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About Kaze

  • Birthday 07/20/1993


  • Member Title
    Another ninja called Kaze

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    Video games in general, reading, movies, cosplaying (though, I'm on a cosplay hiatus), I used to draw...
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Fates: Revelation

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  1. -_-||| Cynthia, you made the mistake of attacking Sumia...Maybe now you'll know not to be so damn gullible?

    1. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      If you're having trouble with Cynthia attacking Sumia, try flying her in Cynthia's attack range unarmed and preferably doubled up with Chrom and see if that works......as long as Sumia is at a high enough level to not take too much damage from her.

    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Wow, I just did that chapter not too long ago. I managed to do it the first time, but Fred got knocked out trying to protect Sumia from the archers (damn you 30% hit rate that always seems to hit!). She managed to somehow dance her way out of that arrow storm, I will never know how, and eventually Cynthia herself moved closer to attack so I could finally reach her. Wasn't too hard if you wait I guess...

    3. Kaze


      Hmm. I'll have to test either strategy and see if they work. I was close to getting Cynthia, but for some odd reason Sumia decided she would be useful for once and kill her. >.<

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