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Posts posted by GinRei

  1. Is there a list of important paralogue in terms of items received?  I'm planning to do a fresh Maddening run (still deciding between Blue Lions and Golden Deer, was learning BL until I read this page and saw you have to rerecruit Lorenz and Lysithea so might just go GD to avoid that nonsense), and realized I missed quite a bit in my first Hard playthrough.  I read Lorenz is a top tier paralogue, and I recall the Sothis and the Flayn/Seteth ones being pretty good, but not sure about any others.

    As a further question, is there a level requirement to get someone's paralogue?  Apparently there was a Ferdinand/Bernadetta one and a Caspar/Mercedes one, but I didn't get either on my CF run.  Are they just not available in that route, or was Caspar being in single digits and Ferdinand being early/mid 10s prevent me from getting them?


  2. 3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The prevalence of cavalry most certainly didn't go down after Zanbato, Ridersbane, and Keen Litrwolf were implemented.

    Sounds like they need to start making some better refinements for them.  Something beyond small stat boosts, so it doesn't feel like they're 100% specialized units that are only to be used in AA and PvE.  They're fine in the actual games since you can switch weapons mid map, but not so much here.

  3. Been dumping my orbs into the Valentine's banner every time I hit 9 orbs hoping to get another Lyn (would feel wrong to have a single Lyn without that + when the other three have it).  Finally managed to get another.  Hopefully they don't release another Lyn for a long, LONG time so I can quarter-ass this game until then.

  4. 4 hours ago, GinRei said:

    Sniping for Lyn to finish Lyn Emblem.  Rate Up is a lie.  5-stars I rolled without getting Valentine's Lyn thus far:

    Valentine's Hector

    Soren and Hector came on sessions without a blue orb.  Will try more during lunch or after work.  I just want birthday Lyn.

    Lunch break update.  Holy crap, I FINALLY managed to summon Lyn (+Atk/-HP to boot!).  In addition to the quoted above, between then and summoning Lyn I managed to also summon:

    Another Valentine's Hector
    Valentine's Lilina
    Another Linde
    A third Valentine's Hector
    Brave Ike
    A fourth Valentine's Hector
    and then finally Valentine's Lyn

    Keep in mind, green was only selected when no blue was available, with the exception of the third Valentine's Hector who came along with Linde (pity rate was worthwhile, had only the one blue orb and a green orb, figured I'd toss 4 more orbs to see if that green would pay off).

    If it hadn't taken this much out of me to get a single copy, I'd try to get a second copy like all my other Lyns.  That will have to wait until she shows up on a Legendary banner or something though.  I'm tapped out.

  5. Sniping for Lyn to finish Lyn Emblem.  Rate Up is a lie.  5-stars I rolled without getting Valentine's Lyn thus far:

    Valentine's Hector

    Soren and Hector came on sessions without a blue orb.  Will try more during lunch or after work.  I just want birthday Lyn.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    As for Lucina, her saving Chrom in Chapter 6 seems to have massively altered the course of things according to what she says later. Since Emmeryn doesn't get assassinated, Chrom doesn't get wounded, and the Plegia War ends much faster with Emmeryn's sacrifice and Chrom being in full health. The only reason it failed to do more good was because Validar got Grima'ed back to life.

    She also tells Basilio Walhart will kill him and hence keeps him alive, which might have been needed for Robin's "fooled you!" trick on Validar later to work as well as it did. This I think is the full extent of what Lucina does with an impact besides her pre-C6 stuff.

    Now every kid not Lucina, they're all irrelevant in the story yes. Thanks to variable hair color, mothers you might never recruit (Noire) much less pair, and the fact IS wanted to let the player recruit them at their leisure.

    Again, I'm not saying she has no impact.  I'm saying she doesn't do much to reach the impact that she has.  Ie: time involvement.  This seemed to be your argument against Lyn while saying Lucina had a lot, so I was just pointing out that wasn't the case.  If I misunderstood, then my bad.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    actually has real story relevance for most of the game

    Lyn has story relevance for the first third, plus the final act.  Lucina showed up here and there (as Lyn does in Eliwood and Hector's routes), but she does not really do much until the second half (after mask is removed).  And most of what she does then is just guide the team towards Tiki (if I recall)  Granted, it's been a while since I played the game, but I don't recall her involvement actually being that much in terms of time.  Impact yes, time spent no.

    58 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    March is next month and they've already used up Easter. Unless they choose to invent new bunny costumes and rerun the Easter them again, what will they do? Maybe just a generic celebration of everything Spring sans bunnies? So Nino throwing newly sprung up flowers at people?

    It's silly to think that they won't do a season/holiday again just because they did it once before.  Do you think they won't do another summer/beach banner, a Halloween banner, a Christmas banner, or a New Years banner again?

  8. 2 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

    But, I don’t have a bonus unit in it and I’ve got a 500+ defense. May it be from a surrender? 

    Pretty sure that shouldn't be possible.  What team did you use, and did you switch teams at any point this week (ie: did you perhaps have a defense team set with a bonus unit and get a win before you switched to the current one)?

    9 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    Yeah, I'm no fan of arena either, it's just a weekly chore to get out of the way. At least it can be done in smaller sessions unlike the even-worse AA.

    I have to wonder what you do in the game if you don't like Arena.  That's like... the only thing to actually do in the game outside of rolling in the gacha.

  9. 23 hours ago, Kaoxt said:

    Do you want to have bonus units in your defense team as well? I am stuck in the same range for defense wins at around 315 even though I always have 10+ wins. Wondering what I can do different to raise score.

    Yes, having a bonus unit on defense gives you the x2 multiplier for your defense points.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Everyone already has a brave lyn, and Sigurd isnt really that great as a Sword Horse. If anything it's just Skill Inheritance imo

    But not everyone has MORE Brave Lyn.  Also, I disagree that Sigurd isn't that great.  He tanks hits, allowing you to bait enemies out of position to take them out with the rest of your horses.  And since he's red, he deals with the greens that Lyn and Reinhardt cannot (Gronnraven, Fae, Myyrh, and Brave Ike mostly).

    18 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    This is definitely untrue, but I guess it's your opinion anyway.... all these new maps. All these orbs.... all of this everything!

    While I agree it's likely not the worst FEH Channel (I'm sure there were some early ones that were meh), the new maps are normal and hard only.  You'll be able to complete them in a minute or two, likely on auto battle.  They're not made to be challenging, as they know a lot of new players generally join during anniversaries.  It's their way to try to get those new players to stick around.

    To me, it's just cementing the feeling that all this game has to offer is an orb grind for units to maybe use in the arena.

  11. 9 hours ago, Ether said:

    The smart choice is to vote for a limited seasonal character. RD Ike will rotate in on legendary banners without pity breakers, so the people that want him shouldn't have much problem getting him. A strong seasonal like SCorrin or WTharja is a much better choice if they're available. If not, well, I guess I'll enjoy feeding an Ike to someone

    What difference is there between pulling a unit you don't want from a small pool and pulling a unit you don't want from a large pool?  Your pity rate still gets broken, and you're still left without the unit you're aiming for.

  12. Wasn't too impressed with this stream.  It would have been fine if I felt the game was in a good state, but I can't help but feel like it needs so much in the way of long lasting content that "feel good" fluff like this won't cut it.  If this is their "answer" to that, then I guess I'll only be keeping the game installed until DanMachi ENG comes out and then drop it entirely.

  13. Just realized I haven't done AA yet this week.  In retrospect, I probably should have made sure to do that before Monster Hunter came out.  Guess I'll either be sneaking some battles in at work, during lunch, or in that 30 minute window between getting home from work and arena closing.

    Kind of wish DST would come back to give that extra hour on Mondays.

  14. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Wow, even with help, infernal isn't possible for me. I won't use videos because they never help. I won't ever have the exact same units and stats and skills and that means the enemy will behave differently. I even tried using a video again this time and this still happened.

    So anyone making/sharing videos, you're wasting your time, honestly. They won't help much. The effort is nice, but unfortunately, the reality is that few people will get results from them.

    You should look into the no SI/f2p videos.  No SI used, and only units that have been available without summoning.  If you don't have them, that's on you at that point.

    And no, plenty of people can get help from videos.  Do not equate your own results with that of every other player in the game.

    22 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    Finished this GHB with the ussual Brave Roy shenanigans


    Only thing to say is THIS IS EASILLY THE BEST GHB IN A WHILE

    Ridiculously fun

    While I felt it was really easy (accidentally took my Arena Offense team and beat Infernal first try), I do agree it was probably the best in a good long while.  While I beat it, I did feel like it kept me on my toes and felt like a real Fire Emblem map, rather than a cheesy gimmick fight that required specific niches to complete.

    Though it may not be fair to call it the best in a while, since outside of Oliver it's been quite a few months since Arvis.

  15. 1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Gonna roll for Myrrha just for Hone Dragons and the fact that she's voiced by Mai Kadowaki.


    For all you fate fans, that's Ilya.

    Well, if I didn't want her before (I still did), I definitely have to get her now.  You know, in case they finally decide to be reasonable and allow English text with Japanese audio.

  16. On ‎1‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 2:43 AM, Korath88 said:

    I hate how 4,876 isn't even enough to reach tier 20 now, when a few months back I could get in with 4,830+ 

    BST boosted Armours were a mistake 

    I've been using refined Lightning breath Y!Tiki and double QR+wary fighter Hector with Ninian and Fjorm on defense and its gotten me 2 victories so far. Haven't used Lyn and Rein on my defense teams in a while.

    While BST boosted Armors are definitely part of it, this week/season in particular is being exasperated by Fjorm and her blessing boost.  I know my score range has increased by around 6 points per fight on average compared to the Askr Trio.  And that's without fishing.

  17. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    From my experience (no hard numbers, experience mostly comes from the single-class rate-ups last year where Servant summons were almost exclusively of that class), it appears that rate-ups in F/GO are just a large multiplier to the pull rate (probably around 10), meaning the spook rate actually wouldn't be that different if most of the limited characters (the ones that aren't obvious event characters like the swimsuit variants, collab characters, and such) were made permanent. There simply aren't enough characters to dilute the pool enough, and even if there were, they could simply increase the rate-up multiplier to compensate since they don't publish the actual value.

    The spook rate would probably be the same, yes.  Reroll bots have tested it and the rate-up rate is generally around 70% for 5-star Servants (though the Desire Sensor decides to strike hard when you want it to the least... freaking 6 spooks while rolling Ereshkigal before accepting NP2 was as far as I'd get this time).  But anecdotally I feel like the larger the pool gets, the more I've gotten spooked.  Or maybe it's just the "high profile" units that have lower rates, as those are the ones that I got spooked on (Holmes, Ereshkigal, Jeanne Alter).

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