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About Scarface

  • Birthday 10/24/1994


  • Member Title
    Say hello to the bad guy

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  2. My birthday is exactly a year before yours.


  3. ITs funny cuz its my girlfriends birthday today too Thanks for the log Gangrel, I still hate you
  4. Will any FE7 characters be making an appearance Like Oswin for example..
  5. I like to hook him up with Lalum Its funny how much Roy/Wolt votes there are
  6. Male Hero:Ignis,Luna,Astra Sol,Armsthrift (For Tyrfing and Brave sword use cause hes a little spd screwed) What a good class to with high caps I just reclasses to Merc --> Hero for skills
  7. Axe Armors and Axe Knights What can I say? I love axes
  8. This draft has finished drafting Ye olde Shadow Dragon draft #37450 EpicTurtle,MinatoArisato,Scarface,KingMalric,MJThom
  9. Ch.1: 7/7 Ch.2: 6/13 Ch.3: 7/20 Ch.4: 7/27 Ch.5: 5/32 So far so good will post stats later
  10. Oh I thought each prologue chapter had the 20 turn thing, so you group them all together?
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