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Everything posted by AceNoctali

  1. Because I wanted to be personnally able to compare between the two versions, and for collection sake. I found yesterday a full copy of FE1 NES (aka game, manual and box) in top shape, and a copy of Fire Emblem Gaiden (with box, but no manual). I'll add pics of them in the following days in the "Fire Emblem Collection" topic at the General FE Board.
  2. I personnally don't like this stupid fad, so if it gets banned that's okay by me.
  3. Lachesis, if you're interested in knowing which characters are those, so you can make a better critic, here's the list. I'll enumerate them from the same starting point as you : (I posted on some of the characters 2 pics of them, don't forget to look carefully at the links so you don't miss one) * Balmunk wielder : Kurogane, from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles * Gungnir wielder : Kaoru, from Mujin Wakusei Survive * Ichival wielder : indeed, it's Winry Rockbell, from FullMetal Alchemist * Valkyrie Staff wielder : Azmaria Hendric, from Chrno Crusade * Tor Hammer wielder : Miles Edgeworth, from the Ace Attorney series * Fala Flame wielder : yep, Misty, from Pokémon * Mistoltin wielder : Kojirô Hyûga, from Captain Tsubasa * Gae Bolg wielder : obvious, but Florina, from Fire Emblem 7 * Swanchika wielder : Shido Fuyuki, from GetBackers * Narga wielder : Ashton Anchors, from Star Ocean : The Second Story * Holsety wielder : Miroku, from Inuyasha * Tyrfing wielder : Saki Nijino, from Tokimeki Memorial 1 (the same girl as in my current avatar) Overall, for her current level, I'm satisfied with her work. And hell, I don't know many people who would agree to draw so much characters they don't know, so that's a big credit for her. ;) However, I already made Princess remark that her Hyuga doesn't resemble him very much, and Azmaria looks more like Yuria than Azmaria, which are the only real points that bothered me in the pic. And of course, by saying "I'm satisfied for her current level" doesn't mean that you should rest on your laurels, Princess. I encourage you to improve your art and follow the good advises given by Lachesis. ;) There could have been a Loptous, if I haven't asked for the request before I discovered Toradora!. Otherwise, Ami Kawashima, who recently kicked out Misty from my top 12 fave chars, would have made a very fitting Loptous. :P But I didn't wanted to bother Princess with this one, as she already had her hands full with all those largely unknown characters for most people.
  4. The Edda convo can be found in this big FE4 scripts topic I made a few minutes ago. As for the Levin/Oifaye/Celice convo, I dunno where it is myself (I wasn't the one who translated it), and am searching it too.
  5. Triple post, very sorry for that, but I need to ask something : Do you know where I can find the Levin/Oifaye/Celice Chapter 9 convo, so I can add it to this thread ? I wasn't the one who translated this one, and can't succeed to find it. I was sick and tired to see so much threads asking for the translated missing scripts of FE4, so I took the initiative to search for all the translations me and others did, notably on FESS, and compiled it in this thread. IMO, this should be stickied.
  6. Second post contains informations from Treasure Special Column Designers Notes. Translations are courtesy of North2. Treasure scan raws are provided by Seti, TerranigmaFreak, Twilkitri and VincentASM, and hosted by AceNoctali, Twilkitri and VincentASM. Ayra's Wandering SCAN Ayra's home country Isaac was invaded by Grandbell's large army, and it was on the verge of destuction. Her brother and king of the time Maricle prophesized his own fate of death and hands over his only son (also only child) Shannan to Ayra. He desired Shannan to be protected until the coming reconstruction of Isaac. At the time, any men in the enemy's royal family, even children, were to be executed. The better case for women would be slavery, and the usual case was to be raped and murdered. Maricle of course did not want his son Shannan, nor his kawaii (in this context it doesn't suggest anything other than brotherly love) sister, to go through such a thing. He knew that if he said to take care of Shannan, his competetive sister would not be able to say no. As Maricle thought, Ayra had no choice but to take Shannan and escape the battlefield, and her country. The only thing is that at this time, the only country who have not been under the influence of the gigantic country of Grandbell was the hostile (towards Grandbell) country of Verdane. Even if she escaped to one of the countries with peaceful relations with Grandbell, if their identity was revealed it was not impossible for them to be presented as prisoners (to Grandbell). So Ayra escapes to Verdane, but her long time wandering made it difficult to even get the meal for the day, so she had no choice but to work as a mercenary for Verdane. Ayra who held a brave yet pure heart lending a hand for Kinbois' atrocities had that kind of circumstance behind it. North2's note : kawaii means cute/adorable, like a fuzzy bunny or a cute girl. If the writer was trying to express something more than brotherly love then he would probably add a little more descriptions to suggest it. So I believe it's just the big brother looking out for his cute little sister. Sorry, I missed a word there. 'At the time, IN WAR any men in the enemy's royal family, even children, were to be executed'. It's not really cruelty of Grandbell...it was just a rule of war at the time. Leaf would be executed by Thracia too if he was captured. I think Tiltyu was taken in as a slave or something by Blume. Althena is an exception =P. The Secret of Alvis and Azel SCAN When the tradegies of Shigyun's running away and Victor's death assaulted the Velthomer family at the same time, Alvis was 7 years old. There was a member of the Velthomer family who became the new leader, but he (Alvis) himself had what can be called a 'gift of Kings', and held a talent and toughness/strength which was hard to believe it could come from a child, and maintained the stature as Velthomer's leader. In fact, the person who supported him (Alvis) from the shadows was Barhara's Price Kuluto, but Alvis only learned this fact a long time later. Also, Alvis exiled all but one of his father Victor's mistresses. He ordered their children to be demoted to servants or exiled. The only mistress left was a girl who was his mother Shigyun's maid servant. Although she went through a tough childhood and wasn't beautiful, she had a kind heart and frequently took care of Alvis. Even Alvis could not be cruel towards her. Although Victor got his hands on the girl from the momentum of being drunk, when he knew the girl got pregnant he yelled, cursed, used violence, and tried to drive her away. The person who scolded at this was Shigyun, and the very child who this girl got pregnant with was in fact Azel. When Victor died, Azel was just born. Alvis hated (like truly hated) his father for making mother sad for immature thoughts. When that father commited suicide, and Shigyun ran away, a cold mask always floated around the young expression. But, he thought of that mistress and Azel as his own family. From there, the mistress was grateful for Alvis, and served him by taking care of the space around him, but she also died of disease around 10 years later. From then on, there was no sight of a woman around Alvis. North2's note : Oh I think I got it. It's the feeling of hate that makes you think 'I wish ____ didn't exist'. It doesn't mean Alvis wants to kill his father, although it doesn't rule out the possibility either. Judge for yourself from Alvis's personality. In my opinion I'd say Alvis just wanted his father to go to another country and not come back. The Secret of Blagi Tower SCAN p.1 / SCAN p.2 The holy workers before the Lopto church commonly practiced rituals of the primal religion, and in reality they had no special abilities other than that they could read and write, had knowledge in herbs, and performed basic doctoral techniques. However, one of those people, Galae, acquired the power of Lopto and came back to the country. After that, holy workers of the newly constructed Lopto church used special spellbooks and staves and was able to acquire supernatural powers. Then, they controlled the world using those powers as the background (backbone), and finally achieved in creating the Lopto Empire with Galae as the peak(leader). Then the Lopto Empire even developed an absolute caste society. Especially followers of the other religion who was in the lowest caste became the Empire's slaves, and was forced to live a life worse than poverty. On top of that, in the current situation the majority of civilians were followers of another religion because they were too poor to enter the Lopto religion, meaning they were slaves. Under this situation, the group called Maira-ha (The -ha means style/type, pretty much like how there's Sunni Islam or Protestant Christians...so you can think of them as Mairist Loptos. I'll call them Mairists from here on) was in the Lopto religion but believed in the teachings of Maira, and for that they were labeled as revolutionists or justicists. Maira, although he was a member of the emperial family, protected the civilians, and was a crusader (saint) that later on caused a rebellion and was exiled. However, the teachings of Maira was something that tried to place the Lopto god to the high ranks of the Earthen (no real translation for this, I believe its read Dokishin) gods and plotted for the gods to be harmonialized to try to lose the discrimination within the Empire, so it (the teachings of Maira) was recieving pressure and obstruction from the Lopto Empire. Although Maira was said to be the one and only good person within the Emperial inner circle, he was put in a place as a secret messiah. Blagi, who was one of the 12 holy knights, was a holy worker who received the teachings of that Mairist Lopto church. As he was about to become a sacrifice at a young age, he was saved by a Mairist bishop, and grew up in a hidden small island located in Augstria's northern area which was one of their central locations. Then, in that land Blagi took in knowledge of a bishop, and joined the liberation army at a young age. He continued to fight against the oppression of the Lopto Empire, and as one of the last 12 fighters, met the miracle at Darna fortress. Blagi, who acquired the powers of the dragon race, was idolized as the one who controls fate and life', and did myriad amounts of services during the holy war. After the Empire was destroyed, Blagi went back to his Mairist home town that saved and nurtured him. However, that land was already destroyed by the Emperial army, and what struck his eyes was the dispersed corpses of priests. Suprised and terrified, he went on to save the ruined world, and in order to release the people from the aftereffects of the Lopto Church, strived to revive the old Earthen religion. This was because it was the one and only religion for the people who are put in a place against Lopto, and the Mairist bishops were also wishing for it. At that point, Blagi constructed a new church with his homeland of Edda as the base location, and at the same time constructed a gigantic tower at the island that protected and nurtured him. In one theory, it was said to seal his own powers, but the towers goal was to mourn for the Mairist priests who saved the world from destruction, and to serve as an omen for the next generation. The omen was that the reason to build the tower was to tell them there were people in the Emperial inner circle and the Lopto church that saved the people by sacrificing their own bodies (lives), and to pay the debts owed to their heavenly souls. North2's note : The caste system is a society in India with 'levels' that people are born into. For people that may not know this (although most probably do), Maira was mentioned in the game. It was something like "Even if it is Lopto blood, the Lopto blood is that of Maira who fought for the people. Why should they be killed?'" This was in reference to the witch/devil hunt that was going on in for people that was claimed to have Lopto blood in their veins. Alvis was blackmailed by Manfloy because he would be burned at the stake if the world knew that he did have Lopto blood, and a man of that much pride would not want this. [Translations by TheEnd begin here, based on these notes from the official site] So, Blagi wanted to leave a warning to the future generations that the descendants of the Empire’s upper class citizens shouldn’t be persecuted or discriminated. Actually, Blagi wrote that himself in the altar’s stone monument, inside the tower, but somebody destroyed it later. Then, the warning was once again forgotten, and the results of such are well-known by everyone. Eventually, the people started calling that place the “Blagi Tower”, and started pilgrimages to there, as it was the place where Blagi, now a god, slept (his ashes were enshrined there). At this time, Blagi was one of the Twelve Apostles of the already organized Church of Edda, being the most worshipped god – “he who rules over life and destiny.” In this world, those called heroes are frequently elevated to the level of lower class deities after their deaths; the high-ranking gods are eternal, the ones indicated by the primal religions as the world builders. By the way, the highest god is the sky deity called Yudu (or Gran), but these gods aren’t mentioned ingame. The Twelve Apostles are the newest group among the countless gods of this world, being the most vastly worshipped ones due to their activity in the holy war. They’re called guardian deities, military gods and other aliases. The Secret of Edda Order Related to what was written before… the Church of Edda was created by the High Bishop Blagi in order to liberate the people from the Lopto Church. It’s based on the primal religion that had been present in the continent for millennia (nature worship = lots of deities). Generation after generation, those of House Edda, descendants of Blagi, have been revered in the entire continent as eminent holy workers. Heim was a holy man was well, but at the same time he was a powerful (militarily) hero who saved the world, so House Barhara was revered as the world’s rulers. This might sound quite close to the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Pope, I guess. (However, the Church of Edda doesn’t have the Roman Church’s worldly ambitions…). [Translations by TheEnd stop here] The Secret of Bridgette's Dissappearance SCAN The Tower of Blagi was a place where large amounts of wealthy people traveled for pilgrimage. The faithful and wealthy Lord Ring(ring being the name) of Yungvy was also heading towards the Tower along with his children once again. However, the ship got caught in a storm and was in danger of sinking. The calm second daughter Eden and the scared first son Andrey stayed next to Lord Ring, but the energetic first daughter Bridgette was playing inside the ship and her whereabouts were unknown. Having no choice, Lord Ring takes the two children and evacuate the ship. Afterwards, they made best efforts to find Bridgette in all directions, but she could not be found....... 10+ Years later. At Orgahill, Eden and Bridgette were finally reunited. In truth, after Lord Ring evacuated the ship, the ship did not sink but rather hijacked by the Orgahill pirates. These Orgahill pirates were one of the pirate gangs claiming the seas around the Tower of Blagi as their territory, and they are categorized as one of the honorable pirate gangs. These seas where countless pirates targetted ships on their pilgrimage to the Tower were territory of the country of Anphony. However, the morals of this country's army was lacking and they accepted bribes from the pirates in exchange for pretending not to see anything. This is where these honorable pirates came in, and they took fees from ships in exchange for securing the seaway. They defended the ship from pirates attacking with the intent to take over, and that's how they made a living. However, even though they were honorable pirates, they were also infamous for mercilessly attacking ships that would not pay fees. Bridgette, who was crying alone in the storage room at the bottom of the ship, was then picked up by the leader of the Orgahill pirates and was grown as his daughter. Luckily, the leader of this pirate gang that saved Bridgette was one of the most powerful and honorable pirates. And thus, she inherited her foster father's will and was eventually called a honorable pirate even better than her father. About Levin SCAN Next, I think I would like to ask a little more about the contents of the game. First, Levin. As for him, Levin in the first half and Levin in the second half is completely different for both gameplay and storyline. Anyways, even if Levin dies in the first half, he comes back in the second half regardless. Celice even states in the end that Levin is the warrior "Forsety of the Wind" from a distant country. At this point, it feels like Levin is Levin and not Levin at the same time. Is there anything you can comment? Realistically, Levin held a destiny where he was supposed to die, but the Dragon race--The gods that descended during the miracle at Darna Fortress was actually of the Dragon race--intervened and he was kept alive. At that time, one of the 'Gesshu'...meaning, by binding contracts that can be seen in Celtic mythology with the Dragon race, Levin is living as Levin. This means that there's no doubt that the Levin in the second half is basically the same person as Levin in the first half. However, he's given a part of himself to Forsety... And, when the Holy War ends, Forsety actually leaves, but because of 'Gesshu', Levin can't live as Levin so to speak, and cannot retain his original existence so he cannot go back to Silesia and take the crown. That is why this part is a discordance where the dragon race who had a law to not intervene with the human race did what they are usually not supposed to do--saving a person who was supposed to die. Actually, other characters who appeared in the first half are in a similar placement. This means that not everyone died, but they are also not allowed to intervene with the glorious acts of the children's generation, so they do not appear in the second half. Adding more to that, the 12 demon lords of the final chapter. Within them are people who carry the blood of the 12 holy warriors--such as Ahato, Zechs, Zhiben, basically exist in the same way as Levin. This means that they were originally skilled warriors or holy workers. The setting is that their conscience has been absorbed. This means, although it hasn't been stated, each one of them actually have a drama of their own. In the next game, people like that may appear, or may not appear, but in my image, each of them have a solid background. Interview with Shouzou Kaga SCAN p.86 SCAN p.87 SCAN p.88 SCAN p.89 SCAN p.90 SCAN p.91 Translation of p.86 : First, I would like to ask about the character illustrations that are going to be the first releases for the company...Why, this time, did you humbly decide to draw up character illustrations? Actually, originally the game called Fire Emblem---by that I mean "The Dragon of Darkness and the Sword of Light", was really never deeply thought out as a product to be sold, rather it was made on a whim as more like a doujin software with the help of 3 job-holding students (lol). So, at the time we couldn't divide our energy into graphics either. Also in that sense, there was a lot of regrets towards visuals. But, thanks to everyone "Dragon of Darkness and the Sword of Light" showed to be very popular, so for "Mystery of the Emblem", planning on strengthening the visual side, we hired a young person with experience with animators, and had him draw dot pictures and package illustrations. So, in reference to "Mystery of the Emblem" and "Geneology of Holy War", that designer put his hands on it, but unfortunately for "Geneology of Holy War", in the creation stage we didn't have the time to spare...For that reason, for me, and I'm thinking probably for him also, in terms of visuals, it didn't become a level of work that we can be fully satisfied with. Because that kind of thing occured, from "Geneology of Holy War" onward, I've always been thinking if there's any way to tell the users what our visual model was as the creators. At that time, I had the opportunity to get to know Hirota-san who is responsible for the visuals...I can still remember it now. When I saw her drawing, a bolt of electricity ran all over my body. I thought, "This is it!". From there, I had her draw illustrations as a test, and as I saw it my thoughts changed into absolutions. She gave birth to things that I can be very satisfied with. So it came to be that we will ask Hirota-san for the current "Geneology of Holy War" and also for our next work, and we are having him progress forward with the work right now. ----I See. From the beginning, "Genology of Holy War" is a game with a strong storyline. When becoming a core(hardcore) user, it seems that the images of characters in the head expands more and more. You're saying that Kaga-san as the creator also has an image for the Fire Emblem world, and the visuals for this time is definitely that. Yes, that's what it means at least for my feelings on "Genology of Holy War". Of course, for the users, these feelings are going to be different, and if all the users will feel the same way about that visuals this time is a whole different story. And, on that point, I'm not thinking that I want to force my image. Because I think that each individual's imaginations cannot be intruded. It means only that it fit my image perfectly. Also powerfully. ____________________________________________ North2's note 1 : The big letters on the left say: The illustrations this time is something that I can say with my chest held high, "The visuals that I was looking for was this". ____________________________________________ North2's note 2 : Doujin basically means like a fanwork, not an actual company. Doujin site is a fansite, doujin illustrations is fanart, etc. etc. Dot picture and package illustration is the direct translation, maybe someone with more experience in animations can shed some light on what it's supposed to be. Translation of p.87 : For example, I can also say these kinds of things. In the middle of making a game, the framework is actually already decided on, but the true completion of the scenario is actually very last. In those, I'm thinking this is the same for making movies, but if there's a good actor/actress, then the director can make something good--basically meaning that the characters come to life. It is similar to that, because if I can also recieve good characters, then my imagination can expand. That type of spreading of imagination was there during "Mystery of the Emblem", but for "Geneology of Holy War"--especially concerning the last half, as I said earlier, there wasn't enough time, and there was a lot of these thoughts that couldn't spread out. --So that means, By viewing the drawn character's expression, eyes, looks, etc., these characters start to move in Mr. Kaga's head, like wouldn't these characters move like this, think like this, and by expanding the imagination, the story spreads out more and more. Yes, that is exactly how it is. That's why that part may differ for other people. Of course, I do hold some setting and a small image, and have it drawn with that, but in my case I really carelessly ask to have drawn this many people of around that age, and that's all I say. Then, from my side the illustrations that come up become picked out for the character's looks. Meaning, there is an audition (laugh). For example, the general of the country of wherever, and this kind of placement within the game...say we decided on that kind of role. In my case, the other parts--something that can be described as the personality and view of a human, even things like living habits, are imagined by the looks of the character and the image expands. However, when the image that I first held and the image that floats up when I look at the illustration doesn't match, then I really struggle. At worst, there are times when the setting that was there in the first place can completely die. That's why just because the image went off, there are times when a character that was supposed to shine more drops to a complete sub(non-important, bench-warmer), and stating an extreme case, there are lots of characters that we won't even use or put in the game anymore. Of course, there are cases opposite to that...Jamuka for example. In the first setting, he wasn't a bowfighter, rather a crabby-legged(sqatting) axefighter, but Jamuka became very favored to me. That's why as he changed to a bowfighter, and added more and more skills, he ended up becoming that strong of of character. Basically meaning that by getting addicted, or not addicted, of course the character's importance changes, and for some instances the setting may even change too. From there, this time, answering as to why I thought that this was it when I saw Hirota-san's illustrations, when I saw her pictures, the images that I couldn't quite entirely express up until now just sprung up like an explosion. Adding to that, when asking Hirota-san, there's only very easy conversations from my side. However, she is also a "Fire Emblem" core user who holds an image of her own, and despite being drawn in that form, she comes up with exactly what I've been visualizing. Perhaps this time's illustrations of the 12 holy warriors which makes it their first appearance is another form of this. Even though aren't spoken of to the point where it can be said that they're not spoken at all, she drew it exactly like the image I held. Instinctively, I even thought that I want to make a story about the 12 holy warriors (laugh). --So, the illustrations that we are having released in this book are born in an ideal shape. At first, I was expectedly worried. However, now I am truly very relieved. That's why I am sure. Sureness in that probably for users also, although not 100%, but an overwhelming majority of them will be happy. If that was wrong, then this is just a problem with my own tastes(laugh). I'm not thinking that most people will think that this is it from the beginning. Because, for the deep playing users especially, the illustrations in the TV screen and and the illustrations shown in the cover are the only truths. Because of that, when suddenly looking at the illustrations, I think there will be reactions like "That's wrong". For example, when making "Geneology of Holy War", for the first year, I actually thought that it sort of won't be understood, or there will be more people that are dissatisfied. However, around a year later, I also had confirmation that people that is willing to understand it will understand it. As for the result, well, it was just as expected. There's even people that play it now. That's why, also in reference to this time's illustrations, as the time goes on it will be understood. Yes I'm hoping that maybe the first month won't be so clear, but within half a year it will be the norm. Adding more, for the first time the entire body's visual was released. From that influence, there's some talk within the community that there may be more people that will cosplay. But Hirota-san is definitely a woman. The clothing that she draws can actually be made. Readers that have viewed the illustrations, I'm also looking forward to cosplays (laugh).
  7. Translations of some background information about Fire Emblem : Seisen no Keifu's story. First post contains missing scripts in the latest version of the patch of the game. -------------------- The three following scripts were translated by SummerWolf, and are hosted by AceNoctali. Continent Jugdral's Chronology Ending (Characters' talking with Celice at Barhara) First Gen Lovetalks -------------------- The two following scripts were translated and are hosted by AceNoctali. Ending (Fate of each country, on the Map) : Epilogue's Edda conversation
  8. I don't think the Holy Weapons are the sole problem in FE4 (and IMVPO, I don't think they're the REAL problem either). I think the problem lies into the enemies. Seriously, have you seen their Skill sets ? Aside from a couple bosses and enemies with Class-based Skills, no enemies get Skills. Coupled with their shallow stats, no wonder that makes them cannon-fodder. Give them a few skills like Pursuit, Critical and Awareness, and you'll see they would become more threatening.
  9. AceNoctali

    Shiny Pokemon

    Two methods : * If you have Emerald, wild Corsola have a 5% chance of having it on them. A Compound Eyes Pokémon with Thief like Butterfree or Yanma is great for that task, as the ability raises the chances to 10%. Of course, you'll also have to transfer the Shards to your 4th Gen cart via Pal Park. * In Diamond / Pearl / Platinum, they are found by digging in the Underground.
  10. AceNoctali

    Shiny Pokemon

    It doesn't. I agree that it's far from being a top-tier Pokémon, and that it's the least good Eeveelution, but it's a nice Poké if you give him the right set (mentioned in my post above). What interesting Pokés do you have to offer ? But very important : the Pokés you can offer me HAVE to be legit. I insist on that point. If you don't have interesting Pokés, I can offer it to you for 16 8 Red Shards (the price for two one Move Tutors using a full 8 Red Shards price, like Superpower and Outrage). I need those in my Platinum cart. EDIT : Scratch the 16 Red Shards part, it would take too long to transfer, and I'm not sure if you have that much. Just 8 will do.
  11. On top of my head, for 2nd Gen, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one weren't too bad, for example. There's more of them, but I'm quite busy right now, thus don't have the time to search for them. And I'd like to say I don't like the attitude you have here. You could have asked it in a normal way, you know. Way to rub off people on the wrong side. :/ And to everyone else : thanks for your support ! ;)
  12. AceNoctali

    Shiny Pokemon

    It's the Shiny Salamence you received from my Giveaway, right ? Because if it's the case, I'd like to remind you it's non-redistributable. Oh crap dammit, a legit Shiny Lonely Flareon ?! Just wow. Could you tell me what are its IVs, please ? Because if they're really good, and if you could trade me a clone of it, I would be very interested. Yes, it cries for Flare Blitz. :( But Flareon works very well with a mixed set : give him a Lonely nature, a Life Orb or Expert Belt, and a set like Flamethrower or Fire Blast / Hidden Power Grass (or Quick Attack or Shadow Ball if it doesn't have it) / Return / Superpower, and watch the fireworks. :P That being said I have several Shinies in my 3rd Gen carts, and 2 Shiny Bidoofs on Diamond (one being Modest nature with Simple ability and really nice IVs), all legit and caught by chance. Here's a list of my 3rd Gen Shinies in those two posts at my LJ : HERE and HERE. Please note that the only remotely battle-useable Shiny here is Salamence, the others have crap IVs and Nature.
  13. Important note : Vincent allowed me to bump the thread. Ok, I got several new Fire Emblem goods, so I update my collection and post pics of said goods : I realize now that I already posted the FE4 Carnival Anthology Gag Comic. Oh well. The book on top right is "Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu Short comic". On bottom right, it's "Fire Emblem : Anthology Comic Series : Jugdral Tairiku Senshi" (= Annals of Continent Jugdral) And the Thracia 776 book is the one-shot FE5 manga by Shinnosuke Hino. Several Fire Emblem Guidebooks. On first row, the first two are FE6 ones (and the second has hilarious gag pictures in it, I can take a few photos of them if you're interested), and the third is the Official Nintendo FE8 Guidebook ; on second row, the first book is a FE4 guide, and the second a FE7 guide. I FINALLY found all tomes of Nea Fuyuki's FE4 manga !!! Now I just need to find Fujimori's Tome 6, and Oosawa's Tome 1 and 6, and my official Fire Emblem 4 manga collection will be complete ! ~o~ I also got the French version of Fire Emblem : Shadow Dragon, and two extra Exceed a Generation FE4 figurines (Eltshan and Tiltyu) : if you want to see them, check out this post on another thread.
  14. The story and its characters are a very important part of a RPG- (and more generally, a story-) driven game, so yes, it's important and the players can care about it.
  15. Yeah, but that was really minimal effort from IS. I know they wanted to keep as close as possible from the original, but IMO, convo-wise, that was a really bad move. They should have created a lot of new convos for characters who didn't get any in the original games, so to improve the storytelling and character development. Hey, look at Star Ocean : Second Evolution, the PSP remake of Star Ocean : The Second Story : they actually put some real effort in giving several Private Actions for Dias, who didn't get any in the original game, for example.
  16. No, because I don't have a XBox 360, and don't want to have one.
  17. I'll try, but since I have a frikkin' lot of games to play already, it won't be easy to fully concentrare myself on this one. ^^''' Kay, back with a vengeance the photos of the goodies I announced in my opening post. But since I forgot 3 games in my opening post, and got yesterday Susume ! Taisen Puzzle Dama, I'll add the photo of them first : * This Fire Emblem DS is a French version. Now I have both the Japanese and the French version of this game. * The two Tokimeki Memorial games here are Saturn versions here, thus I don't have the console, but they're both Special Editions (with goodies inside), and I found them at the ridiculous price of 105 yen each, so I swiftly took them. :P Now, on to the recently purchased game-related goodies : The Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) manga's first 3 tomes, and the Gyakuten Saiban Official Comic Anthology Game CDs. From left to right and top to bottom : * Tokimeki Memorial Vocal Best Collection 1 * Tokimeki Memorial Sound Collection 1 * Tokimeki Memorial Sound Collection 3 * Tokimeki Memorial Piano Collection * Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Volume 1 : Nijiiro no Seishun Original Drama Soundtrack * Fly Away ~ Junko Noda * Twinbee Paradise 2 Volume 2 * Twinbee Paradise 2 Volume 1 * Tough but Tender ~ Junko Noda (I added two of the 3 Junko Noda albums I bought in there, for rounding the picture and because both of them have Tokimemo songs in them - Anata ni Aete and Yuuki no Kami-sama in Fly Away, and For Yourself in Tough but Tender -.) Tokimeki Memorial Drama CDs. From left to right and top to bottom : * "Motto ! Tokimeki" January * "Motto ! Tokimeki" February * "Motto ! Tokimeki" March * "Motto ! Tokimeki" April * "Motto ! Tokimeki" May * "Motto ! Tokimeki" July * "Motto ! Tokimeki" September * "Motto ! Tokimeki" October * Drama Collection A Tokimeki Memorial 2 artbook, and the Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories : Dancing Summer Vacation official guidebook Star Ocean 2 and Star Ocean Blue Sphere comic anhologies. The first row are Star Ocean 2 anthologies, while the second are the Star Ocean Blue Sphere ones. The first SO2 anthology in the row has its cover, as well as a short story inside, drawn by Mayumi Azuma, the mangaka of the official Star Ocean : The Second Story manga. :) A few figurines I bought. I bought the Pokémon goods displayed here at Tôkyô's Pokémon Center when I visited it for the Special Eevees. ;)
  18. Fine by me Raven. Please tell me, preferably via PM (since then I'll be sure not to miss it thanks to the E-mail alert), when you'll be available and ready.
  19. There would still be blood splattered everywhere in the room, and there's no sign of it on the photos. Plus, the fact this news is only found on obscure English sites (as far as I searched, no official English news site, and no French news site AT ALL reported it : and god knows how in France the newspapers love to mention cases of defective Chinese items), is for me a flag for fake. :/
  20. I seriously question the veracity of this story. If the chair showed in that article is the one which exploded, where's the blood on it ? :/
  21. Ha, true, I forgot about the 50 Hz / 60 Hz difference. My Megadrive being a European one, Shinobi 3 played on it is at 50 Hz. Still, I somehow prefer the 50 Hz version of those songs. The slower pace help them moodier and moving.
  22. You were talking to me ? If so, for me, yes. Because she's one of my top favourite characters in that game. Again, I stress it out : what I'm saying is IMO.
  23. I'm really glad we got the good version out there in Europe. I do envy you for getting Navarre and Macedon, but sacrifing them both is a small price to pay for escaping that horrendous Caeda and getting an actually closer spelling to Sheeda's real name. (This is IMO, of course, you may, or may not agree with me, you're free to have your opinion on that matter.) I gave a thought about this one myself, but I realized it wouldn't work out, at least in the French version. In that language, Shieda sounds much like "chier", which means "to shit" in French. X_x For us French, it would rather sound like "Ka-é-da" (yeah, the same "é" sound as in "Pokémon", but QFT.
  24. Kaioshin (the young one, not the old one) is the other exception, although he fused with Kibito (who did die during the Boo saga) near the end of the manga.
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