and 8 art topics in that time frame. (There's 1 or 2 that don't align anywhere, as well.) If the split was something more like 12-5 or something, then I could see a real case of the Art topics being repeatedly suppressed by the Spriting topics. But, with only a (roughly) 2 topic gap between the numbers on each side, I don't really think you can attest the need for a split when the numbers are that close based solely on your reasoning. (Not that splitting the two wouldn't be beneficial. For the reasoning provided, however, it seems slightly unjustified.) I personally think a more underlying cause is that a lot of the art topics just haven't been updated in a long time, and thus, are pushed further down as regular updates are made elsewhere. (Heck, there are even some significant spriting contributers whose topics have been pushed down for the same causes.)
  10. Except in FE6, where it reduces the foe's HP to 1. ------- That being said, as was noted above, Eclipse (as it's coded in the game) cannot double or critical (unless by Stone in FE8). However, it is possible in ROM Edits to alter Eclipse to, at the very least, double. I'm personally not sure about making it able to critical (without some external factor like Stone), though.
  11. Even at the angle she's facing, the width from shoulder to shoulder seems less than it realistically should be, i.e. her head is too big for the body. Also, part of me wants to say that her neck may be a tiny bit too tall, but that might be a residual effect of the body/head thing. The color scheme looks great though, and I'm digging the scarf thing.
  12. This may be FFtF, but this isn't "Let's post x pages of the same (spam'd) message."
  13. The scene merely serves as a foil for A Sacred Dawn. In fact, it actually sets up quite a few major-ish plot points, come to think of it... (Basically, Roy is just kind of there, since we know that Eli has a kid during the 15 year timeskip. Raymond brings Josh and Julie with him for a tour of Ostia (of which, the reason for being in Ostia is "officially," "I dunno, lol") while he talks to Eliwood about what's been happening in regards to Athos' dying words. The scene probably could have been done without Roy, though, having him there helps tie one of the plot-inducing parts of the Epilogue together better.)
  14. Cut the shit, everyone. I won't point out specifics as I don't have time, but the (at least) borderline trolling and flamebaiting needs to stop, now. From everyone.
  15. No. While the FE7 hack hardly preaches canon (given that there are characters from everywhere in it), Roy does still have to defend his homeland of Lycia at some point, as seen by Eli/Ninian's character ending(s). (From who or what... no one knows. Just because Zephiel is in A Sacred Dawn doesn't mean that Roy is going to have to fight him. For all intents and purposes, Ellen is the regent of Bern still, and Roy has never heard of Zephiel.) (Of course, this isn't to say that MK won't change his mind and would somehow incorporate Roy, but, as it stands, there are no playable characters from FE6 planned to be in ASD, including Roy.)
  16. Luna and Aether can't activate from a range of 2. They can only activate from close range to begin with. So, it's still a (fairly) effective tactic for making sure you don't get pounded by Luna (though it prevents you from doing anything but normal physical damage (or possibly crit'ing if you picked Wrath in favor of Aether) yourself...).
  17. You're in General, not FFtF (whether it's strikethrough'd or not). Keep that kind of thing where it belongs. Can the trolling. Lose the spam. Knock off the flaming and minimodding.
  18. (#7) How about you stop flaming?
  19. Except, the Wind Sword is available in-game, if you have the disk. The item is coded into the game, and the disk just tells the game to drop one in your inventory. IS just chose not to have anyone using the weapon (or drop one) in the course of the normal game. Again, most people won't have access to it, but that doesn't mean that it's still not a legitimate option for discussion. Heck, you don't even have access to a Runesword if you're playing in either of Eliwood's modes, so in that case, the Light Brand is your only option. So, in terms of ENM/EHM, the Runesword is just as obtainable as the Wind Sword, i.e. not at all. (Yes, there are two in HNM/HHM. My point is that you can't exclude one thing just because it's not readily available. A person could have just bought FE7 and might not havet played through Hector's Mode yet, thus not having access to a Runesword at all.) Red Fox of Fire made a perfectly good point, despite the weapon not being included in the poll or in general regular play for most people. ------------------ Back on topic, I've suddenly come to appreciate the Light Brand more than I used to. Prior to a few months ago, I didn't care for any of the magic swords really, aside from the obvious use of hitting a target from a distance. The Runesword bugs me in every direction, simply because I don't care for how it was designed in concept (and seeing Nosferatu's animation that much just kills it), and the Light Brand generally just sat in my Convoy, despite me liking it better. Now, though, I might actually turn to using it in chapters, since I don't care about funds/etc. when I play.
  20. According to the Fire Emblem: Treasure artwork (and, less noticably, the TCG arts), she most definitely has blue eyes with about the same hue and same brightness. The only thing that I can find with her having brown eyes is her portrait within FE4, and the only reason they're brown is likely color limit restrictions.
  21. (Sorry for not replying sooner.) It looks better than the original video. My only "complaint" with the revisions would be just the speed/timing of when the sprite pulls the bow back down after shooting the arrow. Realistically (and comparing to the majority of other bow users), a person isn't going to drop their bow down that soon. There's going to be a least a slight delay, if only because of the bow string (realistically) and because of frame changing (game-based). Also, the sprites that are default to the game wait until the HP (and bar) finishes dropping from the attack before resetting back to the still frame.
  22. If you ask me, the transitions and such between the frames could use work, despite the fact that the animation is, from what one can see in the video, identical (with only the hair edited) to the original Nomad animation. (Yes, even accounting for the arrow not being there.) I'd be willing to bet that it has to do with the script and using Zeld's editor, which I don't even really see the need of using in this instance. Given how similar the animation is to the old one, I don't see why you didn't just replace the old animation with the new one instead. (The problem I could see would be the hair breaking one of the bounds of the old animation...) Frankly, the animation, at least from the viewpoint of the video, seems extremely unprofessional looking, which doesn't help grant further appeal for your project. (Honestly, I'd only use Zeld's animation inserter for animations that are truly "custom" in the sense that they're not simply alterations to an existing animation. (Meaning that they have their own unique set of frames, regardless of whether the individual frames are alterations from existing animations or not.))
  23. Mappy FE7 Tilesets (If the link's dead by the time you go to download it, let me know and I'll upload it somewhere else. I don't know what the time "limit" on the site's hosting is...) I seem to remember Nintenlord or someone else having a link to the FE8 tilesets on FEU. If not (or its dead), someone here may have them saved and can upload them.
  24. @Snow_Storm - You realize that Tiny Toon Adventures, Pinky and the Brain, Inspector Gadget, and TMNT('87) have been posted already, right?
  25. Huge list incoming (with alterations, as people have taken some already) that shows that I'm getting old. :/ Atom Ant Show Gargoyles (even though it was mentioned before, no one linked to it) Darkwing Duck (for such a great show, the intro kinda... fails) Johnny Quest (the original) Tiny Toon Adventures X-Men('90s) Inspector Gadget Aladdin: The Series Tom & Jerry (again, for another great show, the intro is meh) Wacky Races (audio is soft on this one) (with its catchy, yet fail intro)
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