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Posts posted by Redwall

  1. People only struggle with orgo (and most university-level science classes in general) because they put in zero hours per week of deliberate studying (as in doing the homework by yourself, to the best of your ability, before going to office hours) until the exam comes around. It's generally not difficult to ace these classes with even a modest amount of regular studying, which obviates the need for last-minute cramming.

  2. Since you're obviously going to face a Rain team, you should consider adding an additional check to Rain teams, since Rotom-W isn't that durable.

    If Talonflame has a 31 HP IV, then you shouldn't give it any HP EVs so that its max HP remains an odd number, allowing it to take Stealth Rock twice. Changing the max HP in this way boosts your chances of winning only slightly on, say, Showdown, but remains worthwhile in my opinion since maximizing your odds is part of the game. Given the setup of the tournament, I also don't think it's necessary to give Jolly Talonflame 252 Spd EVs; you are facing at most two Talonflames the entire day.

    You should consider visiting Nugget Bridge's IRC channel, #nuggetbridge, for live help if you still want advice on teambuilding. It's much quicker than communicating on a forum, and their VGC players are among the best.

  3. i can't mentally separate the concepts of frustration and difficulty. when someone suggests a quixotic form of fire emblem difficulty that minimizes frustration, i'm confused.

    I don't think any reasonable person would dispute that difficulty necessarily involves a kind of frustration that arises when losing because of unforced errors; advocates of the type of difficulty you mention generally use the term frustration to refer to another kind of frustration that arises when they lose because of challenges that primarily test skills they feel shouldn't have anything to do with the game.

  4. This is a gimmick team (fal'Cie names), but at that point, it kinda didn't matter what type my team was, because Power-up Punch (whose effect is doubled thanks to Kangaskhan's baby) and Return would have torn almost any team a new one.

    Putting aside the fact that you should have gone straight to Giratina-O after Xerneas died, and that even your Yveltal could have used Dark Pulse on the same turn as PUP and Sucker Punch on the following turn for the KO (assuming you had Life Orb or Blackglasses) to prevent Mega Kanga from sweeping, standard teams have numerous ways of preventing Mega Kanga sweeps (including, but not limited to, Extremekiller Arceus, Mega Scizor, Blaziken, Mega Blaziken, and simple offensive pressure).

  5. I've never played MSG before, and I plan to wait until the GotY version comes out to play this.

    If you're itching to play MGS you should consider buying used versions of the older games on Amazon. There's one compilation that includes MGS2, 3, and Peace Walker for $30. MGS4 by itself costs < $10 after shipping. I've never played MGS, nor do I really plan to in the future, but this seems like a better idea than having to wait till MGS5 gets its price slashed.

    In general, paying (say) $100 for a single video game (including accessories and such) isn't something I would rule out if I expected to spend tons of time on that game (think competitive games: Street Fighter, Pokemon). Chess players spend a fair bit of cash on chess books and other stuff.

  6. A lot of these teamslots are filled with Pokemon that are just outclassed by other Pokemon: Forretress and Gallade don't do much in a metagame filled with Aegislash; Goodra offers very little offensive pressure and is worse than Chansey at walling stuff. I don't really see the purpose of abiding by both your friends' rules and Smogon's rules simultaneously beyond the ability to use the same team in both friend matches and online matches.

    You should decide on a general plan around which to build your team (for example, overwhelming your opponent with physical attackers, or stalling your opponent with good defensive Pokemon, residual damage, and a modest amount of offensive pressure). I don't see much synergy in what you have; you use Pursuit Tyranitar on a team that doesn't struggle much with Gengar, for example. I think Mega Charizard-Y is an okay starting point, but now you should ask yourself what partners will provide the offense to break through defensive teams, and what partners would enable the team to withstand offensive assaults.

  7. the only way i can see this happening is if you unlock the door on turn 3 and line units up so that the sorcerers and fire dragon attack them from across the wall and don't congest everything up. you need to use again on marth in order to reach the throne, so a turn 4 unlock cannot possibly work.

    If this part of the comment is directed to me, Unlocking during turn 4 is totally possible, albeit not relevant to PKL's playthrough; you just need another staff user. commonguard recorded a four-turn clear featuring both an Unlock staff and Again staff during the final turn (6:40):


    If it's not directed to me, then oops

  8. Bold: Challenge accepted. I'll make a 4 turn without Unlock in Ch22 a thing. Thing is, I couldnt afford getting the Unlock staff with Thief back in Ch10 instead of the Bullion, so i kinda will have to find a strat for Ch22. I'm confident that I will.

    The problem with C22 is that your bosskiller (10-Mov unit with the Gradivus) must end turn 3 at the base of the sealed RHS door, preventing the use of a Door Key on turn 4 if you also want to kill the boss that same turn. If you open the door on turn 3 instead, then the RHS will become far too congested if the enemies inside the chamber (particularly the Sorceror who starts two squares left of the boss) move towards the right like I expect.

    In my playthrough, I simply took both the Unlock and the Bullion (L) in the two-turn clear of C10. What exactly have you used your Thief staff on?

  9. Chapter 22 has another door I need to open, though theres a droppable before it. It would probably make for a more relaxing strat If I just buy a Door Key though. Yeah, Ill buy 1 Door Key.

    I am pretty sure a four-turn clear with one Again use and zero Rescue uses requires the Unlock staff, so there's no need for this Door Key. The Unlock staff can also save a Door Key in Chapter 17.

  10. I am confused. Have you explicitly told this girl that her recent behavior has been hurting you? From this quote

    I told her specifically I wouldn't bother her anymore unless she came to me and wanted to talk. She should know better than that.

    I get the impression that you tried to follow the gist of the advice Phoenix Wright and dondon gave but didn't do so in an effective manner.

  11. How are Nintendo games less enjoyable because they sometimes look "kiddie" or have no blood and gore?

    As a longtime Nintendo fan, I don't really mind whimsical-looking games at all (I like Pokemon, for example), nor do I generally play a lot of games with blood and gore; the other consoles simply have more titles with gameplay that is more enjoyable to me: Dark Souls, Dark Souls II (in a week), Kingdom Hearts 3 (someday), etc. It's fine that you still enjoy a lot of Nintendo exclusives, but everyone has their own tastes, and many people simply find their preferences better met by games not released on the Wii/Wii U.

  12. I wasn't expecting a four-turn clear of C13...doing C13 so quickly may make Hardin unrealistic for Sirius to crit-kill. I expect that Sirius can still be at least somewhat useful against dragons in the post-Hardin chapters regardless of whether or not he reaches the Hardin benchmark in time, though. In the worst case scenario, you can just use your Arms Scroll on the Avatar instead of Sirius, and give Ryan the Hardin kill instead of Sirius.

  13. I don't think you need to worry about Linde. You will definitely not need to allocate more than 12-13 Nosferatu uses (there are seven enemies she needs to tank, and 2*(7-1) = 12) to do the Chapter 15 thing, so she can use the other twelve-ish Nosferatu uses to go on a big arena streak right before the chapter if necessary. Even putting aside the arena, Linde can level up in 13x by killing Kleine as a Swordmaster, which has 85% Spd growth, and you can also feed her a couple of Ice Dragons in the other chapters if Sirius isn't in position to kill them.

  14. Are you using Catria to kill the boss? As shown in commonguard's playthrough, if Catria levels up as an Archer in the Drill Grounds after having already capped Spd as a Cav, then she can take the Scorpio shard and a RP use to reach 28 AS as a Falcoknight and double the boss (she'll need the forged Dragonpike to ORKO, though I don't think this should be a huge deal since it shouldn't influence the number of kills Sirius and Ryan get).

    Your EXP distribution looks good, yeah. commonguard had Sirius gain about five level-ups across Chs. 12-14, so as long as you match that, Sirius should have a good shot at reaching the Str benchmark for Hardin.

  15. Hmm... I just looked at in the "How it works" and I don't see anything that shows any info about "Register one of the six games and the 3DS only in March to get the free code" in that News Site.

    I did see like this from the news site:

    The information I quoted was from a link on the news site. My earlier posts have the link.

    Also, Nobody, it's US- and Canada-only, unfortunately.

  16. Wait, if someone who already added the code for their Nintendo 3DS system and one of the six games before March 1st, 2014 will not get a free downloable code, they have to get an another 3DS and an another different game to add the code in around March to get the free downloadable game?

    That's what it sounds like:

    This promotion begins on 3/1/14. Products registered prior to this date do not qualify for this promotion.
  17. This is possibly instructive:

    This promotion begins on 3/1/14. Products registered prior to this date do not qualify for this promotion.


    Register the PIN number for a Nintendo 2DS, Nintendo 3DS, or Nintendo 3DS XL system between 3/1/14 (12:01 a.m. PT) and 3/31/14 (11:59 p.m. PT). The PIN number is found inside the hardware packaging.

    This suggests that purchasing your 3DS + qualifying games prior to March 1 will not preclude qualification for the promotion as long as you wait until March 1-31 to register your 3DS and qualifying games.

    I'm wondering, anybody know if I can register a second 3DS to my Club Nintendo account along with the Super Mario Land game that is installed on my first 3DS to get this free version?

    Unfortunately, I don't think your SM3DL is eligible:

    Digital: To register a digital version, make sure to link your system to your Club Nintendo account before purchasing in Nintendo eShop.
  18. Hasty LO Latios with Earthquake is useful for chipping at Aegislash/Tyranitar and almost OHKOing Heatran. I prefer Latios overall, but Hydreigon's not bad due to Dark Pulse being very spammable.

    edit: Oh, I guess I should explain why I prefer Latios. I find it really useful to outspeed stuff like Keldeo, Terrakion, Mega Pinsir, and non-Scarf Garchomp, all of which outspeed Hydreigon.

  19. Even nowadays, I wouldn't call ghost a better offensive type than Dragon.

    Dragon is weak against steel, does nothing against fairy and is super effective against itself.

    Ghost is weak against dark, SE against itself and psychic and does nothing against normal.

    Still, the strongest ghost attack is Shadow ball, with a BP of 80. Dragon has Outrage and DM, extremely powerful moves (and it also has dragon claw, which has the same BP of SB).

    And lets be honest, dealing SE damage to dragon alone is better than doing SE damage to ghost and psychic types, considering there are many dragons in OU, while gengar and aegislash are the only prevalent ghosts and psychic types are even rarer.

    Dragons generally get 2HKOed at worst by Shadow Ball from either Quiet Aegislash or Timid LO Gengar, so the SE advantage is slightly overstated, in my opinion (the only exceptions that come to mind are Goodra and Multiscale Dragonite). The existence of Steel-types, which are a bit more common than Dragon-types whether or not Genesect and Mega Lucario are neglected, makes it more difficult to spam Dragon-type moves than Ghost-type moves. Even putting aside the obvious drawbacks of Draco Meteor and Outrage, having to predict whether you should use Dragon Claw or whether you should predict the incoming Steel-type and use a coverage move is bothersome and can often result in a wasted turn if you guess wrong.

    In contrast, you won't have to predict as often (and for this reason are less likely to waste your turn) which attack you select if using an Aegislash since many teams lack Ghost-type resistances. Mandibuzz, Chesnaught, and Tyranitar aren't always capable of handling Aegislash because of Flash Cannon (2HKO on physically defensive Mandibuzz and Chesnaught) and Toxic. Crunch from a +0 Tyranitar doesn't OHKO Aegislash-Shield. It's true, though, that Bisharp's Pursuit forces Aegislash to guess.

    Back on topic: Fairy-types are nifty; maybe not metagame-defining, but somewhat useful. Dragons like Latios and Garchomp have good STAB options to work around them, but Fairies nonetheless make Dragon-type attacks less effective. My favorite is Unaware Clefable, who makes a great partner for Unaware Quagsire.

  20. So you're writing all those long posts just to disqualify Chiki from his (presumed) merits? (>°_°)>

    From my point of view you're just trying to prove yourself better than Chiki and you can't accept that someone who you consider inferior in terms of battling ability has achieved a (presumed) coveted goal.

    And it's understandable, honestly, but this is not the right place to talk about it.

    I read this again and feel the need to refute your armchair psychoanalysis. At no point did I imply I was better than Chiki at Pokemon, nor would it matter to me if I were worse than him at Pokemon. While there are a decent number people more talented than I am at battling (typing "/rank preemptive gg" into Showdown may give you some idea of just how many; while I didn't play enough games to vote, my GXE and Glicko compare favorably to those of voters), I long ago grew to accept that. As you can confirm on our respective profile feeds, my exchanges with Chiki were cordial prior to this one.

    The arrogance Chiki generally displays irks me (as well as the moderators, which may be why they haven't stepped in); combined with the obvious lie he told, this pushed me past my breaking point with him. The forum would be a slightly more enjoyable place, not only for other users but also for him, if Chiki would humble up.

    WRT Chesnaught - Substitue is sometime a win condition. I like it too much not to use it, but using Spikes is pretty cool since it forces switch like a pro

    If you expect your opponent to switch, it's better to just use Leech Seed or double-switch, instead of Sub. Chesnaught lacks the Speed to consistently Subseed.

    WRT those three that I bolded - Nobody used Terrakion, Keldeo, and Manaphy. Getting 1700 is, from what I heard is not hard enough that you can meet several Terrakions, Keldeos, and Manaphys all of which is rarely used

    The overall weighted usage statistics reported in Smogon's thread are not representative of what goes on in the higher part of the ladder (or even in the 1200+ range of the suspect ladder). On the non-suspect ladder, the bottom 99% of users contribute to about 92% of the reported statistics.

    You should have a look at this one I saw on Smogon.

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