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Everything posted by AceNoctali

  1. What are the natures of your Suicune, Zapdos, and Lugia, please ?
  2. Hi guys. :) Fujimori Nuts news ahoy.
  3. Flareon is my fave. It's the weakest Eeveelution, but I've always had a soft spot for the little critter. Its Mixed and Choice Specs sets are fun to use. Very next on the line is Umbreon, my nick's symbol, of course. I like his bulkiness. But to say the truth, I love all Eeveelutions. Be it because they're useful (Vaporeon, Jolteon), or are fun underdogs (Espeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, especially those last two).
  4. I'm personnally not terribly thrilled by this remake. I was disappointed by Shadow Dragon's lack of new conversations, and my greatest fear is that it may be the same with New Mystery of the Emblem. :/ I may be wrong though, and if that's the case my interest on this title will go sky-high.
  5. My Shinies' list : Add to this the following 4th Gen Shinies I got : * On Diamond, 2 Bidoofs, both caught in a chance encounter, one Modest (with good IVs : 6 / 20 / 25 / 23 / 23 / 25) and one Hardy. * On Diamond, the Event French Shiny Pichu (not taken out of the Poké Mart yet) * On Japanese Platinum, the Event Shokotan Shiny Pichu (The only Poké along with Movie Arceus I had to PAY for : 1300 yen to get the reservation for this Poké along with the ticket for the Arceus Movie when I was in Japan last year). Its IVs (got it without use of the RNG) : 24 / 25 / 30 / 21 / 27 / 31.
  6. Recently, when playing games, it came to remind me that game developpers and publishers, especially in the old days, were quite creative at doing variations of their corporation logo. Those who have grown with the Sega Megadrive / Genesis will know what I'm talking about : I really liked those logos variations, some of the most awesome IMO being 's, 's, and 's, among many others.*************************** Three weeks ago, I made and uploaded on my Youtube channel a video compiling Konami logos and sub-logos from various Konami games I own : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8rmryFfB7Q IMPORTANT : It seems you can't desactivate annotations from the embedded version. If you're giving a try at the game, please watch the video from Youtube instead, by Right-Clicking on the vid, then "Watch on Youtube". There were quite a number of them I would have never known about were I have seen them a few years ago, and others that make me terribly nostagic. Would you be able to recognize on which Konami games they were ? That's why I'm proposing this little game : in the video, I give the names of the games I've ripped the logos off via annotations. Before you see the vid for the first time, try desactivating annotations (you can do this by clicking on the Triangle-shaped button on the vid screen) and see if you can tell from which game those logo variations come from (and after seeing the vid without annotations, see the vid with annotations on to check your results) ! :D (If you're feeling like doing this little game, post the results in the topic under spoiler tag. :P) *************************** Of course, the topic is not only for the game : don't hesitate talking about your fave logo variations of any developper ! ;)
  7. I had no problem putting my Sylvia figurine properly on her base, on the other hand I had the problem with my Eltshan one, so it's always wobbling a little. I would advice not to try to force the figurines in their bases if you feel you can't, as the wedges are fragile. My two Tiltyu figurines (the one I got with the full set ordered, and the one I got as a single figurine when I was in Japan) can tell you something, both of them have their wedges broken, and now I have to find a suitable glue to keep them on their bases T_T
  8. Long time no see everyone. :) I have an important announcement to make : As those who participate in the FE4 thread may know, it's now a while since both the English and French translations drafts for Stage 7 are ready. Unfortunately, since I was in Japan, I was forced to format my harddrive, meaning I lost access to the picture program I used to edit the scans, Ulead Photo Express ; and now I can't reinstallate it, despite many attemps. Maybe the Windows updates have something to do with this. :/ In any case, I'm now unable to properly edit the pages, as all I have now is Paint Shop Pro, and it's utter shit, especially in regards of adding text. I wanted to edit this Stage myself, as it's Volume 1's last Stage, before passing the editing baton to someone else, but I have to do this earlier than scheduled. So, this means I need someone, able to edit scans in both English and French (i.e. you'll have to be able to add specific French characters such as "ç", "é", "è", "ê", and the like), starting from this Stage. I'll translate the Stages, give him the drafts with indications of where to put the dialogues in the scans, with which font, and such. And also, starting from now, I'll translate the following Stages in advance, so we always have some footage between the times the scans are edited. (tr.dl., I've already started Stage 8's translation draft). Thanks for your attention, everyone ! ;)
  9. I need to go to sleep now guysn or I won't wake up in a few hours for work. That day light saving change that occured today doesn't help either :/ See you soon ! :)
  10. Thanks, Proto :) :) The Lolicon trope is on his list too, you missed it XD It's not that hard to use TV Tropes. Just click on the edit button, copy-pasta the codes used for the former characters, modify the copied codes to fit with the new chars, and voilà ;) You don't even need to register to edit the pages, registering is only useful to talk in the forums. Indeed. :) (And wait, there's no bad endings in GS games? ?_?)
  11. Wow, 30% done in one month ? Really impressive, you guys are doing an awesome job ! :D I guess he is. Even on TV Tropes you can feel that Amanohashi isn't that loved : the person who wrote the Girl's Side part of the Character Sheet (not me, as I basically don't know this game) didn't pull his punches ^^''' There's a possible Love Triangle in Tokimeki Memorial 2, between the player, his childhood friend Hikari, and her best friend Kotoko. It's the source of Kotoko's second Ending, which is achievable by having both Hikari and Kotoko in Tokimeki Status. In this Ending, Kotoko will try to push away the player, as she doesn't want to snatch him away from Hikari and wants to hook them up while suppressing her own feelings of love for him. It's up to you to either : * chase after Kotoko, where * or go to Hikari's side as requested by Kotoko, where This Love Triangle is explored more deeply in Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories : Memories Ringing On. It even evolves in Love Rectangle, as Junichiro, one of the two player's friends, will join the mess, being in love with Hikari. Needless to say, there's quite a bit of angst in the storyline there.
  12. Fuuuu, back to the topic (but not for very long, I hafta go to sleep soon). I have finished writing and launching the two threads I wanted to make. Took me a while. That fan translation is an awesome thing indeed. I hope it'll be safely complete. What are the remaining 50% actually ? Translation, or coding ? For Amanohashi, there may be less fans, but I know a very vocal one (who's nice too), maybe you know him too, his username is Metapod on Youtube, and his LiveJournal is here. :P Eh, I see what you mean now about the teacher. :P
  13. Hiya guys ! About two weeks ago, about my channel getting 100 subscribers.I'd actually like to do a special playthrough to celebrate this, and I'm currently doing a vote on Youtube about which of the 4 playthroughs I'm proposing people would like to see me playing and uploading. This voting, I'd like to extend it to here at Serenes, especially since I've seen people doing this in the past. You can see samples of the 4 games in the aformented video, to get an idea of what they are, as I guess there's at least one of these games you've never heard about. I've put up a poll, but if possible, I'd like the voters to leave a comment on this thread, telling me why they choose the game. This way, I can get a better feeling of the opinions you have. The poll will be up for a week, to a week-and-a-half. Thanks in advance for your participation !
  14. Hey guys, last year, during my study trip in Japan, I've discovered by absolute chance an obscure yet awesome game that I'd like to show to you. Ever heard of Mitsumete Knight ? Probably not, unless you have visited my Youtube channel before. Mitsumete Knight (which can be translated in English as "Admire Knight" or "Gazing Knight"), is a 1997 Playstation 1 game, created in cooperation by two famous companies : Konami, of Tokimeki Memorial fame, and Red Company, of Sakura Taisen fame. Why do I mention two games famous for being Dating Sims, or having lots of Dating Sims elements ? Well, that's because Mitsumete Knight is a Dating Sim too. ... ... ... Hey, don't leave the topic just yet, with those disgusted faces ! Dating Sim have the stigma of being Otaku games. I'm not myself a fan of this genre (actually the only ones I played at the Tokimemo games and this game), but I see it as a video game genre just like another. ... Still not convinced ? Well, what about if I said that the setting is a medieval one (and not a high school one) where you play as a mercenary engaged by a Kingdom to win a war for them, where a lot of characters, including the main heroines, can die ? Mitsumete Knight is different from your average Dating Sim, thanks to its engrossing scenario and world. If you're a fan of Fire Emblem 4's mythos, you'll like Mitsumete Knight : it has a VERY rich world, with tons of backstory about the characters and the countries. Politics and conspirations for power are rife in there, and there's a big setting behind all the Events that occur in the game. Also, since this world is not one where there's a safe difference between good and evil, you've got "villains" which can have sympathetic motives (yet can also have despicable actions), and peoples on the "good" side that act like jerks and/or monsters. And during this storyline, some characters will or can die. Most of them depend on your choices, even the most benign ones : for example, during the game, a character may need an urgent blood transfusion, and you are the only one available for it on the scene. Now, at the beginning of the game, you're able to choose your blood type. If your blood type and the victim's aren't compatible, said victim will die. Wow, huh ? Said characters have, for most of them, developped personnalities, and storylines where you can't help but feel for them, as they sometimes go through a lot of unjust crap. However, there are still funny and heartwarming moments. The game's gameplay is very intuitive, as it mostly uses the same engine as Tokimeki Memorial. You have to train your character with various commands (represented by understandable icons), so that he can adjust to the various girls' tastes, and be ready for battle. There's a Level-Up system, and it's important if you want to perform well enough in battle, and have a chance to reach one of your goals, the prestigous "Holy Knight" title (the other goal being getting the confession of love of one of the heroines). Speaking of battles, since war is an important setting, yo'll have a number of them. When you're in War sequence, you'll have to first battle the opponent's army with your own corps, in a Fire Emblem Weapon Triangle style : Archers beat Horsemen, Horsemen beat Infantry, Infantry beats Archers, Mages have advantage against all of them. Once the corps' battle is over, you'll have to fight one of the dreaded Eight Generals of enemy mercenary army Valpha-Valaharian, in a style very reminiscing of Suikoden. My little essay actually doesn't go in length with all the game's mechanics, but I didn't want to make a too big tl:dr block of text. I'd like to advise you a few articles going a bit more in-depth, that are, at least IMO, interesting reads : Main article on TV Tropes (all written by me and MUCH better than my essay here IMO) Character Sheet on TV Tropes (all written by me too, beware of masked spoilers there, especially the ones with "HEAVY SPOILERS" written before, as they are storywise groundbreaking) An excellent article written by Kojioe A very good review of the game on GameFAQs For those who are sick of reading and want to see the game in action, my Youtube channel provides : My Full Sophia (main heroine of the game) Run playlist. First video of the list is subbed in English by yours truly ! ;) (subbed in English) (subbed in English) (subbed in English) (Final part, subbed in English) My Youtube friend Vysethedetermined also has posted samples of this game : All in all, a truly underrated game which only has the sole real flaw of being Japanese-only. Thanksfully, with the TV tropes articles I wrote, and the various translation I did, getting at least a good gist of the storyline is possible, and the gameplay is intuitive enough to be played without much Japanese knowledge. Of course, if you can read Japanese, you'll enjoy it a lot more. Hope I haven't bored you with my brick of text, and that I have made you discover a game that you may come to like just as I did ! :) P.S. : Oh, I forgot. Did you know that Sparkster, of Rocket Knight Adventures fame, makes a cameo in this game ? at 1:00. :P
  15. Yep. Maybe it's the fact the fandom is so small and with dedicated players, that the atmosphere is good. I'm not sure if it would evolve well if more players had access to the games (via English translation) and with more publicity. For the experience I have with the Fire Emblem fandom, I can't help but to feel a bit worried. (Being a FE veteran who saw the fandom before the Western release of FE7, I'd say the fandom was much more united and amical. Today I'm saddened to see it so broken). Don't get me wrong : I'd really want to see the Tokimemo series getting more known in the Western fandom, and am actually working on it with the little ways I have. But I'd like that the new players get the same dedicated and cool-headed spirit the current fans have. About the teachers, are there datable ones in Second Kiss ? I know there are two of them for the first Girl's Side, but can't remember for the second.
  16. I'm personally not a big fan of Paladins, but Ares, FE9!Astrid and Sirius are three of my top favourite characters in the series, and I really like Paladins in FE9, so yeah. Thus, voting on the middle ground.
  17. I think it's good that way. I feel that this attitude is a proof that Tokimemo fans are cool-headed, and thus the chances of interaction, when there are some, between them, have much more chance of going well, unlike in fandoms with very broken bases.
  18. Sorry for both being so late at answering you, and for forgetting you. It was not intentional, I swear. T_T

  19. I see, sorry. Going to post on other sections of the forum, will come back on this thread after. See you later guys. :)
  20. Yep, there's a few differences between the two branches. Thanksfully, unlike in the FE fandom, the few Western Tokimemo fans I've seen are respectful of each other fan's liking. I really like that in this fandom.
  21. CRAP DAAAAAAMN, how silly of me T_______T
  22. He he :P That's fair to get a new game in the Girl's Side branch, after all, the Standard branch got entry #4 last December.
  23. HEY, HE'S TEMPTING ME WITH THAT BANNER. Even though I'm not interested in the Girl's Side branch of the series, ha ha ^^''''''
  24. If you mean the Pore from GetBackers, it's spelled with only one "r". :P
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