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About Kaze

  • Birthday 07/20/1993


  • Member Title
    Another ninja called Kaze

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    Video games in general, reading, movies, cosplaying (though, I'm on a cosplay hiatus), I used to draw...
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Fates: Revelation

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  1. Okay. I just completed the Valm Arc of Fire Emblem: Awakening! Vaike defeated Cervantes and Tiki and Say'ri defeated Excellus and Walhart with ease. :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Don't I know it! XD Hands down one of the most emotional scenes in the game. As sad and as meaningful as Emmeryn's was, it unfortunately does not compare after the recent spotpass chapter.

    3. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      I was thinking of giving Say'ri a Superior Edge for when she faces Yen'fay with it, he will be at a disadvange^^ Or, there's always the convo Yen'fay has with Chrom. I wouldn't mind taping either one of those two, I just want to record a special Yen'fay battle convo.

    4. Kaze


      @Silver Lightning: Yeah, I was sad when I read that scene. Nearly cried, too. Lucina is a caring daughter.

      @Ace Tactician: I think Say'ri had either a Killing Edge, Levin Sword, or a Superior Edge. I can't remember, but she won against Yen'fey and wasn't hit at all.

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