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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. Dudo que es demasiado dificil. Luke es Luke; Rody tiene velocidad; Palla y Catria son diosas. Usas Rody, no?
  2. hmm...Tiki and Lucina are the most physically attractive to me, but Cherche actually has interesting supports, so Cherche. anyone else disappointed we haven't had a semantic discussion on the meaning of "beautiful?"
  3. Vanilla Lunatic has plenty of margin for error; if you're consistently relying on gambles, then you've made mistakes somewhere. It's important to position Frederick carefully in Ch. 2 and moderate his EP exposure if you're leaning on a Fred-heavy approach, but you can beat it a bit more easily with an overleveled Avatar.
  4. In the children's future, Brady is the sex machine all the girls love because he's so good at violin.
  5. Even among active users, it's not surprising for people to share birthdays.
  6. I bought three Speedwings in the Secret Shop, so I'm not worried about Medeus at all. I completed C22 today (five turns, one Again use; needed a crit at 46% on the boss with Parthia, but I had the save point) and got an additional point of Spd for Marth, so I need to use two Speedwings on him at most, with Sirius taking the other. I'm more worried about C23...not quite sure how I want to approach the boss area, but I think I can figure it out eventually. I can afford to burn two Rescue uses and one Again use for each of C23 and C24, so that gives me a bit of breathing room.
  7. Updated through Chapter 21. [spoiler=Chapter 20 (7/172)]Luke and Linde each fought once in the Drill Grounds, the former gaining Spd (important) and the latter gaining Mag but not Spd. I bought a Spirit Dust for Linde and used it plus the C19 Spirit Dust on her. A five-turn clear requires two crits on Hardin from two Horsemen, one with the Parthia and one with the Mercurius, and the two Horsemen need to have a combined 47 Str without the Starsphere; this wasn't happening in this run. A semi-reliable six-turn clear requires one crit from a Hauteclere user near the Berserker Str cap, which I didn't have. A less-reliable six-turn clear with the Fortify obtained was what I got initially: two crits from a Parthia user and a Hauteclere user. After my initial clear, I looked on MagicBarrier16's YouTube channel and noticed some things that I wound up doing to improve reliability noticeably, at the cost of a turn: namely, that the reinforements could be delayed, and that the Fortify could be obtained without sending units to engage the northern Sniper (which is what I did initially). Turn 1: Mallesia Rescued Midia, who received a Barrier and a Steel (or Iron, I forget) Lance from Etzel. Midia teamed up with Linde, who received a Dance, to finish the Thief. Everyone else moved into the castle. Turn 2 PP: Luke ORKOed the northern of two Heroes blocking the way with the Parthia and Starsphere. Linde took the Starsphere and positioned herself 1D from Luke. Catria received a Dance and ORKOed the southern Hero with the Sword Killer. Mallesia healed Catria, and Etzel may have used a Barrier on somebody. Everyone else kept moving. Turn 2 EP: One Hero died to Catria's Sword Killer. Luke chipped a Sniper, who subsequently got partially healed by a Bishop. Someone got hit by a siege tome, but I don't remember who. Turn 3: Finished off the initial burst of enemies. I waited until turn 4 to open the treasure room to delay the reinforcements. It was pretty straightforward from here on out. The five chests in the treasure room were opened eventually, while the Fortify was obtained by baiting the northwestern General into attacking, then finishing off the General and sending a 10-Mov unit to ORKO the Fortify Bishop. A seven-turn clear allows for three attacks on Hardin, with only one of them needing to be a crit; with the Geosphere and supports, I was able to bring the reliability of the Hardin kill to 80%. The semi-reliable six-turn clear (which requires a 49% Hauteclere crit) has a lower expected turncount because of the save point, but my team didn't have the stats for that. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Class Boosters Marth 19.80 36 18 00 18 17 21 12 01 C Swd Lord Secret Book; Energy Drop Heath 20.00 55 28 09 24 27 19 24 02 A Axe Berserker Seraph Robe; Dracoshield x2; Arms Scroll Luke 13.75 46 24 01 20 28 13 15 03 D Swd A Bow Horseman Speedwing x3; Arms Scroll x2 Mallesia 10.84 36 03 22 10 20 24 09 09 A Stf D Tme Sage Catria 13.26 49 24 01 29 30 23 17 05 C Swd Swordmaster Energy Drop Linde 11.73 44 05 17 29 30 24 09 06 C Swd Swordmaster Seraph Robe; Spirit Dust x4 Palla 13.53 40 25 01 26 23 10 22 03 A Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Speedwing; Energy Drop; Dracoshield Sirius 10.44 38 18 01 21 22 12 16 03 A Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Speedwing; Seraph Robe; Goddess Icon Caeda 11.49 48 20 01 23 25 25 18 07 B Lnc E Swd Paladin Seraph Robe; Energy Drop x2 Feena 12.42 Etzel 10.91 33 01 12 16 14 09 10 18 C Tme C Stf Bishop Expenses: Sold a lot of stuff, then did arena training for Luke and Linde, and bought one Spirit Dust (8852 G remaining)[spoiler=Chapter 20x (4/176)]I bought one more Spirit Dust for Linde, who fought once in the arena and gained Spd. I also made Luke fight once more in the Drill Grounds, with him gaining Speed (a stat in which he remained below his average). Finally, I sold a buttload of stuff to forge a +3-Mt, +5-Hit Brave Lance to handle Eremiah reliably and to handle C21 a bit more efficiently. This one was tricky until I realized that a Paladin could stomp through the Generals. The clear presented here is a slight improvement reliability-wise over my initial clear, which was also done in four turns but involved a Killer Lance crit on turn one, something I thought was unnecessary but neglected to improve on. Credit to MagicBarrier16's YouTube video for reminding me it wasn't necessary to crit. Turn 1: Marth revealed one Berserker, whom Linde ORKOed with a Levin Sword. Heath moved twice to reveal two more, with only one of them to be ORKOed this turn by Luke; the other remained stationary during the EP. Mallesia healed. Turn 2 PP: Marth revealed a Berserker to be ORKOed by Linde, who received healing beforehand. Catria revealed a Berserker to be ORKOed by Luke's Parthia. Heath (Paladin) equipped the Gradivus and revealed a General. Mallesia healed someone again thanks to Feena. Turn 2 EP: Both the center Generals were doubled and died to the Gradivus; a crit would have been necessary in the event they spawned an extra point of Def, but even that possibility was salvageable due to Luke's support bonus. An unseen Sniper attacked Heath, while a revealed Sniper attacked Catria. Turn 3 PP: Heath moved around the unseen Sniper that attacked him to reveal that Sniper as well as another to the north. The first Sniper was KOed by Linde and Marth. Luke moved twice, using a Pure Water on his first turn and ORKOing the northern Longbow Sniper on his second turn. Mallesia used Fortify while staying out of range of the center Sniper. Catria moved next to Heath. Turn 3 EP: A Berserker attacked Catria, while the center Sniper attacked Linde. A General attacked Luke, who avoided being targeted by Eremiah's Meteor thanks to his Pure Water. Eremiah attacked Heath instead. Turn 4: Luke, who was healed by Mallesia, took out the Berserker who attacked Catria. Catria revealed Eremiah. Heath ORKOed Eremiah with the forged Brave Lance. Marth moved twice thanks to Feena and Seized. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Class Boosters Marth 20.57 37 19 00 19 18 22 12 01 C Swd Lord Secret Book; Energy Drop Luke 15.38 46 24 01 21 29 13 17 03 D Swd A Bow Horseman Speedwing x3; Arms Scroll x2 Mallesia 12.23 38 03 24 10 22 24 09 11 A Stf D Tme Sage Catria 13.36 49 24 01 29 30 23 17 05 C Swd Swordmaster Energy Drop Linde 12.80 44 05 19 29 30 24 09 07 C Swd Swordmaster Seraph Robe; Spirit Dust x5 Feena 12.98 Expenses: Forged a +5-Hit, +3-Mt Brave Lance; bought a Spirit Dust; fought twice in the arena; sold a bunch of stuff, including the C20 Bullion (L) (7914 G remaining)[spoiler=Chapter 21 (8/184)]Kind of a long chapter. Before starting, Luke took a Dracoshield to be able to survive two Flying Dragon hits. I purchased an additional Seraph Robe for Sirius so that he could take the boss kill. I also sold a ton of BS (some Silvers, some Killers, some Vulneraries, and some effective-damage weapons that would no longer be useful) in order to be able to afford some of the goodies in the Secret Shop. One turn can be cut with an Again staff; two additional turns can be cut, but both likely require a lot of RNG abuse. Heath was reclassed to DK, while the other reclasses are displayed in the stat table. Turn 1 PP: Luke moved in range of two Flying Dragons with the forged Iron Bow equipped. Xane mimicked Catria, who moved north slightly; neither she nor Xane would be attacked since Luke's Luck stat drew the Dragons in his direction. Heath moved in range of a third Flying Dragon with a Hand Axe equipped. Ymir gave his Silver Axe to Caeda. Turn 1 EP: Luke OHKOed two Dragons, while a third attacked Heath. Turn 2 PP: Xane finished the Dragon weakened by Heath. A Javelin went to the top of Xane's inventory since the Dragonpike used to finish the Dragon broke. Linde ORKOed the Berserker to the north with a Levin Sword; Marth was ready to take it out with his own Levin Sword if she couldn't finish the job. Catria and Luke moved north to draw in the Swordmaster. Mallesia moved twice thanks to Feena and healed the team. Heath used the forged Brave Lance to ORKO the Meteor Sorceror on the fort. Turn 2 EP: Two Flying Dragons attacked Xane, while a Swordmaster died to the forged Brave Lance. Notwithstanding Devil Sword self-destruction, Heath would have died without the forge depending on the AI movements since he would have taken an additional hit from the SM's Devil Sword. Another Swordmaster attacked Catria and took a counter. One additional Flying Dragon attacked Heath. Turn 3: Caeda used the save point. Palla and Catria finished off the two Flying Dragons weakened by Xane, who flew east to bait another Flying Dragon. Heath flew northeast to draw in a different Dragon. Everyone else cleaned up, with Linde moving twice to bait a Berserker. Turn 4: Heath moved slightly further northeast to bait another Dragon while staying out of range of the Meteor Sorceror. Everyone else cleaned up and healed. Luke used a Pure Water and moved in range of the eastern Meteor Sorceror; I did this since he would have been in range to ORKO a Thoron Sorceror with a Steel Sword, which I thought was a good idea since Luke's Swd rank was low. Turn 5 PP: Xane and Catria KOed the southeastern Meteor Sorceror, while Luke ORKOed the Thoron Sorceror to the south after being healed with the Fortify. Heath used the Brave Lance to ORKO the northeast Sorceror. Palla used a Javelin to chip the eastern Sorceror. Everyone else moved east while staying out of range of the NE enemies. Minerva positioned herself to visit the village on the subsequent turn. Turn 5 EP: The Swordmaster died to the forged Brave Lance--he wouldn't have died to an unforged Brave unless a crit occurred--while the Tomahawk Berserker attacked Palla. The other Berserker got hit by a crit, but it wouldn't have mattered since I had enough firepower to take him out on the subsequent PP. Pretty straightforward after this. Minerva and Marth visited the village on turns 6 and 7 respectively, and Mallesia Rescued Marth on turn 8. I got the Talisman on turn 8, and visited the Secret Shop on turn 7, purchasing two Energy Drops, two Seraph Robes, and three Speedwings. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Class Boosters Marth 22.01 39 21 00 20 20 23 13 01 C Swd Lord Secret Book; Energy Drop Luke 16.94 47 24 01 22 30 14 19 03 D Swd A Bow Horseman Speedwing x3; Arms Scroll x2; Dracoshield Mallesia 14.36 39 03 26 10 23 25 10 11 A Stf D Tme Sage Catria 14.97 48 24 03 26 26 24 18 11 A Lnc D Swd Falcoknight Energy Drop Linde 13.53 45 06 19 29 30 25 09 07 C Swd Swordmaster Seraph Robe; Spirit Dust x5 Palla 14.28 41 26 01 26 23 10 22 03 A Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Speedwing; Energy Drop; Dracoshield Sirius 11.87 46 16 01 22 24 12 12 03 B Swd D Bow Horseman Speedwing; Seraph Robe x2; Goddess Icon Caeda 13.61 47 22 01 25 23 27 20 04 A Lnc E Axe Dracoknight Seraph Robe; Energy Drop x2 Feena 14.10 Etzel 10.91 33 01 12 16 14 09 10 18 C Tme C Stf Bishop Expenses: Sold a bunch of stuff; bought three Seraph Robes (one from the base, two from the Secret Shop), two Energy Drops, three Speedwings (2590 G remaining)
  8. if this is a no-grind playthrough (for the duration of the maingame), definitely restart and use +Def, as the difference in mods is essentially meaningless in just about any context.
  9. OK, so there's a word (call it "blob") with a more pedantic definition and a separate looser one, and persons A and B are arguing, with the latter getting frustrated with A's quibbling over semantics. Several possibilities come to mind. B's argument is not dependent on the differences between the two definitions; her argument holds either way. B is likely annoyed at what she perceives as either A trying to weasel out of the discussion by bringing up things she sees as inconsequential to the outcome of the debate, or she is annoyed that A simply understand why B's argument is independent of the differences. Alternatively, B could be frustrated that A's semantic definition is consequential, and gets frustrated because she doesn't want to lose the debate.
  10. Then perhaps you should read your post a bit more carefully. You were mocking me for wasting time trying to guess who ran the Twitter feed, and I responded accordingly. In any case, I've marked this thread for locking since I decided it would be more appropriate to PM a mod about my suspicions, and presumably they'll know how to handle the whole thing (or ignore it completely). I too have been an ass on SD before, so I hope I'm not coming off as self-righteous, but I don't really like the fact that there's no real accountability wrt the Twitter feed. So, uh, until this thread gets locked, spam away, or waste your time in other threads, FFtFers.
  11. Right, it's totally not hypocritical for a user of a forum on a niche strategy game to mock another user on said forum for wasting a bit time on the Interwebs. I obviously should have spent that time helping you on your crusade to wipe out starvation in Africa. Yeah, probably not.
  12. No, there are many dots that can be connected best by one particular suspect. You're probably right. No, thank you for throwing them off mine.
  13. ^I have a very good guess as to who the account holder is, and that person hasn't yet posted in this topic.
  14. It's rare, but it happens IRL (...maybe not in SF though). Now that we're here, we may as well go too far
  15. Uhh yeah, although she has decent combat parameters after reclassing, Panne doesn't gain EXP quickly enough to keep up if you're playing without sidequests.
  16. While I had my laughs, mocking people for making ignorant posts does nothing to educate them, and only makes them more resistant to evidence conflicting with their prior views (in the case of Serious Discussion posts). I think it would be more productive to try reasoning with them.
  17. Right-leaning people don't necessarily overlook poverty, they just think the government is relatively ineffective at eliminating it.
  18. if you take out the left side quickly (or even slowly), you can open the door, take out the Knight, and pick off the advancing RHS enemies one by one by forcing them to engage you in the hallway.
  19. As I've never completed anything after Chapter 5 in Hard mode, I'll defer to your experience regarding the C8 Second Seal in HM, though as I recall, Olwen didn't get it in his three-turn clear of HM C8. Either way, Panne's still worthless as a lead combatant in HM LTC (except for perhaps her join chapter in which she's forced), as you've acknowledged. As for Lunatic, I'm pretty sure the SS does cost a turn, though at least in Lunatic she may be able to save two-ish turns in C12 and C15 combined.
  20. I pointed out that against enemies without Luna+, it's more valuable than +5 HP in Ch. 2, and the benefit only increases as that stage progresses.
  21. That was what I responded to. In any case, if a neo-Nazi or whatever somehow got elected into a government position, then the people have themselves to blame for being dumbasses. I suppose someone can point out that a democracy is flawed for this reason; people are generally apathetic, ignorant, and prone to hasty decisions (esp. in the US).
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