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Everything posted by AceNoctali

  1. Symbolizes perfectly the crazyness this manga is. Fujimori Nuts' Fire Emblem : Seisen no Keifu translation project WHERE TO DOWNLOAD: You can find the scans at this page of my website, France-Fire Emblem 4. The page is in French, but you'll easily be able to spot the English scans (I always mention in the description the word "English" to help out). Reason I don't post direct links to those scans on this topic, is to save bandwidth. For this reason as well, DO NOT HOTLINK those links. WHAT THIS MANGA IS ABOUT: This manga, focusing on the game's 1st Generation, is one of the main 3 official FE4 manga telling on several tomes the game's story, along with Oosawa Mitsuki's manga, and Fuyuki Nea's manga. However, unlike the former 2 manga, Fujimori Nuts' tells the game's story in a globally humoristic atmosphere, even at some points in a parodic way. Thus, expect lots of madness in there, with notably a cosplay-loving Oifaye who has a thing for Midayle, a crazy Lachesis and her as crazy as her three lackeys, Sandima and Batou being accused of being lovers cheating behind the Queen's (tombstone) back by Jamuka, Sigurd being frequently called by the pet name "Sigulin", and lots of other hilarious situations. That being said, don't think this work is made of lulz only : as the story progresses, the author manages to draw out the most of the dramatic and emotional scenes occuring later in the 1st generation. HOW I'M WORKING ON THIS: 1) I'm the one who translates the manga, and other proficient Japanese-English speakers correct mistakes, and help me if I'm stuck on some sentences or hesitating on a translation for them. 2) Since I'm French, I translate this manga in both French and English, so that both the French and the English / International Fire Emblem Communities benefit from it. 3) For other info, please refer to the Read Me file inside each chapter. I also strongly advise reading it on each Stage, as it nearly always contains explanations for some of the jokes inside both the manga and the Omakes. 4) The Omakes, "Bonus" in Japanese, are what they mean : some personal jokes I make from the Stages for both my and your entertainement. Some may crack you up, some may be lame, it's up to your tastes. Except for a select few made by my sister Julia Rowel, all of them are made by me. PEOPLE BEHIND THIS PROJECT (AKA THANKIES TO THEM): Translation (both English and French) : AceNoctali Scans: Rayearth (Volume 1) Aquantis (Volume 2 and beyond) Scans' edition: AceNoctali (Stages 1 to 6) Julia Rowel (Stage 1 to 3) Marthur (Stage 3 - cleaning -, Stage 7 to 11 - cleaning & editing - ) Major translation corrections / Suggestions / Proofread : English version: FireLizard (until Stage 5) VincentASM (Stages 5 to 7) Marthur (starting from Stage 5) TheEnd (starting from Stage 6) NomadicTrooperGirl (starting from Stage 8) French version: Marthur Minor corrections: DarkSlime (Stage 4) Tetemakhang (Stage 4) Raintree_Leaf (Stage 4) Aquantis (Stage 4) Gunlord (Stage 6) Animeyay (Stage 11) Datenshi (Stage 11) ----------------- Latest update of the project: September, 11th 2011 : Stage 11 uploaded.
  2. If I remember the manga right, after Hiko saved Kenshin from the bandits, he said his parents were poor farmers who died from cholera. After that, he was taken captive by slave traders, where he befriended three slave girls who would take care of him like if they were their mothers, and he lost them as well during said bandit attack.
  3. No, of course he means the awesome enemy Robert you fight at the beginning of FE4's Epilogue. :P
  4. Strategy by far. And that inculdes inside all its sub-genres : Wargame, Puzzle Game, Gestion game, Tactical-RPG ; as well as any game with strategy touches. I also love plateformers, beat-them-up, and light gun games a lot. My least favourite genres are RPG and Sports. There's only a select few RPG games I like (the Mother saga, Star Ocean 2, Lunar 1 & 2, and some Tales), and as for Sports, except for very rare exceptions like Wimbledon and Ultimate Soccer, the only sub-genre I like in there is Racing games.
  5. Copy-pasta from my LiveJournal profile, with slight alterations and a better presentation : My fave video games : - Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (also known as Puyo Puyo), - Fire Emblem saga (especially FE4), - Star Ocean Second Story, - Lunar Silver Star Story, - Tokimeki Memorial (1 & 2, and their spin-offs), - Super Smash Bros Melee, - Colony Wars (1 & 2), - Ace Attorney series, - Command & Conquer (Tiberium saga), - Metal Gear Solid, - Sonic games (for Megadrive), - Pokémon, - Super Monaco GP (1 & 2), - Streets of Rage 2, - Rock'n'Roll Racing, - Road Rash 2, - Shinobi 3, - and loads of Megadrive titles (can't tell all of them, the list would go on and on forever ^^)
  6. The Acid Rain Glitch ? It occurs in those conditions : - Battling on Wi-Fi, with the Platinum player (if one is a Platinum player, and the other a Diamond/Pearl player) hosting the battle ; - KOing a fleeing Pokémon with Pursuit while weather is active. For what I've heard, it doesn't systematically occurs, but if those conditions are met, chances this glitch occurs are important.
  7. Yes, FE6 is still sold in Japan. But the problem is, it's not produced anymore, and thus is only findable in second-hand market (and I know my subject, as I DID found copies of FE6 in game shops in Tôkyô, but only used). And we all know game publishers get NO money from second-hand games, the full profitability comes to the shop for those.
  8. It would indeed be a steal, if the Ayra figurine was a standard figurine just like the others of the set, but since it's the rarest, the price is "understandable". It works the same way as rare cards in Trading Card Games. (That makes me remind of the FE4 TCG cards case - see bottom of the LiveJournal post - I had at Akiba last October. Some of the cards were really pricey.) I'm wondering myself why there's still no Volume 2. It's been a while since Volume 1, indeed. :(
  9. You mean the Acid Rain glitch ? That one is fucked indeed, but I never encountered it so far (because I use my Diamond cart for battles, Platinum only serves me for tutoring my Pokés).
  10. Aside from the Warcraft and the Starcraft series, they're also the developpers of the Lost Vikings and Rock'n'Roll Racing, two awesome games.
  11. Yes, but generally only the FE4 dancers and Reyson. I seldom use Ninian, Lalam and Tethys, but they're not as good as them.
  12. Well, recently, I found last month in a figurine shop near my home in Japan a figurine of Levin, Tiltyu, and Eltshan for 320 yen (around 3,5$) each, while in October of last year, I found a Fury one at Akihabara's Radio Kaikan building for 1200 yen (13,05$). And in the past, on FESS, one of its members sold its Ayra figurine to another member for 100$, as far as I remember. So as far as I know, these are the tag prices I know for the Exceed a Generation figurines, by keeping this in mind : those figurines aren't in regular sale anymore (as they stopped production for them), so you'll only find them in second-hand market, and for generally high prices, even more if you're searching in U.S. shops, due to their rarity. (Ah, and I forgot : as the Ayra figurine was the secret figurine of the set, and only found randomly, it's the rarest and the most precious of the Exceed a Generation collection, so that 90 to 120 $ tag price is normal).
  13. No. No need for two Ice attacks in the same moveset, better diversify its attacking possibilities with an Hidden Power (Fighting for hitting Rock and Steel, two of his bane, or Electric, for BoltBeam-like combo). And as I said, Hail is a waste of a moveslot.
  14. If you want to badly use Hail/Blizzard combo, just build a team with Abomasnow as the Hail inducer. That way, you get infinite Hail (unless your opponent changes weather) by simply making Abomasnow enter in battle, instead of both wasting a moveslot AND a turn for setting up Hail for a 8-turn time max (with Icy Rock). As for Glaceon moveset, if you plan to use it as a Choice Specs attacker, and if you have access to Platinum, you maybe can use Signal Beam as an alternative to Sleep Talk in Smogon's Choice Specs set. Be warned though, it has limited uses aside from denting Celebi a bit harder than with Ice Beam, beating Crawdaunt, Abomasnow, Ludicolo, and pure Dark-types, as Shadow Ball already takes care of Psychics, Hidden Power Fighting takes care of Rock/Dark and Ice/Dark types, and Ice Beam is WAY better against nearly all Grass-types save for those mentioned above. (And even for the Pokés more sensible to Signal Beam than Ice Beam, in the case Ice Beam is a neutral hit, Signal Beam doesn't have a wonderful advantage, as a neutral STAB Ice Beam is 142 power, while Signal Beam is 150 power).
  15. If by "canon" you mean "one of the Predestined pairs", then yes, Lakche/Johalvier is one of them (along with Shannan/Lakche, Lakche/Johan, and Lakche/Celice.)
  16. Can't be helped Doom, seeing the few people already participating and all the withdrawings. Ok, I'll PM Setsuna for arranging our battle.
  17. By any chance, are you the same Tomoyo from the Oosawa thread in GameFAQs' FE4 board ? Your effort in translating this manga is already much appreciated and admired, as it's not an easy project (16 volumes longs, and no furigana, unlike my Fujimori Nuts project and TheEnd's Hasha project). Can't wait to see your scanlations. :) As for the honorifics... I personally try to use their "equivalents" in my own translation project, per advise from a Japanese who helped me in the first chapters' translation (FireLizard) and my own Japanese teachers. But, I have to say it all depends on the work you're translating : for example, I plan in the future to make a French translation of the video game Tokimeki Memorial, and when I thought about this problem, I decided to keep the Japanese honorifics, because they are an important part of hinting your evolution in the girls' feeling about you (when they go from "friendly" status to "Tokimeki" - AKA love - status, several of the girls just drop the honorifics and name the character by his first name - or even his nickname -, or change their honorifics from -san to -kun ; and let's not forget about Shiori, the main heroine : due to the fact she's the player's childhood friend, he calls her by his first name without honorifics), and since the game is definitely Japanese culture oriented, I think I can get away with this. So, by analysing Oosawa Mitsuki's FE4 manga, by what I read (I own nearly all tomes, save for Vol. 1 & 6), I feel you mostly don't need to go with the Japanese honorifics, the English equivalents can do the job. The only real challenge will come from characters calling other chars they're close with with the affectionnate -chan honorific, as, frm my own experience, that's always a bitch to convey this in a translation without Japanese honorifics. As for the proofreading, if someone who have free time doesn't offer you already, I can help out, but don't fully rely on me, as I'm already busy working on my Fujimori Nuts' FE4 translation project (and I'm about to finish scanlating Volume 1 Stage 6, only 2 pages and the Omakes to do :P ). Again, good luck in your project ! ;)
  18. Jackie Chan personally. I prefer Jackie's comedy kung-fu over Bruce and Jet Li's serious kung-fu.
  19. Alvis. Shinon may be hilarious when drunk, but Alvis just wins storywise.
  20. Can't believe nobody mentioned Super Smash Bros. Yeah, it's outdated compared to Melee, but it's still one of the N64's strongest titles. If you're a fan of fighting games, Killer Instinct Gold is not too bad. After that, just refer to everyone else's advises, especially Celice's list (although I would scrap out the Army Men games, the Gex games and the Rugrats game off this list if it were me.)
  21. In France, "anime" (also spelled as "animé" for phonetic reasons) is used for Japanese animation, while we use the term "dessin animé" for European and U.S. cartoons. About a decade ago, when the French manga market wasn't developped (by manga market, I mean here the comics, not the animation, which was existant then and way more popular - as you indeed mentioned, Starwolf, with examples like Ulysse 31 and MCoG - , notably due to the French children TV programs Récré A2 and especially le Club Dorothée), it was used as a term incompressing both Japanese animation and Japanese paper comics (AKA manga). But nowadays, as the French manga market is now strong (to the point it's the 2nd strongest worldwide, behind Japan of course), and IMO even stronger than the anime one (who recently suffered an heavy blow with Declic Images' downfall due to copyright disputes against Toei about the famous anime Goldorak, AKA UFO Robo Grendizer) we differenciate them and use the terms "anime" and "manga" for them respectively. Tl. Dr. version : In France, nowadays : * Anime = Japanese animation, * Manga = Japanese comics, * Dessin animé = European / U.S. animation, * Bande dessinée (B.D.) = European (mostly Franco-Belgian) comics, * Comics = U.S. comics (when saying "comics", we mostly refer to the U.S. superhero comics. U.S. comics such as Calvin & Hobbes aren't referred as comics, rather as "bande dessinée").
  22. FE2 : Silk FE3 : Marissa FE4 : Claude!Fee FE6 : Clarine FE7 : Priscilla FE8 : Natasha FE9 : Can't decide between Mist and Elincia. Mist has availability, Elinicia has flying power.
  23. I think you missed Brian, among your Epilogue bosses list.
  24. I personally like to work with music I like playing in the background. That helps me motivating and concentrating. :)
  25. This will be a copy-pasta of one of my LiveJournal entries. Here's a list of my 13 first fave fictional characters, from most fave to least fave : 1 - Ashton Anchors (Star Ocean : The Second Story) 2 - Saki Nijino (Tokimeki Memorial 1 series) - She's the one on my current avi - 3 - Florina (Fire Emblem : Rekka no Ken) 4 - Kojirô Hyûga (Captain Tsubasa) 5 - Ami Kawashima (Toradora!) 6 - Kurogane (Tsubasa : Reservoir Chronicle) 7 - Reiji Mitsurugi / Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney series) 8 - Kaoru (Mujin Wakusei Survive) 9 - Shido Fuyuki (GetBackers) 10 - Azmaria Hendric (Chrno Crusade) 11 - Winry Rockbell (FullMetal Alchemist) 12 - Miroku (InuYasha) 13 - Kasumi / Misty (Pokémon) The list evolved a bit since 2-3 months ago, with Ami's entrance as I discovered Toradora!. :P
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