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Posts posted by Xenesis

  1. f6716a44bd.png

    Canto for Midale on that village in Ch1-1 displays the pathfinding for the entire map. She can only move her normal movement, but moving the cursor beyond the customary 11 tiles crashes the game.

    Edit: It's somehow broken the pathfinding display for all of my units now, and it's saved to the save file. Was fixed by restarting the chapter. Save with bug active - no$gba format.

    Edit 2: Seems it can be triggered from the other village as well. Doesn't require Canto, just visiting one of the villages will trigger it.

  2. Pi, I'm really curious. Have you always known how to hack or did you end up learning at some point along the way? I've always been following your sprite videos and everything but I find it so interesting that you've got all these h4x skillz that seemingly came out of nowhere.

    From the IRC logs, we figured it out to be about 2010-2011. He has a log of when I was explaining how a bitfield worked. :D

  3. Yeah speaking of which, I actually decided to rebrowse the entire FoD topic because I was so damn convinced it couldn't have been Pi who made FEIV, it just HAD to be Ryrumeli. And well, after a really long examination and skype discussion, I'm definitely wrong, this ain't Ryru's work. However I find it hard to believe that Pi alone did all of this, so I still think Ryru had at least something to do with development, even if it was just a helpful word here and there.

    None of us hackers really work in a vacuum. (Or we shouldn't anyway). Everyone bounces ideas off everyone.

    Regardless, Pi is an exceptionally talented (and far more motivated than I!) hacker. I don't see why he couldn't have done all of the heavy lifting himself.

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