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Status Replies posted by Kaze

  1. Okay. I now have all of the child characters of Fire Emblem: Awakening. I also recruitted Say'ri. Just need to level Say'ri, Gerome, Noire, and Brady to at least level 11 and I will take on Tiki's chapter.

  2. Okay. It's official. Excellus is beyond creepy...

  3. Okay! I just need to recruit Noire, Laurent, and Gerome now. Got Nah this morning. She kind of sounds like the voice actress Brina Palencia. XD

  4. going to sit down for my coding post test today, so this could take me a while. The pretest was the same way, it took me nearly a whole day to do it all.

  5. Okay! I just need to recruit Noire, Laurent, and Gerome now. Got Nah this morning. She kind of sounds like the voice actress Brina Palencia. XD

  6. Managed to get Morgan last night. Gonna try to get Yarne, Noire, and/or Nah today. Not sure when I'll get Gerome since apparently his chapter's one of the hardest to do...

  7. So how come I have had an easier time getting Kjelle and Severa when I had a hard time getting Cynthia, Brady, and Inigo despite their Paralogues happening before Severa and Kjelle?

  8. Managed to get Morgan last night. Gonna try to get Yarne, Noire, and/or Nah today. Not sure when I'll get Gerome since apparently his chapter's one of the hardest to do...

  9. I don't hate Sumia, it's just when I think of the whole Sumia/Chrom pairing, my blood boils. Why is that so? If I don't think about it, I'm fine...how strange.

  10. Managed to get Morgan last night. Gonna try to get Yarne, Noire, and/or Nah today. Not sure when I'll get Gerome since apparently his chapter's one of the hardest to do...

  11. So how come I have had an easier time getting Kjelle and Severa when I had a hard time getting Cynthia, Brady, and Inigo despite their Paralogues happening before Severa and Kjelle?

  12. Finally got Cynthia. Anna ended up getting KO'd mid-battle(thank goodness for Casual mode) and Ruger escaped. DX There goes that Large Bullion prize. >.<

  13. Finally got Cynthia. Anna ended up getting KO'd mid-battle(thank goodness for Casual mode) and Ruger escaped. DX There goes that Large Bullion prize. >.<

  14. I don't hate Sumia, it's just when I think of the whole Sumia/Chrom pairing, my blood boils. Why is that so? If I don't think about it, I'm fine...how strange.

  15. I think I have Fire Emblem: Awakening on the brain...I had a dream last night that I was playing the Paralogue chapter where you get Cynthia. XD

  16. Gotta say that I do appreciate all of the advice I get from my friends on here. :) While I am trying my best to get through this game without any help, it is nice to get some help when I'm stuck on a certain chapter.

  17. Gotta say that I do appreciate all of the advice I get from my friends on here. :) While I am trying my best to get through this game without any help, it is nice to get some help when I'm stuck on a certain chapter.

  18. -_-||| Cynthia, you made the mistake of attacking Sumia...Maybe now you'll know not to be so damn gullible?

  19. o.o So I ran into seven people at my college who were playing Fire Emblem: Awakening. Did not expect this game to be that popular. On average, I pass about 5-8 people a day who have a 3DS and seven out of eight of the people I passed had the game. o.o

  20. Darn it! DX Chrom ended up marrying Sumia. >_> Well played Nintendo...I guess it was too lofty to try and get Chrom to marry Olivia. >.<

  21. Alright. I would like more Fire Emblem: Awakening 3DS Friends, so if you want to add me, here's my friends code: 4897-7028-3652 You can either send me your friend's code via comment to this status, comment on my page, or via PM. ^_^

  22. Hopefully things will become more positive after today. Been a pretty poor day for me. :-/

  23. I have been playing Awakening for almost 3 days straight and I can already say that this is looking to be like the best Fire Emblem game ever made! I'm addicted!!!! XD

  24. Darn it! DX Chrom ended up marrying Sumia. >_> Well played Nintendo...I guess it was too lofty to try and get Chrom to marry Olivia. >.<

  25. Hmm. A lot of people name their electronics and yet I've had my Aqua 3DS since June 2012 and it still doesn't have a name. Should I name it?

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