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About Kaze

  • Birthday 07/20/1993


  • Member Title
    Another ninja called Kaze

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  • Interests
    Video games in general, reading, movies, cosplaying (though, I'm on a cosplay hiatus), I used to draw...
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Fates: Revelation

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  1. >.< Lately my 3DS doesn't want to stay connected to the internet when I'm either downloading stuff from the eShop or when I'm trying to get the DLCs for Fire Emblem: Awakening. It's starting to get really annoying. DX

    1. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Do you have a steady connection? When I try downloading stuff from certain parts of my home, sometimes it likes to crap out on me if I don't do it right next to the router.

    2. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      I seem to have some trouble with getting new spotpass at times, otherwise I'm fine. That is really weird.

    3. Kaze


      Hmm. I guess it might be that I'm on the otherside of the house and the 3DS isn't getting the connection from the wireless router when I'm downloading stuff. I did notice that I didn't start having this problem until I started using the eShop...

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