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Everything posted by AceNoctali

  1. Go check this topic on FESS, it has all the information I know about the English script (but, in short, Vincent worked on it, and translated the Prologue only). That being said, if you can read French, just go on the "Histoire" (= Story) section of my website (by clicking on this link), it has the full script, save from some bits of the Barhara ending convos, translated in that language. And, english translation-wise, I also did the English translation of the Jugdral Map Ending. You can find it here.
  2. established a good relationship with her recently). For that, even if I still think your attitude were blamable then, I would now put it without hesitation as an accident that will never occur again, and forgive you.

    So yeah, all of this to say I support you and encourage you continue doing such good critics as you (and Art_Dragon) did on SK and CiB's topics.

  3. your attitude for then (that being said, please correct me if I'm wrong). As I myself went on a fit of anger on a couple of opportunities in the past, when I saw something that revolted me (and subsquently regretted it after), I understand why you went berserk seeing Kilvas selling her OC works for that much money, and that quality (I myself disagree with this policy of her, despite the fact I

  4. Just a little comment to excuse myself to you. When seeing your posts at Kilvas' tpic, I thought that, even though you were doing a throughout and excellent critic of her works, you were deliberately provoking a flame war by throwing insults on the mix. Now that I saw your and Art_Dragon's excellent and courteous critics, on Canas is back and Sage Knight's topics, I think I understood

  5. t sous le coup d'un accident de parcours qui ne se reproduira pas.

    Et je suis d'accord aussi bien avec toi qu'avec Mad Frelin : peut importe le fait que j'ai établi une bonne relation avec Kilvas, je ne suis pas d'accord qu'elle fasse payer ses arts d'OC. Heureusement qu'elle m'a confirmé qu'elle ne fait pas payer ses arts de persos copyrightés, sinon c'aurait été le comble :/

  6. e pense qu'ils ont été simplement révoltés de voir que Kilvas fait payer ses arts d'OC, et que, pire, ses arts sont tellement médiocres qu'ils ne valent pas le prix qu'elle demande. Ayant moi-même eu des coups de sang par la passé que j'ai regrettés par la suite, sous cette lumière, je les comprends, et bien que leur attitude d'alors reste blâmable, je la mettrais maintenan

  7. J'ai vu les crtiques de Mad Frelin et d'Art_Dragon dans les topics de Sage Knight et de Canas is back, et je ne peux m'empêcher d'être admiratif. CA, c'est de l'excellente critique qu'ils ont fait.

    Je crois que je comprends mieux ce qui leur a pris dans le topic de Kilvas. Ce n'est pas qu'ils manquent de courtoisie, ils en ont fait preuve avec SK et CiB. J

  8. Yeah. I just hope the place won't go stricter because those 4 or 5 FESS troublemakers. I swear that situation is sad, because those 4 or 5 people are putting on shadow the fact great FESS members came here and provided useful stuff and discussions to Serenes, with their antics. T_T

  9. Indeed. But while Jamuka (and Azel as well, and Finn if you can manage to reach Briddgit fast) has the best chance after Midayle, Alec has not more chances to pair with Briddgit than several other characters, such as Adan, Noish, or Beowulf. Full chart of Briddgit's love values (first number is the number of Love points gained each turn during the 50 first turns, second number is the number of Love points the pairing starts with) : Adan 4/50 Alec 4/50 Noish 4/50 Finn 10/180 Lex 4/50 Azel 3/150 Midayle 3/100 (plus a 100 pt worth Love convo available) Deu 2/50 Jamuka 3/150 Holin 3/50 Beowulf 4/50 Levin 4/50 Claude 4/50
  10. Thank ou, that's very kind of you :)

    I'm glad to have joined Serenes Forest' forums, and regret not having done it sooner. The atmosphere here is way more serene (lol ^^) and nice here than at FESS during its last year. I'm feeling more at ease here.

  11. Ah, Aquantis ! So you are at Serenes too ! I'll jump on the opportunity then. What about the scans of volumes of Fujimori Nuts' FE4 manga ? I replied to your mail, but still waiting for your answer. As I asked you in the mail, how should we do for sending me the scans ? Website download ? Rapidshare ? Other way ?
  12. As said earlier, I value Adan's Pursuit Ring, and if on non-ranked playthroughs, his half-decent fatherhood prowess (and remember you don't have him to pay to get the Pursuit Ring for his child to inherit it, so that's a plus), higher than Diadora and her very limited uses. That being said, I never said Adan was elite (and never disregarded Diadora's staves prowess either). He's just as trash as Diadora and Hannibal. As for Hannibal, yeah that makes him the Arena easier for him, but that doesn't erase the fact he's at best outclassed, at worst useless in map battle, due to his late coming and coming at the worst timing possible due to his crappy class, his unimpressive stats, and his nemesis (enemy Mages) running amok from then. At all of this, Patty already has it or does systematically better, even if she's not an elite unit either. Plus, Sleep Sword is a tad pricey to repair, so that limits a weenie bit the amount of Gold she could have got in the Arena. A good Patty in the later stages of the game doesn't need it as much as Daisy, and thus can gain more Gold.
  13. No, that title would come to Daisy, hands down. At least Sharlow gives out the Berserk Staff and has Elite. Daisy has nothing to offer aside a little stat boost to Shannan in Chapter 7, she's utter crap in stats and skills, can't fight for shit and thus fails at her job (stealing money without getting herself killed). As for lamest character in FE4... I'm hesitating between Diadora and Hannibal. Even Adan is better than both of them, as he can at least be used as a "decent" husband for Edin (bow inheritance FTW, if you don't plan to use Midayle or Jamuka as the husband) and Tiltyu (Ambush/Wrath combo, if you don't want to use Lex or f he's already taken), and gives out the Pursuit Ring to you. Diadora is utter fail, the only thing she is useful at in the game is silencing Sandima and Clement. And Hannibal is really pointless at the time he joins, in a gen - and chapters - full of elite playable characters and enemy dark mages. I think I'd say Hannibal, in the end. At least the silence bit puts Diadora higher than him.
  14. Ack, sorry, I thought the "FFtF is dead" topic was a serious one, despite it being in FFtF. :(

    That being said, I think you were right to close it while it was still a courteous discussion.

  15. You added me as a Friend due to my post on that FFtF topic ? :p

    Thanks ! ;)

  16. Err, oops, haven't tought I was the last poster then. Could a mod erase this post please ? Thanks in advance.
  17. As much as I established a good relationship with Kilvas, I agree with you here. For example, I haven't established my Fire Emblem site for profit. All I did was for fans and for my pleasure on my spare time. If I wanted to sell my works, I would have designed my site for it from the start. And that's why I generally never comment on Art or Sprites, no matter the forum I am. I only comment on the things I'm knowledgeable in, so for giving the fairest criticism. Yeah, he inserted one insult only. But since his comment was a critic of Kilvas' work, he knew from the start the fans of her works wouldn't be pleased about it, yet he decided to throw an insult in there. He deliberately threw a lighted match in the powder magazine, while knowing the consequences. That's what I feel he did very wrong there. If he did his constructive criticism (which WAS one) normally, it would have been the eventual ones (after reading that normal criticism) who whined which would have been at fault.
  18. On FESS, quite often during its last year, unfortunately. It was becoming near suffocating, and was one of the main reasons I basically stopped posting there. And since the people responsible for this bad atmosphere went on the Ashtray, I fear the style would stay the same there, so that's why I haven't subscribed there, and went instead on Serenes (that, and also because The Ashtray isn't a Fre Emblem forum as well).
  19. Tu as loupé un sacré bazar qui s'est passé il y a quelues heures dans le topic d'art de Princess Kilvas, Marthur. C'était just wow, séreux. Il a fallu que je fasse une suggession appuyée à Kilvas pour que le topic soit fermé et que ca coupe tout le bazar, sérieux O_O

  20. If it were me on my own forum, I wouldn't have let the topic degenerate like this, to the point that it's not the moderator team, but the topic owner who lock the topic in order to cut short the shit. I would have locked the topic quickly, and give at least a warn on both MF and AD, since the policy at Serenes is clear : no insults. The mods were too soft on this one. Personnally, I am a firm believer of constructive criticism without insults. To be blunt is okay, for example I did it myself recently on PM with a member here when he show me his Poké breed IVs (to cite myself : "Don't want to offend you, but your Pokémon's IVs are average at best."). But I didn't insulted him. Mad Frelin and Art_Dragon had some good points (and clearly showed they're knowledgeable about the subject), but like Raven said, the execution was simply terrible. No wonder everyone jumped on them. We're not in FESS or the Ashtray here, they should have known better.
  21. Ok then. Kilvas it will be. :p

    BTW, have you read my PM ? :blush:

  22. Ack, haven't really read your sig before, so I just discovered you dislike being called "PK". So sorry ! T_T

    But, "Princess Kilvas" is a bit too long to write to my taste... Is there a diminutive you prefer I can call you ?

    (As for me, all my friends call me Ace, so you can call me like this as well. ^_^)

  23. Nice Pokés indeed ! And good luck on your Shiny Hunting ! ;)

  24. That's cool ! :)

    May I ask you what are the Shinies you have ? :p

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