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Status Replies posted by Kaze

  1. Okay, I got the zipper sew on my Gaius shirt. It's more visible than I wanted it to be, but due to the fact that I made the shirt a bit snug, I'll have to live with it. Just need to add the little string parts now. I need to get some leftover supplies that I didn't get last month, though. Hopefully I'll get this done by the end of May.

    1. Kaze


      Yeah. I think if I remake it, I could use a shorter zipper and then sew the top half to a zipper and the bottom half together to make it resemble Gaius' shirt more.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  2. Okay, I got the zipper sew on my Gaius shirt. It's more visible than I wanted it to be, but due to the fact that I made the shirt a bit snug, I'll have to live with it. Just need to add the little string parts now. I need to get some leftover supplies that I didn't get last month, though. Hopefully I'll get this done by the end of May.

    1. Kaze


      I might remake it entirely since the zipper I have in now is too visible and I was trying to use a small seam allowance for it. Here's a picture: http://25.media.tumblr.com/c4b0e73e5288af65e73ad49d2eac5d87/tumblr_mlznnqwrUb1rdr0hxo1_500.jpg

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  3. Okay, I got the zipper sew on my Gaius shirt. It's more visible than I wanted it to be, but due to the fact that I made the shirt a bit snug, I'll have to live with it. Just need to add the little string parts now. I need to get some leftover supplies that I didn't get last month, though. Hopefully I'll get this done by the end of May.

    1. Kaze


      Yeah. The cosplay won't be hurt by the zipper, I'll just have to remake the shirt over the summer when I have more time.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  4. Okay, I got the zipper sew on my Gaius shirt. It's more visible than I wanted it to be, but due to the fact that I made the shirt a bit snug, I'll have to live with it. Just need to add the little string parts now. I need to get some leftover supplies that I didn't get last month, though. Hopefully I'll get this done by the end of May.

    1. Kaze


      Yeah, I was going to try and get an invisible zipper at JoAnn's when I was up there to get the bulk of the fabric, but I couldn't find one when I was at the zippers, so I just went with a white zipper.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  5. Okay, I got the zipper sew on my Gaius shirt. It's more visible than I wanted it to be, but due to the fact that I made the shirt a bit snug, I'll have to live with it. Just need to add the little string parts now. I need to get some leftover supplies that I didn't get last month, though. Hopefully I'll get this done by the end of May.

    1. Kaze


      I hope so. I'm gonna be tracing the outline of my arms and hands tomorrow with my friend's help so I can get a patter set for the first layer of gloves.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  6. Okay, I got the zipper sew on my Gaius shirt. It's more visible than I wanted it to be, but due to the fact that I made the shirt a bit snug, I'll have to live with it. Just need to add the little string parts now. I need to get some leftover supplies that I didn't get last month, though. Hopefully I'll get this done by the end of May.

    1. Kaze


      I hope so...Though, I DID start the shirt back in March. XD I wanted to work on it more during March, but college prevented that from happening...

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hopefully Priam's Paralogue is released today...

  8. Got Priam an hour ago. Now that I have ALL 48 playable characters for FE: Awakening, I'm reclassing Maribelle, Cynthia, Brady, Donnel, and Henry and then leveling them up, along with Priam, before I take on Grima. May take me a while to beat the game. XD I'll probably be done by the middle of May...

    1. Kaze


      LoL. If you looked at the link I posted in the comments to this status, you'll see Frederick standing in front of a "Chrom wants you!" statue that he talks about in his first support convo with Chrom. XD

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. Got Priam an hour ago. Now that I have ALL 48 playable characters for FE: Awakening, I'm reclassing Maribelle, Cynthia, Brady, Donnel, and Henry and then leveling them up, along with Priam, before I take on Grima. May take me a while to beat the game. XD I'll probably be done by the middle of May...

    1. Kaze


      I realized why you thought you might be annoying me. ^^; I wasn't around my phone to get your text messages. ^^; And when I checked my phone, I just didn't feel like replying to any of the messages I had. XD

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Got Priam an hour ago. Now that I have ALL 48 playable characters for FE: Awakening, I'm reclassing Maribelle, Cynthia, Brady, Donnel, and Henry and then leveling them up, along with Priam, before I take on Grima. May take me a while to beat the game. XD I'll probably be done by the middle of May...

    1. Kaze


      Haha. It's fine. I just want to get the previous three DLC packs...I'm a little upset that I haven't been able to get them. I am going to try to get an eShop card here soon, though.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. Got Priam an hour ago. Now that I have ALL 48 playable characters for FE: Awakening, I'm reclassing Maribelle, Cynthia, Brady, Donnel, and Henry and then leveling them up, along with Priam, before I take on Grima. May take me a while to beat the game. XD I'll probably be done by the middle of May...

    1. Kaze


      I'm probably just gonna have Priam keep his skill set that he has right now. I might go into depth for my next playthrough for skills of the characters.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Got Priam an hour ago. Now that I have ALL 48 playable characters for FE: Awakening, I'm reclassing Maribelle, Cynthia, Brady, Donnel, and Henry and then leveling them up, along with Priam, before I take on Grima. May take me a while to beat the game. XD I'll probably be done by the middle of May...

  13. Hopefully Priam's Paralogue is released today...

  14. Due to the fact that I would only have about three weeks to work on Gaius once I'm done with the semester, I am going to be working on small parts of the cosplay during my breaks between classes.

    1. Kaze


      Yeah. I meant the bottom layer of his gloves when I said first layer. XD I do plan on making the other pieces that go over the skin-tight layer out of leather since my dad has some good leather I can use.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Due to the fact that I would only have about three weeks to work on Gaius once I'm done with the semester, I am going to be working on small parts of the cosplay during my breaks between classes.

    1. Kaze


      I almost have Gaius' shirt done. Hopefully I'll have it done by this weekend and then I'll start his headband thing and I need to figure out the pattern for his first layer of gloves.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. So...with the "Scramble" A.K.A the Bonds DLC coming to EU, does that mean it will be released here this week? I hope so, then I can get all my Harvest Scramble Convos recorded and posted before I ship out to my summer job.

  17. Not sure if you already saw this but, here is FFTF topic with the screencap of Chef Chrom in it. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=38471

  18. Next week is the week we get our final Paralogue chapter! All we have left is Priam and then I will be able to beat Fire Emblem: Awakening! XD

    1. Kaze


      Maybe so. I wonder if there would be ancestors to any of the SS characters aside from the Royal ones if they made a prequel.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  19. Watching my new Tales of the Abyss dvds. I can't believe how much I missed this series! ^_^

    1. Kaze


      I ended up having to watch the ToA anime online since I couldn't afford to buy the DvDs at the time.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Next week is the week we get our final Paralogue chapter! All we have left is Priam and then I will be able to beat Fire Emblem: Awakening! XD

    1. Kaze


      Yeah. I think it would probably get a prequel that would involve the five heroes and their fight against the demon king. I wonder which one of them would end up being the lord of the game. XD

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  21. Next week is the week we get our final Paralogue chapter! All we have left is Priam and then I will be able to beat Fire Emblem: Awakening! XD

    1. Kaze


      Yeah. It would be interesting. I also want to see another Magvellian game. It seems that Magvel is the only continent of FE that hasn't had more than one game take place on it.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  22. Next week is the week we get our final Paralogue chapter! All we have left is Priam and then I will be able to beat Fire Emblem: Awakening! XD

    1. Kaze


      Yeah. Well, since the Tellius tales are chronologically the EARLIEST tales in the FE series, I suspect if another game were to take place there and Priam as the main character, it would probably be hundreds of years after Ike and Elincia's tales.

      Also, I'm pretty sure that Anna is the mascot of the Fire Emblem series. Either her, Marth, Tiki, or the Manakete class. XD

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  23. Next week is the week we get our final Paralogue chapter! All we have left is Priam and then I will be able to beat Fire Emblem: Awakening! XD

    1. Kaze


      I kind of want to see the next Fire Emblem game take place on a close-by continent and have Anna and Priam in the game. XD -enjoys being able to use Anna-

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  24. Cosplay details that have been eating at me, is it alright to find a good pair of brown thigh high boots so I don't have to commission those also for my Female Avatar cosplay? Second, should I start searching for a wig to wear since my hair isn't long enough to wear the hairstyle I want or should I leave my hair as is? And lastly, is alright to keep wearing my glasses or should I see about moving on permanently to contacts? I'm pretty detail orientated.

    1. Kaze


      I don't see a problem with buying a pair of brown tight high boots. Most copsplayers tend to buy their shoes and work them to where they are close enough to the character's shoes as they can be. Also, in regards to the hair, which style do you want to do for the female Avatar? And when it comes to the glasses situation, a lot of cosplayers tend to wear their glasses when they walk around the con and then take them off for pictures.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  25. Something that I've been wondering about for a while now...how hard was my streetpass team? Did I go overboard in skills and weapons and make them too tough?

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